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The prices of the Carmel tunnels will rise again on Saturday 01/07/23 • "Only in Haifa does this happen"

(haipo) - On Saturday, 01/07/23, travel prices in the Carmel tunnels will increase.
Subscribers will pay 10.03 NIS for each of the two parts of the tunnel, and non-subscribers will pay 10.99 NIS for each part of the tunnel. That means that crossing the Carmel tunnel from one side to the other will cost about NIS 20.

The previous price increase was for 3 months only, on 01/04/23, when the price for each of the parts rose to NIS 9.90 for a subscription vehicle and NIS 10.84 for a non-subscription vehicle. Now, for the first time, the price of traveling in one section of the tunnels will cost more than 10 NIS even for a subscription car.

The Carmel tunnels - the western entrance (photo - Yaron Karmi)
The Carmel tunnels - the western entrance (photo - Yaron Karmi)

Ruti Benin: "Those who travel to work and back every day will have close to NIS 1,000 left at the end of the month"

Ruthi Benin - leader of the Carmel Tunnels tariff protest (Photo: Yaron Karmi)
Ruthie Benin (Photo: Yaron Karmi)

Ruti Benin, leader of the Carmel Tunnels protest:
"As the leader of the Carmel Tunnels protest, I was surprised to hear that the prices are going to go up on Saturday. The price for the entire section will go up about 11 NIS, so the entire road will cost 20 NIS and those who travel there every day will leave Carmelton close to 1,000 NIS at the end of the month.

We think that the Israeli government should nationalize the tunnels and release them to the general public. Currently there is a small difference between subscribers and non-subscribers. It's about to end soon. Subscribers will start paying the price of non-subscribers at the end of 2024, and even now the gap is small. In the past, the gap was much more significant, and subscribers paid much less than full subscribers."

Young woman Nachmias: "It's robbery and robbery"

Young woman Nachmias (photo: private album)
Young woman Nachmias (photo: private album)

Young woman Nachmias, one of the leaders of the Carmel Tunnels protest:
"This is robbery and extortion! In Jerusalem you travel in longer tunnels for free. I live only on National Insurance, I am 100% disabled. The tunnel opening is very close to my house in West Kiryat Haim and it is impossible for each side, as of 01/07/23, to pay 11 NIS.

If the tunnels were opened to everyone, it would also free the city from vehicles and heavy traffic. It's just crazy.

It doesn't end, they keep raising and raising the prices and we need to put an end to it. Some people boycott the tunnels, but if I need to get to Carmel Hospital, the tunnels allow me to get to the center of Horeb in three minutes, and I don't have to go through the whole city. It's time for someone to put an end to this robbery and robbery."

Mayoral candidate Yaakov Borovsky: "The contempt for the residents of Haifa will end on November 1st"

Jacob Borovsky

The candidate for mayor, attorney Yaakov Borovski, claims that the price that a resident of Haifa has to pay, when he travels through the Carmel tunnels, indicates disdain for the city's residents.

"The government of Israel and the former mayor of Haifa Yona Yahav signed an agreement that imposes a toll road on the residents of Haifa because they knew that in Haifa the residents of the city can be disrespected. The expression of the disdain is that instead of the state cutting the tunnel for the benefit of the residents of Haifa as it should and tunneling the train, it will raise another floor and transfer the busy roads into a tunnel, they decided to save the rest of the country's residents a budget at the expense of the Haifa public.

There is no greater audacity today than to raise the prices, which are still very expensive, especially in light of the fact that tunnels were opened in Jerusalem last year and no one dared to impose a toll on the residents of Jerusalem for using the tunnels.

This disdain ends on November 2023, XNUMX.
Haifa will put the Ministry of Transportation and the government on the fact that the citizens of Haifa are not the backyard of the state. The fact that to this day there is not a single minister who speaks Haifa in the government and there are very few Knesset members who represent Haifa, this indicates that this disdain is planned.

The mayor of Haifa and everyone in office in Haifa should stand up and say that instead of raising prices, they should be reduced to a nominal price. And if the franchisee has a budget problem, he should contact the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Transportation, and let the state pay."

