The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Moshe Bar Siman Tov, visited the Carmel Medical Center
The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Moshe Bar Siman Tov, arrived for a professional visit to Carmel Hospital. The Director General, who toured accompanied by the hospital's management, was impressed by the hospital's centers of excellence, met department managers and also addressed the issue of the planned new hospital in Kiryat Ata.
"Here in Carmel, there is a lot of work and dedication of the staff to care for patients", said CEO Bar Siman Tov at the end of the visit.
The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Moshe Bar Siman Tov, accompanied by his ministry's senior staff, arrived this week for a professional tour of Carmel Hospital.

The visit opened with an impressive presentation by the Carmel management on the hospital's centers of excellence and strengths. Dori Bjarneau, the administrative director of the hospital, presented to the CEO Carmel's technological intensification with the latest preparations for the opening of the new MRI institute in the coming days, evaluations for PET CT uptake , construction of a third catheterization room and more.
At the same time, Mr. Bejarno spoke about the plight of the difficult area in which the hospital is located and the many development challenges that lie before it.

Deputy director of the hospital Dr. Benny Raviv presented Carmel's unique DNA that combines excellence with community. Dr. Raviv emphasized Carmel's unique space for working collaboratively and within the community and the unique medical care continuum that exists in Carmel. Dr. Raviv also emphasized that Carmel Hospital provides a wide range of services to the insured of all health insurance funds while maximizing the hospital's resources for the benefit of the seriously ill. Those who need hospitalization on the one hand, and the promotion of hospital admissions for the milder patients on the other.
In addition, the scope of the hospital's activity, which increases from year to year, as well as the complexity of the activity and the variety of surgeries and operations that also regularly increase for the benefit of the entire population of the north of the country, were presented.
The hospital's deputy director, Dr. Shani Brosh, spoke about the hospital's strategic human resource, the workforce, and presented the hospital's leadership in the field of resilience with new methods while providing a response and strengthening organizational resilience in all avenues of staff.

Nursing Director Ahuva Tal updated her on the challenges of nursing in the city of Haifa, where there are only 7 nurses per XNUMX people. Ms. Tal presented a wide variety of unique and innovative projects in Carmel Nursing, such as the Academy for the Prevention of Infections, online breastfeeding counseling, making information available to the nursing staff through computer codes for scanning, and more. "Our nursing care is forward-looking, very professional, high-quality and stands out in the complex departments," said Mrs. Tal.

During his visit, the CEO referred to the issue of establishing the hospital in Kiryat Ata and noted that the issue is currently under consideration at the Ministry of Health and that there is expected to be an update on it in the coming weeks.
Later in the day, the CEO and his team visited the cardiac intensive care unit, where Dr. Bashir Karkavi, the director of the cardiology department, presented to them the strengths of Carmel's unique cardiac system, which serves as one of the hospital's leading centers of excellence. Dr. Karkavi updated the CEO and his team For carrying out innovative catheterization operations in the department, the continuity of care in the community, and a comprehensive and complete system of the department in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases at the highest level in Israel.
Following the visit, CEO Bar Siman Tov and his team met with senior department managers from the hospital and heard from them about the complex and extensive operations of the hospital and the challenges in operating in the limited area of the hospital at the moment, and also described how the hospital is a national center of excellence and learning in many areas of activity.
At the conclusion of the day, CEO Bar Siman Tov thanked the hospital management for the successful and educational visit and said, "I congratulate Carmel Hospital for the many efforts and the dedication of the staff to patient care."
The CEO's visit to Carmel was accompanied by the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sigal Liberant, director of the Department of Procedures and Standards at the Ministry of Health. Dr. Shirley Luz from the nursing management at the office, Yehuda Tzural from the budget division at the office, and assistants and advisors to the CEO Carolyn Hazan and Maya Golan.,
The Ministry of "Health" with a CEO who caused enormous damage in Corona, a CEO who told people not to leave their homes but went on trips himself, a delusional CEO for a delusional ministry with delusional ministers. 40 years - 9 ministers of finance and ministers of health guarantee that a new hospital will be built In Kiryat Ata.
We are talking about a medical kriya for Kiryat Ata, the kriyas, Sakhnin. Since then the population around the area designated for the hospital in Kiryat Ata has not doubled but tripled. A quarter of a million residents without a hospital.
What are the delusional office with this delusional CEO trying to do?
To pull the narrow blanket from one side to the other and damage a Carmel hospital that also serves over 100 residents in its vicinity, including Dalit Al-Carmel, Usfia Hoof Carmel, Atlit, Tirat Carmel Nesher and West Haifa neighborhoods (settlements and neighborhoods that will only grow and grow and an area that is expected to add 50 residents in the coming years). So what do you want to do? Leave him without a hospital. To leave him with problematic access to Bnei Zion Hospital which also serves around 100 thousand additional residents.
It is impossible to agree to the ongoing damage to all services and institutions in Haifa. While in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv hundreds of billions of shekels are being poured into light rail and public buildings, here in the Haifa metropolis they have been scrambling for 40 years to finance a hospital for an area with a quarter of a million residents who are 20-30 minutes away from a hospital. This is unacceptable.
We need to break the monopoly of training doctors in Israel, open more medical faculties, build a medical college in Kiryat without moving any other hospital to it. To stop the harm of the disconnected referents in the treasury in the Haifa metropolis.
You have to get out of indifference, stop smiling at the delegations that come to check where it is possible to eliminate and destroy and move so as not to invest.
fed up
and disconnected.
What is this madness?
To take a hospital from Haifa to Lek. Am I??????
Where is the mayor???
You will go to Jerusalem with an apology, you will knock on the tables and you will not give
to move one of the hospitals from Haifa to Ata.
Do you want a hospital in Ata????-Okay, the treasury will put its hands in its pocket and with the budget of the Ministry of Health they will build a hospital there.
Not at the expense of Haifa!!!!!!!!!!!
First they diluted the Haifa police in favor of a police station in Nesher - the disastrous results in Haifa are visible on the ground.
Now the hospital is at our expense????
Tell me - are you crazy???????
Haifa is quickly becoming a town!!!! It will be the third city in the country
Ha ha ha
everyone wake up!!!!!
Carmel Hospital, beware of those who build you a fall case, an innocent visit
I don't understand. Why is there only one hospital left, Rambam has to provide service to the residents of Haifa and the Kiryat, it is really sad that Hospital 1 has to serve a large number of residents of Haifa and the Kiryat, terrible! The service will not be easy at all even today hospitals are flooded with treatments and surgeries for a few months is the same person In the end he will get a service. Or it will be too late who will pay the price!
An important visit by the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Moshe Bar Siman Tov, to Carmel Hospital in Haifa. good week