Urban renewal occurs when the city is led by leaders who understand and act with full force, with the understanding that adequate and safe housing is (in my estimation) 80% - 90% of the resident's satisfaction with the city in which he lives and his life in general.
In our crowded world there are only two ways to create housing for the growing population:
The first option is to continue to devour open spaces and build neighborhoods on them.
This is an option that many residents do not want, because it harms the residents' access to green areas. In Haifa this has been the default for many years - Givat Zemar, Givat Aizim (Ramat Goral), Lincoln Slopes, Green Dania, Naot Peres, Ramat Hanasi and more... These are wasteland or green areas, some wooded, some of which have already fallen victim to this controversial thinking And some of them are in planning processes that will harm the public interest in the future.
The second option is to take down old buildings and build a new construction in their place, to a height.
Construction that creates an alternative that does not harm the green areas and brings with it a variety of housing solutions with updated standards. About that later in the article.
Immigrant housing in Haifa
A large part of the buildings in the city of Haifa are buildings that were built as immigrant housing, hastily in the 50s, 60s, 70s, to house the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who arrived in the young country.
Most of the construction is of very low standards:
No elevator.
No parking.
without MMD.
No earthquake resistance.
With steel piping that today is already rusted and crumbling.
With dangerous electrical systems by the standards of the 60s.
In the best case there is a neglected shelter on the basement floor and in some buildings there is no shelter either.
A large part of the people who bought these apartments, when they were new, have already passed away and those who bought and stayed to live in these apartments are sometimes elderly and some have limited mobility.
I personally know many Haifaites who live in these apartments and I will give some real examples anonymously:
- That. She is an elderly amputee widow who lives on the second floor without an elevator - She has to go down from the house to the street floor with a special bed, while inviting MDA personnel, because her wheelchair does not fit through the door and there is no elevator anyway. She leaves the house once every few years, if at all.
- To. He is an elderly man, a holocaust survivor, who was abused by the damned Nazis and hung by his ankles in the concentration camp - His knees are ruined since that abuse and all his life he suffered from difficulties in walking. In old age, the pain became unbearable and he has difficulty going down the stairs. He rarely leaves the house to the street level, even though there are only 9 steps between his apartment door and the street. For a disabled person, 9 stairs are an insurmountable obstacle.
- A relatively young woman, in her 50s, fell and broke her pelvis - She underwent an extremely difficult operation and today she has to crawl up the stairs to get from the third floor to the street floor. It is difficult for me to describe to you what suffering she goes through and what humiliation, when she simply crawls up the stairs, in front of the neighbors' eyes.
- These are just three examples that I know personally, very closely and they are enough to refine the understanding of the plight of the residents. I estimate that there are thousands of such people in Haifa, who are, in fact, victims of stalled projects that are not promoted.
I ask myself and you:
What happened to us?
Where exactly, along the way, did our leaders (at the national and municipal level) lose compassion for the people who live in these buildings and adapt alternative plans to build on wasteland and forest, while completely ignoring the plight of the residents who await massive urban renewal?
Why is there no legislation in Israel that will clearly define the The duty of mayors Approve and promote urban renewal complexes, if conditions exist that actually endanger the tenants living in these complexes?
How did it happen that residents repeatedly vote for leaders, who simply turn their backs on them in such a cruel way (both in the local elections and in the Knesset elections)?
After all, these people, who are disabled and have limited mobility, have absolutely no ability to leave their apartments to the street level. Of course, they also have no ability to reach shelter in the event of a missile attack and they have no ability to cement themselves in the event of a strong earthquake, while knowing that the building they live in is not earthquake resistant.
Our city has already suffered severe missile attacks, in the Second Lebanon War. In Turkey, over 40,000 people were killed in earthquakes that were well felt here.
Everyone here understands very well how difficult it is to go down to a remote shelter or live in a building that is not earthquake resistant and wake up in the middle of the night and manage to run out before the building collapses...
