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The police are worried: "The faulty security camera system in the city of Haifa makes it difficult to decipher crimes"

(haipo) - Many security cameras in Haifa are malfunctioning and do not work, which makes it difficult for the police to decipher and investigate events that occur in the city.

Police car (Photo: Sharon Label)

As you may remember, the city of Haifa is equipped with security cameras as part of the "City without violence" program, which was launched in 2010, a program led by the Ministry of Internal Security to combat violence in local authorities.

The plan focuses on five key areas of activity that operate at the municipal level, one of which is enforcement actions which include, among other things, an urban enforcement forum, cameras in hot areas prone to violence and crime and mobility of integrated policing and patrols by parental patrols.

A large part of the cameras in the city of Haifa do not work at all

The fact that there is no longer integrated policing in Haifa, since Kalish's first year in office - we all know.
But a senior official in the police told Lahi Fe that the very fact that most of the cameras in the city are not working makes it difficult for them to decipher and get to the truth about many events that take place in the city: "The cameras are only placed as a deterrent but they do not work," he says, adding that an urban policing unit must be established in the city of Haifa like all cities in Israel

The urban enforcement system (urban policing) is an integrated force that includes policing forces and urban supervision whose goal is to deter, prevent and enforce crimes in the areas of quality of life, violence and anti-social behavior. The head of the authority is the one who leads the system and determines the municipal policy and order of priority in coordination with the police.

The security cameras - a serious omission

It is important to note that as far as the security camera system is concerned, this is a serious failure, since most of the city's residents feel that they have lost their sense of security and often the residents feel frustrated, disappointed, and discouraged by the work of the police, especially after the cases are closed due to failure to identify or apprehend a suspect.

Some of the failures in locating the suspects originate from the fact that the municipal cameras are faulty and did not record the same event. If the cameras were working, it would undoubtedly make it easier for the police to find the truth. We will not place the blame only on the non-working of the cameras, as there is much to improve and correct in the work of the police, both at the national and local levels.

Security cameras on the beaches of Haifa (Photo: Reuven Cohen, spokeswoman for Haifa Municipality)

Yair Zilberman warned back in March 2023

As I recall, last March (2023), the Chief of Operations at the Haifa Municipality, Ohad Dorfman, and the VP of Technologies and Information Systems Shushi Labi, submitted a request for the approval of an urgent initial budget to the Finance Committee, the purpose of which is to start the project of organizing and securing a network of cameras in the amount of one million shekels. This is because a camera system The security in the city does not operate operationally as required.

This request was a follow-up to the letter sent by the director of the Security and Emergency Services Department in the Haifa Municipality, Yair Zilberman, in which he warned that the city's security camera system is not working as required. Zilberman also reported that according to the records in his possession, from 2/3/23, 38% of the cameras (180 in number) did not broadcast and on 3/3/23 41% of the cameras (191 in number) did not broadcast.

Since then, more than three months have passed and no update has been received from the Haifa municipality regarding the number of cameras that are working and not working. The official in charge of the matter stated to Hai Pa that the budget is intended for the repair of the malfunctioning cameras, but not for adding cameras, and his words indicate that this has not yet been done.

The municipality of Haifa is proud and presents in various announcements the "smart city", where there are cameras on main roads, at intersections, in public parks and on the beaches with the aim of preventing and documenting unusual events.

Last April, the municipality even boasted about installing new cameras around the new residential buildings on Mike Brant Street in Kiryat Eliezer and along the boardwalk to strengthen the residents' sense of security. Cameras that, as mentioned, join the existing camera system, which includes hundreds of security cameras deployed throughout the city and together create a documentary sequence
Everything is good and beautiful and important, just forget that a large part of the cameras don't work at all...

The Haifa municipality refused to comment on the article

contact: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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22 תגובות

  1. Really a shame... a special budget should be set aside immediately to replace all the cameras and thus increase the grip and control of the street cats and other city residents to tighten supervision and control including zoom cameras to supervise the cockroaches, ants and jokers that disturb the rest of the mice and keepers, for the sake of increasing the profits of the corporations and the camera companies The centralized and, of course, the banks at the expense of the small and impudent poor

  2. There is no one to trust!
    Every time we discover anew that the residents of Haifa are nothing more than a cash cow!!!!
    Where does the milk go????

  3. Even though we sent the police a photocopy, they did nothing with it. They are level lazy. Sitting in offices drinking coffee.
    What is a manual speed camera under the Allenby Bridge. Let them make speed cameras from Dolphin to the bridge, this is an area where people pass.
    There are no pedestrians near the Allenby Bridge, there is only a shaded area for police officers who will not suffer from the sun or the rain.

  4. Good morning, if the cameras are only for decoration, surely they don't actually help, how will the crimes in Haifa be dealt with? No evidence, no certainty. So simple. Recently again at least 2 bugs a week, in the evening and night, with a time difference between them, in Wolfstan 4 Klar 15, right on the square, and the entrance to Kabbir. wakes up a lot of neighbors in the place. By the time I manage to cut and reach the window, they were already there. Needs treatment, surely cameras in place will help in identification. Either they come from Kabbir, or they go down. I noticed that. Sa both motorcycle and cars. for your care.

  5. The worst thing is the stench, Hadar all stinks with the smell of urine, it is no longer possible to walk on Herzl or Halutz Street. Just like in the Middle Ages.

  6. What is this nonsense of the police, now the cameras are to blame, the truth is it is better for citizens to direct their complaints to the cameras, at least they would know in advance and would not expect to receive a residence permit or to carry out an operation.
    Our police are even worse than a non-working camera and those who understand will understand

  7. and the disbanding of the municipal security patrol, are two additional omissions signed by Klish, as a continuation of the postponement of the plan to install security cameras. Is there something in this city that Klish, in her lack of understanding and recklessness, did not destroy?

