(haipo) - The Christians will hold another demonstration today against the attempts of a group of eccentric Hassidim to invade the territory of the monastery and the church inside it, for the purpose of prayer.
The protest has already started with a convoy of vehicles in the lower city and now there are traffic jams on the road from the lower city to Stella Maris.
► The protest convoy passes through the lower city
The police told Lai Pa:
The Israel Police are preparing for a protest that will take place in Haifa on Stella Maris Street today (30.7.23) starting at 16:30 p.m.
The Israel Police is prepared to maintain public order and direct traffic.
Changes will be made to the traffic arrangements and the traffic will be directed to alternative routes, in addition public transportation will be directed to alternative routes and it is recommended to be updated on these changes on the various websites.
Starting at 16:30 p.m., Stella Maris Road is expected to be blocked for those coming from the Tschernihovsky direction as well as for those coming from Hagafen Street - Baron Hirsch.
The instructions of the police officers must be obeyed.
If the mad herlands continue their weary provocations, a provocation should be organized for them where the main herland lives. The one for whom prison is the most suitable place
With another mayor, with another commissioner, with another district commander, right from the start all this delusional provocation produced by the deviant criminal Berland and the whole bunch of delusional people he controls would have been eliminated within a day. Berland is a dangerous man, and it has been proven long ago, that he will be in prison Without being able to communicate with the congregation of his righteous believers!
The residents of Haifa and especially the residents of the neighborhood are all against Berland's group of lunatics, they do not represent Judaism at all and they are not Haifa at all. The police should deal with them and as soon as possible but all these demonstrations were also blown out of proportion these are not Haifa's it was really scary .. the Christians in Haifa are not disadvantaged and on the contrary they saw the monument erected in memory of a police officer who was injured in a motorcycle accident and there is not a single monument in memory of the soldiers. The society that came to demonstrate today do not donate to the situation and vice versa. We live among ourselves really well and we must not let factors outside of Haifa interfere with the fabric of life in the city.
There is nothing more disgusting than servitude to the rabbis. Shame they should be removed by force.
Very good. The organization of the Christians deserves the expulsion of the ultra-Orthodox rioters who try to take over every good plot. May they not dare to enter Haifa's territory again...
As a person who photographs religious events in the Holy Land knows more than other journalists, the Israeli establishment has finally realized that there is a red line and that it is forbidden to play into the hands of terrorists by sending politicians from the extreme right after many terrorist incidents by Jewish terrorists, it is time to send a message and there is an international war crimes tribunal in The Hague and the Catholicos No suckers for damage done by Jewish terrorists in the past in Latron to the Dormishin Church in Jerusalem and the Church of the Bread and Fishes in the Sea of Galilee. The Ministry of Finance paid a million and a half shekels after the church's lawyers conveyed a message that the church would refer the war crimes tribunal in The Hague
Excellent. That's all it takes. good week.
As an Israeli who is so loyal to the country, and as one who represents thousands of his friends and friends on behalf of all of them, I allow myself, not only to condemn the phenomenon of poison and destruction that has existed for many years in Haifa and all over the country in connection with the attempts to take over every piece of beautiful land in our own land that does not belong to them by the religious thugs and all the extremists among them But only to our God who is so different from their God and their rabbis their rulers!
This strain of extreme religion is a national disaster for all of us and a disaster for our continued existence as a Jewish, democratic and sane country!
We must all act to separate religion from the state, because we are very close to the fall of the Third Temple and all because of those Jewish, messianic and insane sects!!!
In my humble opinion, the Christian community receives broad support from among the Jewish population, with the exception of Yohanan ben Levi and his gang.
You can't talk to the ultra-orthodox, it's better to talk to the walls, they don't think and don't answer, it's shocking to see the absolute level of opacity and the abject stupidity that is bubbling among the ultra-Orthodox public.
And they still walk around like inflated peacocks as if there is some kind of agreement that they are the rulers of the truth, when every heresy, whatever it is, relies on the a priori Jewish heresy inherent in the violation of the commandment neither to add nor to subtract
Israel police to wake up against the anarchists and the gangs
Anyone who blocks traffic - to jail immediately and confiscation of the vehicle until fines for damage are paid
Shame on the people of Israel.
Everyone should join the demonstration.
How do you allow a group of phantasms to harm a quiet community. Where are the civil rights movements?
are you normal???
All communication with them!
The mayor is with them!
The police are with them!
The Christians moved with them.
It hasn't reached the Citizen's wins yet because no one has taken anything from them yet and that's a good thing!
On the contrary, all enforcement organizations work in their own interest
And there is no hocus pocus.
So they protest on their day off and win
Well done! Teach the deranged miscreants a lesson! May they never enter Haifa.
Excellent, that's all it takes!!!