In many cases there are fires, some of them fatal, that originate from electrical shorts in the outdated and crumbling electrical system. We report on these fires here in Haifa every few weeks.
The right place to park
The right place to park is underground. There is no reason for the city streets to look like one big parking lot. It's true that we've gotten used to the fact that traffic in the city is always between a Subaru and a Kia or a Skoda and we've gotten used to the fact that all we see when crossing the sidewalks is the neighbor's car... but it doesn't have to be that way...
Cars should not stand in the sun. They don't need to see a view. The sun, rain and dust are harmful to the car. A car that sits in the sun, its plastic crumbles, while a car that sits in an underground garage extends life as new for many years.
Therefore, during urban renewal, developers should be required to dig parking lots at a ratio of 2 cars per apartment and gradually open the sidewalks to pedestrians and bicycle paths. Everything is related to each other.
Public transportation and energy consumption
An extensive study done by Professor Edward Glaser from Harvard University tested and found a direct connection between the density of cities and the energy consumption and the efficiency of public transportation.
This is how it really works:
Public transportation is based on economic models of demand and supply. The denser the neighborhood, the more economic justification there is for high-quality public transportation. Buses will not travel empty in the neighborhoods in the Ahuza area in Carmel or in Carmelia or in Dania.
Therefore, I suggest not to be fooled by empty slogans about the fact that the mayor is the one, and only he, who determines the frequency of public transportation and at his will it will simply be wonderful without the density of neighborhoods.
The Harvard study found that too The energy consumption of fuel, gas and electricity decreases Dramatically in dense cities and high-rise buildings.
There are several reasons for this:
The first reason It is that in dense construction, while taking care to mix uses, a part of the population receives a variety of services next to the house and also to efficient public transportation and gives up the private car or those who continue to own a car, but give up the trip, for services that exist under the house.
In Dania, for example, as a neighborhood that is built in the worst way, every resident must have a car to carry out the most basic operations in daily life. In my opinion, in retrospect, it would have been possible and desirable to house all the residents of Dania in a number of tall buildings and leave the Carmel ridge green and breathing.
The second reason for the decrease in energy consumption in tall buildings It is that in a modern residence, the exterior walls are built of advanced insulated materials and in addition, an apartment above an apartment creates a "sandwich" situation that greatly reduces the exposure of the floor, ceiling and some of the peripheral walls to cold and heat.
We, the Haifaites, who suffer so much from the pollution of the petrochemical industry, must be the ones who lead Israeli society in dramatically reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. This only happens by densifying neighborhoods and mixing uses. Unfortunately we are lagging far behind.
Half a city is stuck
A city should serve you כל the souls that live in it, at the highest level possible!
Therefore, in my humble opinion, half of the city of Haifa should simply be erased and rebuilt, as it should be, according to the standards of the year 2023, so That the whole city will be livable In standards that people really want to live in with confidence and pleasure.
I'm talking about hundreds and even thousands of buildings, mainly in Neve David, Neve Sha'anan, Kiryat Eliezer, Ramat Shaul, Carmel Zarfati, Bat Galim, Kiryat Haim, Kiryat Shmuel, Kiryat Shaul, Old Romema and more...
My intention is less to the neighborhoods on the old Carmel, where, for the most part, there is a different, dense and low building (and not Olim housing).
Surely there will be those who will immediately jump in and say that the payoff for entrepreneurs is low in these neighborhoods... The answer is that it very much depends on the momentum of urban renewal.
See what happened at the level of the president, which is true Not urban renewal, but a robbery of land. Ramat Hanasi, geographically speaking, is actually part of Neve David. Many predicted disaster for her, but they were wrong - the neighborhood is thriving, the tenants are happy and the prices are flying up. The reason for this is that there is a massive treatment in high-rise construction, with a commercial center that provides good services.
If so, there is no reason why additional complexes in Neve David will not be successful, provided that there will be the construction of a large number of good buildings with a mix of uses that will brighten the neighborhood. And so also in the other neglected neighborhoods.