    • It is part of a state plan/policy and on a global scale in all countries. (By the way, this is also part of the Zionist plan)
      Stop throwing clichés, neither for her nor against her, everyone who sits in the chair will act accordingly

  8. In February 2019, about four months after Einat Kalish won the elections and became an inexperienced, detached and arrogant mayor, the city administration led by her rejected a plan to install security cameras throughout Haifa. The plan formulated during Yona Yahav's time, and budgeted at two million shekels, was not approved by the new city administration headed by Tzuk and Klish, despite the support of many parties in the plan, including the head of the municipal security committee at the time, Eli Landau, the public representative on the committee, Itamar Chizik, and the operations officer at the Zebulon station Counselor Shahar Vardi. The head of the municipality's operations and infrastructure development department, David Luria, told the committee that the plan for 2019 was budgeted at two million shekels, but was not approved by the new city management. The members of the committee criticized the decision not to approve the budget, and the chairman of the committee Eli Landau said that he intends to demand from Mayor Einat Kalish a special budget for the installation of the cameras in the city. The Director of the Security and Emergency Services Division, Yair Zilberman, who discussed the elements of increasing the sense of personal security in the neighborhoods, noted in his remarks the importance of the cameras, including the thickening of the camera network already placed in the city with dummy cameras, the necessity of multiple cameras with video analysis capability, and the need to add mobile cameras to help to close the security circle. The public representative on the committee Itamar Chizik referred to the urgent need to install more cameras: "In general, the sense of security of the residents is poor. Other large cities in Israel are networked with many cameras, but in Haifa the number of cameras is very low." Chizik said that the meeting discussed the need for 600 more cameras: "The personal security situation of the residents of Haifa is not good. Every day there are break-ins and thefts from the residents' homes in the city, and the police stand helpless." K. Shahar Vardi said at the committee meeting that he is in favor of adding cameras as a response to thwarting, deterring and deciphering criminal cases. The Haifa Municipality's response to the postponement of the program has not been received to date. And suddenly now, about four years after that unfortunate decision, and about four months before the upcoming elections for the local authorities, when a situation Personal safety on the streets of Haifa is at an all-time low, the city administration is waking up. Sorry, cliff and cliché. Too late. You have wasted all the trust and credit you received from the residents. The Haifa public is on your side. The correction will be made by those who come after you, who may be more suitable and worthy than you. You have failed and let them down. Go home.

  9. What cameras and what pots. Let's see some joke cameras on the Louis Promenade. Brats ride motorbikes on the boardwalk getting drunk and partying. And then they race all over Carmel and make noise. Tired of the handlessness of the municipality and the police, what poor citizens we are, we pay property taxes and taxes and get nothing in return.

    • There are dozens of cases where you are right and you don't need cameras and the police are not functioning
      But the Haifa municipality is also to blame. It was forbidden to cancel the city patrol. And inspectors had to be placed not only to hand out parking fines but to document hazards, vandalism and catch these people with the police. The problem is also the courts - those who demonstrate against reform are actually demonstrating in favor of the continued rampage of crime and the damage to the quality of life.
      It is ridiculous to see yesterday's demonstrations about the situation in Arab society which is a direct product of the combined prosecutions and plea deals that turned enforcement into a joke and the police who arrest - and immediately release toothless in the eyes of the criminals.

  10. Gentlemen, understand: the municipality abandons our lives and instead of strengthening the police, and demanding that they act, there is no management in the municipality and no landlord.
    We need a committee called in Haifa.
    There should be huge demonstrations to cancel elections and to appoint a two-year committee called to put order in the Haifa municipality.
    The money from development goes to celebrations with huge salaries for senior executives, hotel upgrades and huge pensions.
    The mayors are not able to take control of the situation and that is why in the report of the Ministry of the Interior Haifa is last in proper administration among all Israeli cities.
    Last!!!! 23 out of 100 with all the surrounding cities above 80.
    It is impossible to continue like this, the business simply does not function and no mayor will be able to succeed in such a situation.
    The budgets that are required for the development of the city in all areas, including cameras, go to the senior salary sections and the budgetary pension celebrations.

  11. There are no cameras that work as required, no proper roads, no effective urban policing, very picky parking enforcement, no cleanliness throughout the city, vegetation encroaching on the sidewalks and roads, hidden crossings, faded road signs, incorrectly placed road signs, a water sports center in Bat Galim not yet ready and more Quite a few failures in all areas.
    In a few months you return home cliché - you've destroyed enough.

    • Hundreds of millions of shekels that are supposed to go to the development budget are donated to the inflated salary budget of 400 senior officials of the municipality and are registered as if it is "development". The number of senior officials in the municipality has doubled in ten years.
      There is no such thing in any municipality in Israel, that's why Haifa came last in the Ministry of Interior's proper administration report.
      The bluff was exposed - back in the time of Yahav and Jackie Wakim, huge loans were taken out to meet the inflated salary celebrations.
      Now they are already taking the money from the development budgets. And when development is needed, they take more loans or wait for crumbs from the government offices.
      Haifa owes a called committee.
      It should be chaired by an experienced CPA, and next to him a new external city engineer and an experienced municipal CEO (not discouraged by a lack of experience in the field)

  12. The municipality of Haifa and its leader - one big shame! unable to do anything properly.
    Talks and plans are like sand, but in the test of the result - the municipality on each wing and standing at its head - failed.

  13. The main thing is that the municipal administration goes on high-profile patrols to catch criminals. Just a joke.

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