Avihu Han: "As soon as I am elected mayor, I will make sure that travel in the tunnels for the residents of the city will be free"

Avihu Han (photo: Haifa's Greens)
Avihu Han (photo: Haifa's Greens)

The mayoral candidate and chairman of the Green faction, Avihu Han, believes that charging city residents for traveling through the tunnels shows disdain for the residents.

"I think it is first-rate insolence that the Israeli government allows the hands of the residents of Haifa to go into their pockets. The tunnels are within the urban area of ​​Haifa and we are not supposed to pay a single shekel for traveling through the tunnels.

The government knew very well, when it built tunnels in Jerusalem on the Begin road, not to charge the residents of the State of Israel. All travel on these roads is free. The government treats us like the periphery and feels that the mayors in this city for the last 20 years are enabling this failure.

I intend, as soon as I am elected mayor, to sit down with officials in the Knesset and government officials and use my good connections, as chief of staff of Benny Gantz in Haifa, to reach a solution that the residents of the city will not pay for traveling through the Carmel tunnels, and this is a commitment."

Mayoral candidate David Etzioni: "Yahv, where have you been for the past 15 years? Why didn't you fight for the residents of Haifa then?"

David Etzioni (Photo: Micah Brickman)
David Etzioni (Photo: Micah Brickman)

Mayoral candidate David Etzioni claims that paying residents for traveling in tunnels or on the road in their city can only be seen in Haifa.

"Haifa is the only city in the State of Israel that has an urban road, for which the city's residents pay money.
Because there was a mayor here who did not lead struggles.

I was in the Ministry of Finance when the Carmel tunnels were built. There is a mayor who is willing to put a road in the middle of the city and collect money from the residents and he succeeded. Then they came and said, we will do it, we have a method in hand, let's do it also on highway 22 bypassing Kiryat, they encountered Yaakov Peretz, Shmuel Siso, Haim Tzuri, Eli Dukorski, these are the mayors of the Kiryat, they went out to fight, of course they won.

Since then there have been many tunnels in the State of Israel, Jerusalem has several. How much do the residents of Jerusalem pay for the tunnels? do not pay No one pays money except Haifa. Yahav, where have you been for the past 15 years? Why didn't you fight for the residents of Haifa then?"

Mayoral candidate Yona Yahav: Within a year the Carmel tunnels will be open for free travel to Haifa residents

Former Mayor Yona Yahav (Photo: Elad Malka)
Former Mayor Yona Yahav (Photo: Elad Malka)

Mayoral candidate Yona Yahav promises that Haifa drivers will be able to travel freely in the Carmel tunnels, without the need to pay as is customary today.

Yahav said these things following the announcement that the Carmelton Company, the franchisee that operates the Carmel tunnels, will raise the prices for the use of the private road.

Yahav Lahi here:
"There is no reason why the Carmel tunnel road should not be an open road for the residents of Haifa. I intend to conduct negotiations with the state to purchase the road and reach a joint agreement with the government within 12 months. In my estimation, with serious and intensive negotiations, an agreement can be reached within a year between the state and the operator that will turn the The Carmel Tunnels Road to a free road for Haifa residents, without the need to pay a toll"

Attorney Sharit Golan, member of the city council and candidate for mayor of the city, told Lahi Fe: "Traveling has become a privilege for the rich"

Attorney Sharit Golan - Chairman of the Association of Cities for the Protection of the Environment of the Haifa Bay (photo: personal album)

Attorney Sharit Golan: The amount of travel in the Carmel tunnels doubled within a decade and travel became a privilege for the rich. This is the only urban road in the country for which residents are charged a fee. That is why I have been demanding for five years that the State of Israel does not wait until the end of the contract in 2042 and work to cancel it in exchange for compensation for the construction and alternatively work for the travel to be free with state subsidies for the residents of Haifa Bay.

In the past, options were examined and the prices of the tunnels were frozen for a while, but unfortunately the ministers have changed, and in practice the prices are increasing beyond recognition (and all this according to the agreement signed between the state and Carmelton in 1997, an agreement for 31 years).