And if you are already innovating - then mixing uses is a critical urban tool!
Those who walk around the neighborhoods of the city cannot help but notice that they are actually sleeping neighborhoods. When the evening comes, the streets get dark, people don't walk around them. The pigs and jackals celebrate from this dark silence.
Cities that are objects of life, change their face, so that the ground floor, the one facing the street, is the floor of life - restaurants, cafes, laundries, and clothing stores, these are the elements that create life on the street level. where people meet each other. Entrepreneurship and communities are created in these meetings.
In most of the new construction in Haifa in recent years, this issue was not taken into account and thus the neighborhoods remained dim.
If it's so obvious, then why isn't it happening?
Engineering administration of a city in general and of Haifa in particular, is a department that has a hard time dealing with the complexity of urban renewal. It is easier for both the engineering administration and entrepreneurs to submit a plan on virgin land, qualify it for construction and run ahead. If there are objections from the sane public - then we succeed, for the most part, in removing the objections with any concessions, while conducting negotiations in the planning committees.
In the end, if a mayor wants to turn virgin land into a neighborhood - the damage to the green lungs usually comes to fruition, unfortunately.
The various stakeholders choose, for the most part, the simple and worst path - destruction of virgin lands, because planning urban renewal is a much more complex and difficult process - it requires thinking related to both clearing the existing situation and entering with deep planning procedures into neighborhoods that have already been built.
An urban renewal project requires close contact with communities of residents (something that planners and engineers do not always like so much), it requires reaching agreements, it requires handling transportation routes, expanding schools, expanding sewage infrastructure, water, electricity and public buildings... all this in a neighborhood that is already has been standing for 50 or 60 years. It's really hard and challenging.
This challenge turns these projects from a simple construction project, which is essentially architectural and engineering, to a project that has much broader and deeper meanings, and therefore in certain cities, they prefer to delay these projects, rather than promote them as a top priority.
Some people always choose the easy, fast and wrong way...
There are leaders (and they are not many) who understand that in order to do Social justice together with environmental justice, we need to roll up our sleeves, harness the urban community, the municipal employees in the engineering administration and also the state (the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Finance) for a deep planning process of urban renewal. A serious leader should lead and safely lead residents, planners, lawyers, entrepreneurs, contractors and make a deep change in the structure of this city.
Entrepreneurs are interested in investing their money and energy in a city where there is leadership, clarity and transparency in decision-making processes. The developers request the presence of the mayor by their side in a continuous action of removing bureaucratic and operational barriers throughout the life of the project, from the concept stage to the delivery of the key to the approved tenants
and most importantly - speed (Which, as we know, is one of the key elements in management in general and urban management in particular).
To lead, this means that a mayor places himself first and foremost as a barrier remover, as a creator of connections, as an enabler and places the mayor's office as a comprehensive and leading factor in the urban renewal process.
This doesn't happen at a storytelling festival...
Maybe you will think about doing a TMA for Hillel Silver 75-105 please just think about it
You forgot to write down a bottom citrus!!!
Without harming any green lung, buildings of 80 years plus!!
Shame you didn't mention the weakest people in the city, are we transparent???!
This should be the first step of the municipality.
We need to change our thinking and ignore self-interested propaganda:
The time has come to elect Abihu Han and the Greens of Haifa who have shown concern for the city, its development and its residents, as they have proven time and time again for over 2 decades in the city council and in relation to and concern for the public.
Important: the image created for the greens as if they are not in favor of construction should be ignored. It is a lie created by those with narrow interests who understand that the greens will have their hand on the faucet and will not allow uncontrolled construction, with a point of view, planning that harms the quality of the city and the quality of life of the residents.
The Greens are in favor of broad construction with planning in an overall view of the city, advocating for proper development that fits the topography of our special city, considering its beauty and assets - a city that sits on the slopes and the mountain, next to the sea, next to the forests of the Carmel Park, with nature with green wadis in and between the neighborhoods, Has an amazing history and environment that must be nurtured and preserved. They fought and are fighting for these things that are destroyed every day, so they have rights!!
The anti noises that hurt us, the residents, should be ignored:
It is forbidden to repeatedly fall into the hands of real estate agents, entrepreneurs and capitalists who have narrow, even very narrow and personal interests! Which leads to a city that is not pleasant to live in!! It is forbidden to choose lists of candidates that include representatives and supporters (or supported) of these interests.
We must not fall again into the traps of rookie mayors who lack knowledge of public administration and city management (as happened in the last elections), and especially we must not elect someone who has not sat enough on the city council, studied and understood the problems, fought and dealt with day-to-day municipal issues. Quite a few of the members today ran in the elections that were held in the past and if they were not elected they abandoned the city council and thus missed the study of its problems.
The greens are the right choice!!!
The writer does not understand / or is influenced by the contractors
The urban fabric was destroyed due to TMA 38
Trees are uprooted, the city becomes ugly without shade
Old neighborhoods are being destroyed, due to the construction of disproportionate buildings
Conservation complexes are damaged, beyond repair.
And the contractors go beyond, pay, and laugh at the public.
Not only the contractors are laughing. The ones who approve the default and provide the scandalous building permits laugh mainly.
"Barriers" - this is a well-known code name for objections that, on the whole, are intended to protect the city and its residents from the narrow interests of its entrepreneurs. Your whole attitude is super-realist, you see everything through the glasses of your son, and if you write "there is only one solution" you have already condemned yourself to stay inside the box, literally. And it doesn't matter if you call it regeneration. Because no matter how high you build, don't fool yourself that you've solved something. Because even the tenants on the 20th floor may sometimes go down to the ground, and congestion is first of all a function of the number of residents in relation to the city area and its limitations. Of course, it is possible to settle in Haifa also a million inhabitants or more. and house them in 20 floors or more. You can find in the professional literature what happened to the cities that were dragged into this. Don't worry about the entrepreneurs who built it, they are already somewhere else. Try to think of a solution of recognizing reality as an optimal situation (still) for a quality city for its residents, that further growth will only harm their quality of life! The next mayor should focus on preserving the existing qualities, and not on additional density that will only harm them. There are many cities in the world that have chosen this direction. The blessing of "Peru Verbo" has long since become a curse, for the country as well as for the city. In Switzerland, apart from Zurich, all the cities are much smaller than Haifa, and try to stay that way. And their quality of life is not bad... By limiting construction, you can regulate Haifa to its current size with tiny changes, and focus all resources on the quality of life and not on the quantity of life. This is the modern approach, and what you are proposing is the opposite of that, a retreat, solutions that were suitable for past times, we will cover it with concrete and cement... Altermanen wrote further along the same line - and we will lay out garden carpets for you. We forgot that.
Shmuelik Galbhart, you wrote beautifully, I don't agree with everything, but I do with the majority. Galbhart writes from life experience and professional knowledge and it is very worthwhile to read the things. In any case, first of all, and first and foremost - quality of life - only after that, and after the quality of life is regulated and improved, do we look at the costs and what it entails; With us, here in Haifa, unfortunately it's the other way around, first of all they take care of the economic combine, and after it destroys every good part, they present a fiction of supposedly improving the quality of life - something that is often the opposite of the planning reality promoted in our places. Shmuelik, thank you.
In most cases, a Binui removal project makes it possible to organize the items in the apartment as well as generate an alternative profit from the items that are no longer needed. This is especially true in the apartments of older people. As long as there are old items in the apartment such as records, books, old newspapers or any item from the 1950s, there is a situation that these are collectible items with monetary value. If you want to know how to evaluate the contents of the apartment independently, search Google for "the ultimate guide to vacating apartments" and get an accurate article by Yosef Haussefach explaining how to do this.