The tunnels were opened in November 2010, meaning that the agreement is until 2041.
Haifa has been suffering for many years from air pollution, deprivation and extensive neglect. both from the petrochemical plants and in the infrastructures and is a main artery for the upper and lower Galilee. The move will help route traffic to the tunnels and reduce air pollution and traffic jams on the city's underground roads in particular, and the rest of Haifa's congested roads, thus contributing to strengthening the city and its prosperity. To this end, it is important that the ride in the Carmel tunnels be free or at a cost of a few shekels that will be worthwhile for every pocket, until a solution is found.

Recently, the residents of Jerusalem were awarded a significant tunnel road with ease for the residents. It was clear to the state that it would budget for the construction of the tunnels and not through an external operator who would operate in exchange for a monetary collection. This is why I demand equality, especially since it is about tunnels that serve a metropolis of 800,000 inhabitants.

I intend to renew our appeal further to the discussion in which we participated in the economy committee in the Knesset, and to demand that the minister of transportation conduct a comprehensive examination of our requests.

The Carmel Tunnels: "The rates are set and updated according to an agreement signed between the state and the Carmelton company"

The Carmel Tunnels informed Lahi Fa in response that since their establishment, the Carmel Tunnels have been a major transportation artery in the Haifa metropolis and those who use them save a lot of time, fuel, and as a result - money.

"The transit rates in the Carmel tunnels are not set arbitrarily. The rates are set and updated according to an agreement signed between the state and the Carmelton company and are linked to the consumer price index."

contact: At watsapBy email

Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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33 תגובות

  1. I do not believe any statement of candidate Gal
    Because a contract between a private company and the government no mayor can violate.
    The candidates know this very well, they make promises to everyone.
    And if that's the case, aren't we talking about crooks here?

  2. The only one who shouted that she fought and is still fighting even before they signed the contract is Sharit Golan Steinberg, for whom everything is backed by facts, in-depth knowledge, checking all assumptions and proven actions. With her you will always hear the truth in the field. She is also the only one of all who contributed people to the struggle and came to the demonstrations. I suggest everyone to connect to Sarit. She is our hope for the city and the region. She knows what she's talking about. The others grab a ride and headlines and make empty promises. No one will fight and succeed better than Serit

  3. The management of the Carmel tunnels will never be resilient. I hope that a new City Cash will be raised. One of the first things that will be done is the cancellation of travel fees for the residents of Haifa.

  4. Yahav is a liar. He did nothing and half nothing even when he was against it. Now he scatters election promises that can be written on the ice

  5. Highway 6, which is one big traffic jam most of the day, 50 NIS each trip from side to side, should be nationalized!!! And the Carmel tunnels. In Haifa, the residents are silent - we learned that if protesters close the tunnel and don't continue to pay like friars, someone above might do something.

  6. And this is what is called 'highway robbers'... when there is no regulation that intervenes for the sake of the citizen, this is the sad result, on the contrary, they share in the loot.
    Confiscate the tunnels! A strike of a few days and they come to their senses, come on Haifa drivers!

  7. A country of bloodsuckers, all before elections Peka Peka does not believe in politicians and mayors during elections. The city of Haifa is going backwards

  8. All the public representatives as usual are just fooling themselves to know without referring to the facts on the ground
    The co-payment for the construction of the tunnels came out of private pockets in exchange for a long-term lease that would allow the return of the investment at least. This implies that any intervention in pricing must be backed by a budgetary source from the municipality or the state. Funding free travel for the residents of Haifa does not seem to me to be the priority of Miri Regev or Smotritz, so most of the statements
    They are throwing sand in the eyes of the residents.

  9. There is an article about the Carmel tunnels that engage the Haifaites and then all the candidates all recognize electoral potential and make promises. Why don't I believe them? Yona Yahav where have you been so far? Now that you want our votes have you woken up?

  10. If Carzelton is a monopoly, is there no way to initiate an inspection by the competition authority?

  11. Yahav signed an illogical agreement and now scatters promises before

  12. At the entrance to Haifa there is an electronic sign that says "the passage through the city 25 minutes through the tunnels 10 minutes."
    As a resident of Kiryat, I arrive home through the city on Saturday in 25 minutes driving slowly!!!!