Eyal, you write a comment again without knowing what you are talking about!!! You don't know the high-quality planning I prepared and you are constantly dealing with the irresponsible planning prepared by the Haifa Municipality; Stop giving importance to the messed up planning of Haifa municipality, this planning will not come to fruition. We will avoid construction of terrible quarries and retaining walls, again, you do not know the high-quality planning that I prepared and you are affected by the failures of the Haifa municipality, which will not occur and will not occur. As for infrastructure, they are at the expense of the land owners. You refer to the inflation of development prices which is a product of corruption and suspicions of fraud that empty the public coffers, this is indeed an invalid norm, but it is not relevant to our case. It won't happen with us.
Ilan Bornstein For sure - the welfare of Haifa and its future are not of interest to you. What interests you is that they let them build the destructive giant neighborhoods that will eliminate the last open western Uadis, unnecessarily and contrary to all logic of building on a level and not on illusory and problematic slopes, more sleeping neighborhoods for private cars that will clog every axis that you claim to state that "produces the draining transportation connection".
It won't help how many "drainage" roads they build as soon as thousands of apartments are added, their fate will be just like that of the existing roads. The Lincoln Hills neighborhood that Ramat Gural / Ramat Shamir / Ramat Haras and the destruction of the last green hill are a sin and a colossal crime and that they were approved by Yona Yahav with unparalleled corruption in 2009 on the basis of archaic and unnecessary planning by the British who did quite a bit of damage themselves, it is a total scandal.
You complain against Naot Peres. Navot Peres is many times and much less destructive than what is going to be done in the Verdia style quarries in the entire hill below Lincoln and Rufe Streets or below Ramat Golda. These are the last open nature areas in the neighborhoods that are getting crowded in Tama 38. The demolition of these hills is something that will turn West Haifa, which enjoys the quality of life of neighborhoods immersed in green nature - into a layer of concrete, as East Haifa became from the lower city to the Carmel without any green buffer. This is the elimination of the iconic sight of green hills at the entrance to Haifa - what they will see is a copy-paste of Hadar Carmel and Hadar Alion.
With proper planning for the height of Nav Peres, it was possible to change areas and keep these hills green and open. To build urban neighborhoods and no longer slums - see the excellent plan of Sde Dov compared to the poor one of Naot Peres: in Sde Dov, urban axes continue (as should have been continued from the existing Carmel and Menato Peres. An urban grid is created with a ground floor of shops, cultural buildings and office floors. They produce a variety of densities from 10 stories to 30 and 45 stories. They put in the same area where in Haifa there will be only 1300 units in 7,000 dunams compared to 16,000 in Sde Dov. Do you understand? "d" that are planned on the problematic slopes. It would be possible to create a new and exciting urban center instead of sleeping suburbs surrounded by main roads that pass around and through them.
Instead of producing lively places and active urban centers - Haifa produces sleeping neighborhoods and surrounds them with main roads to reach... shopping malls in ugly industrial areas. And then you wonder why you go out to hang out in the center of Tel Aviv and it feels alive and you return to Haifa and it feels dead.
The prevention of construction caused damages in excess of NIS 30 billion to the land owners. And if you ask to expropriate the land permanently, you have to pay more. I would like to find out when you transfer to us the proportional part applicable to you.
No one owes you anything, stop threatening. A plan that was approved by governmental corruption and whose implementation of the infrastructure will be at the expense of the residents of Haifa for billions of shekels. Will you finance it for yourselves? Oh why not?! Because you know it's many billions.
Every mayor understands the enormous damage. The destructive master plan of West Haifa must be changed. Exchange of space is an acceptable thing and must prevent the expected destruction of 20 thousand vehicles in Naveot Peres and 10 thousand in Lincoln slopes in traffic jams that would make today's Freud look like child's play. The traffic jams will be two hours during rush hour and they will cry why they approved bad neighborhoods that each apartment has 2-3 vehicles to get out of the house.
And regarding fires caused in electrical cabinets: they are not caused by electric shorts. These cabinets have a thermal magnetic automatic circuit breaker that trips in the event of a short circuit or overload.
What causes electrical cabinet fires is loose or bad wiring.
Yasher Chokh Liron Karmi - 4 - At the beginning of the article, the Neot Peres neighborhood was mentioned as part of the failure to damage the green areas - the open areas - this is indeed true. The built Naot Peres neighborhood and the special Naot Peres B facing construction are serious omissions since these are open areas according to approved outline plans and there was no reason to destroy them. Among other things, this involves the elimination of 3 streams: Nahal Ahuza, Nahal Amiram and Nahal Ovadia. It was possible to save everyone and allow the public in Haifa to enjoy an open area, especially in light of the elimination of the open areas, in an intensive and systematic manner, illegally, in the urban renewal complexes that are planned in violation of the law and in violation of the planning guidelines directed at the regulation of open green areas. The Hef/2000 plan stipulates that an urban / district park will be built in the construction of Pres B with a scope of no less than 100 dunams - while saving the Amiram stream from demolition - but this is of no interest to anyone, the park has been canceled, there is no stream and nothing and at the first blow of rain the roads and infrastructure are expected to be destroyed In view of the serious drainage failure - these are the last 3 streams coming down from the Carmel ridge that were not previously put into concrete piping. During the discussion of the policy plan for urban renewal in the coastal neighborhoods, Prof. Irit Zaraf-Netanyahu explained that she intends to restore the wadis and streams that were eliminated when the neighborhoods were established decades ago and insisted on the importance of renewing the wadis and streams for the benefit of the residents of the neighborhoods. Regarding Neot Peres B, this will have to wait until Prof. Irit Zaraf-Netanyahu's great-granddaughter, who will probably bear Prof. Irit's name and who in a few decades will explain, when they act in an attempt to restore the failure of Neot Peres B, why it is so important to restore The Amiram stream and the rest of the streams that stand, in the coming months, to be destroyed and thrown into the dustbin of history, the result of the chaos and planned anarchy in which we find ourselves. Not to mention the many other serious omissions inherent in the Naot Peres B program that we will soon begin to witness, including the transportation omission. Some of the omissions are development works carried out by the municipality of Haifa without building permits, without paving permits, contrary to the provisions of the approved local ordinance and while eliminating the ancient olive trees.
Take that elderly woman with a leg amputee or that poor Holocaust survivor who barely makes ends meet at the supermarket,
And stick them in a 20-story building with monthly maintenance fees higher than their pensions.
There is nothing like fake compassion.
Disinformation, several lies in one article, during the cliché period of the most miracles and the evacuation of construction, the previous mayor did not think it was necessary, for example, to have a station in the BanoS that planned the Carmelite
During the Klish period, the local committee is paralyzed for months
What is approved is in contrast to her promise to carry out a plan to test the neighborhoods' ability to endure such works without end and it is precisely to condemn her
The engineering manager will tell you that anyone who worked there or tried to use them - in systems paralysis
Yasher Chokh Liron Karmi - 3 - The construction of monstrous buildings to compress many residents is a serious damage to the quality of life. In Haifa, in construction evacuation projects, this is manifested, among other things, in apartments with one air direction, for example, the cemetery project of the Azorim company in Neve David (1,212 apartments), where most of the existing apartment owners 'enjoy', on paper, apartments with One air direction which produces unsympathetic ventilation problems mainly of the toilets, insufficient lighting, a limited view, if any, and expensive costs for the operation of the apartments. The whole issue of high-rises intended for residences is subject to severe controversy; See in this regard the opinion and articles on behalf of Prof. Rachel Alterman; See in this regard the opinion prepared for the Municipality of Haifa on behalf of the architects Amir Man and Ami Shanar - high-rise buildings are suitable only for a certain population stratum - high-rise residential buildings are not suitable for the majority of the population in Israel and therefore they produce the current failure which they claim is much more serious than the failure of the lack of earthquake resistance and this failure Realizing, right before our eyes, in many settlements in Israel - the next step will be the explosion or demolition of the offending high-rises, as has already been done in several places in the world, including in Britain. In this regard, there is a lot of progress in Israel - in July 2022 Amendment No. 4 to TMA 35 was approved - streamlining the use and densification of construction in cities in Israel - to which all plans that are prepared are subject - where it is about saving and streamlining the use of land intended for the public - while regulating multiple apartments - in low-rise buildings - In the case of Haifa, this is mainly suitable for residential buildings with 5 to 7 floors - this is the future - not high-rise construction - the efficient use of land - it is expected to produce many apartments - high quality of living - no slums - with reasonable apartment maintenance costs - not the expensive maintenance used in high-rises Very expensive to maintain - something that is not appropriate for the majority of the public in Israel.