  13. This is theft, something needs to be done about it, there can't be a seven to eight minute segment that will cost ten shekels

  14. Until the payment is at least cut in half to 5 NIS with not for nothing for the residents of Haifa not to travel in the tunnels and this includes the employees of the dead complex who no longer travel, blocking the city's six

  15. All residents of the country deserve free travel in the tunnels. What is this daylight robbery?

  16. The municipality of Haifa is currently busy deciding how much to raise the property tax next month

  17. Don't drive too far, they will lower it to 3 NIS not to drive in the Mario tunnels

  18. First of all, the tunnels are both a luxury and a private project. So like in Europe - exemplary countries, they all pay for the tunnels and highways. . So also in Israel.
    Of course, those who have a problem with this can travel by alternative routes.
    It is not mandatory to drive on Route 6 and the Carmel tunnels.
    In addition, this is an egalitarian democratic country (until King Bibi puts things in order here) and if they raise prices every Monday and Thursday in everything in the country, then they will also raise the tunnels. Why not them?
    PS 1: These 20 or 21 shekels seem to me to be worth the replacement which costs almost the same in terms of fuel, car wear and tear, time, risk of an accident, risk to the traffic police, and more. Mainly the peace of mind of zero traffic jams, and traffic lights.
    PS 2: I travel for free because my mother pays me for the tunnels, so I personally don't really care (and I'm 39 haha)

  19. A huge one!!? You have to go out into the streets every day... there is already some kind of solution to make it easier for the residents, and a high amount has been charged for this as well.
    No free meals….
    Do not rest or keep quiet. It's out of our pocket.
    There has not been a demonstration in the past in the country that she did not carry. results

  20. Confiscate the tunnels and drive slowly cause traffic disruptions inside the tunnels, pig concessionaires exactly the same concessionaire of Route 6 which is full of traffic jams and standing still but collection of multiple money takes place

  21. Michal, if drivers are suckers, who will pay, the injustice of the fare we justify the kilometer we travel, that's why I, after my first trip when they opened the tunnels for the first time, have not passed through them since then, driving on the Jaffa road towards the south, even if I pay a liter of gas more, even on the road 6 I don't pass, but if drivers want to finance the tunnels and toll roads, which they financed, the administrations don't name the drivers, there is no point in fighting them. There are other alternatives. even if they are not cheaper. I will not finance salaries for the management people, who sit at the end of the day and laugh at the drivers.

  22. Ruthi Benin, the leader of the fight to abolish the toll in the Carmel tunnels, came up with the idea of ​​nationalizing the tunnels by the state and very quickly the candidates for mayor of the city jumped on this idea while scattering empty promises without receipts with Yona Yahav at the head.
    How much hypocrisy is required from a person who could have acted but did not act.
    How much hypocrisy is required from a person who invented, developed and nurtured the destruction of the Carmel under the auspices of the lying and cheating industry that originated in TMA 38 on the basis of the false statements of the city engineer and with the backing of the city engineer.

  23. I don't believe any of them. Promises before elections are not binding on any of them. We learned it over and over again.

  24. It's already excessive, it's really robbery from the residents in broad daylight, it doesn't make sense these amounts that we have to leave at the end of each month, the passage through these tunnels must already be subsidized

  25. Can't believe Lihav, where was he on his shift when this gap started? Yahav, stay at home, you are not worthy to return to manage the city!

  26. Can't believe Lihav, where was he on his shift when this gap started? Yahav, stay at home, you are not worthy to return to manage the city!

  27. Why in Haifa did its mayors not make sure that its residents could enjoy all its treasures. Parking on the beaches. Entrance to the zoo, and the Carmel tunnels. why? Because in Kiryat Yam the mayor initiated free parking on their beach for all its residents. At the Motzkin Zoo, entry is free to all Motzkin residents. . Why can't we enjoy everything we have. This is certainly how it will be done in other cities. The time has come for Haifa to start taking care of its residents, it should be natural and not make statements that we will receive benefits. Shame!

    • Parking on the beaches? There are about 9000 parking spaces from Hacht Park at the Ascension Gate to the student beach.
      how do i know I was an operator during the works both in the past and now

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