The mayor of Haifa needs to go home, she is screwing up the city
Yasher Chokh Liron Karmi - 2 - The realization of the construction in the five western neighborhoods is very important since they create the transportation connection that drains the axis of the Carmel ridge to the west - both for regular transportation and for public transportation - as stipulated in the outline plan for the city of Haifa, 2000, published to give effect in 2019, as it was determined in the plans from the British Mandate period, and thus according to the conditions on the ground - any attempt to cancel it or delay it creates extremely serious transportation problems.
It was well written about the city's lack of vision for the future and the city's comment is progressive. I will give an example that I own from my property, I am the owner of the Bogwood 3 house, the Carmel center, the lowest house on the street, it has 3 apartments and three shops. In the distant past, I asked to build on the roof of my house, I applied to the municipality to build several apartments on the roof, they shook me and finally I heard a comment, what do you want to let you get rich. This is the municipality of Haifa
The coastal neighborhoods yearn for urban renewal. The main problem is that those responsible for urban renewal in Haifa Municipality are not functioning.
Hello Avi Roth. All the Carmel neighborhoods suffer from Tama 38 without control and comprehensive planning and without a review of transportation and public buildings. What is happening is overcrowding in everything - in the classrooms, on the streets, in the bins, in the water pipes and the sewage, which constantly needs to be increased and then all the neighborhoods are a construction site.
No country in the world has such rampage. Neighborhoods that were planned for 1000 households suddenly added 500 more and in a few years another 500. That means doubling the population, doubling the density, doubling the number of vehicles, doubling the need for parks, classrooms, queues at the neighborhood supermarket which is also not planned to double the population.
Everything is done in reverse. Instead, first of all create a plan to increase classrooms, to increase public transportation with bus priority routes, to add a requirement for ground floor shops and offices on the central streets, to meet the needs of the growing neighborhoods. Instead of planning the Carmelit line 2 in the ridge and the Carmelit line 3-4 or a matronic junction from the ridge to Matam and from the center of Carmel to Matam.
So don't plan anything. With the Salami method, more and more buildings are added that add hundreds of apartments in every neighborhood and "let it work out".. Everyone knows it's a disaster but they keep confirming more and more.
Kudos to Yaron Karmi for bringing up the important issue of building evacuation in particular and the development of the city in general. In the planning chaos in which the city of Haifa is, it is very important to deal with the issue. There are some comments and clarifications to write in the article and it is important that important information is presented to the public. In Haifa there are 6 neighborhoods designated in the master plan for the city of Haifa, 2000, for re-planning for 'unification and division'. This is one neighborhood on the slopes of Neve Shanan and 5 neighborhoods on the western slopes of Carmel: 'Tel Aharon Lincoln', 'Ramat Eshkol B', 'Toscana', 'Ramat Goral' and 'Morodt Golda', these are areas intended for residential construction, these are neighborhoods which are not built and are considered in the article as 'pit areas' or in the terminology 'green areas' and it is claimed in the article that there is an increase in areas 'some of which have already fallen victim to this controversial thinking and some of which are in planning processes that will further harm the public interest in the future' - let it be clarified, there is no controversial thinking here - in our case there is an approved plan which in terms of legislation allows the landowners to exercise their property for residential construction by way of re-planning, instead of the high-quality planning from the British Mandate period - plans that the high-quality and prestigious main part of the Carmel is built according to or equivalent to, based on the same planning principles. It is clear that it is not possible to prevent the realization of the construction and it is certainly not possible to delay the realization of this construction.
Your article is serious and in-depth. And it may surprise you that as chairman of the neighborhood during Yona Yahav's time, there was a meeting in his office and also in the office of the city engineer, including tours of the neighborhood. There was also a meeting in the neighborhood with Mrs. Klish with the senior officials of the municipality, which was a huge disappointment. In short, what you wrote corresponds to my line of thought and I tried to convince and implement it. I succeeded. Partially, through the restoration of Beth El.
In short Ramat HaTshebi is a construction site without any intentional hand. Not a single political party understands, and in my opinion does not act as required, and of course the central government, which should have helped, is acting in a scandalous manner, and wants to siphon funds from supposedly strong municipalities.
I returned from Japan about a month ago with insights, especially regarding the public transportation, which is amazing and efficient.
And we are more than 40 years behind, and the government encourages the use of private cars.
And we feel the traffic jams every day. Critical damage to the quality of our lives.
Sad and discouraging.
Good week and no hope.
What about the carcinogenic air pollution? In any sane country, the polluting companies and the corrupt government would be sued. A people of sheep
A shallow article that serves as a mouthpiece for entrepreneurs trying to put pressure on the municipality
Speed things up!
3. The factor that hinders urban renewal the most is the contractors' cartel. If you bring in large foreign construction companies that can at once renew infrastructure and build entire neighborhoods, the business will run within 10 years. All the coastal neighborhoods in Haifa look different with beautiful, shiny residential towers and well-kept squares and parks. A Chinese company can evacuate Kiryat Eliezer and rebuild it within 5 years. The contractors in Israel do not allow this, they are a complete cartel and coordinate everything between them, including the rate of construction, the construction areas, the level of pricing, they refuse to allow foreign construction companies to enter, but only as subcontractors.
Veron to your question, why is urban renewal stuck? There are many factors in Amana 3 of which:
1. Kahlon who poured tens of billions of shekels into roof agreements for the construction of new neighborhoods instead of the money going to the renewal of thousands of housing estates, what happened was that the young people's money went to the price for a resident in the new neighborhoods and the contractors also preferred to build in them rather than evacuate.
2. There are no government budgets for urban infrastructure renewal such as sewage, public transportation, cultural and sports buildings, marina, airport.
Things that potential buyers take into account as well as contractors and entrepreneurs. A neighborhood will not be sold if there is no employment, culture and good educational facilities next to it. If you want to add another 50 residents to the coastal neighborhoods of Haifa during construction - where will they work, study, hang out?
Why isn't there another metro line through the Deportees of Spain, King Solomon, Ramat Hanasi and a high-frequency circular boarding gate to Matam - which can allow people to give up their private car and quickly get to work or the beach or the train station without having to park their private car there - when the entire trip is 10 minutes... Haifa simply plans poorly and the future plans presented to the residents of Irit Netanyahu did not create a city with urban streets in an interesting grid, but again with buildings and each neighborhood for itself and thus guaranteeing neighborhoods from s-e-m-m-v-t in the future as well. And where is a marina that will allow For people to leave the apartment and spend a weekend on their yacht. Where is the culture of life in Haifa. How is it possible that Dubai and Abu Dhabi understand what attracts the world's wealthy population - personal security with cameras at every corner and uncompromising enforcement, clean beaches, marinas, magnificent public buildings - and our country does not yet have a large national stadium. When you want 50-60 people for a concert, the whole center suffers because of an open performance in Yehoshua Gardens where a 60-seat stadium will be built.
How can a city like Haifa not build an anchorage for 250-300 yachts to promote water sports and tourism. How can it be that on a hill in Greece they are building Santorini and on a hill in Haifa they are building Shprincek housing. Maybe bring city planners from abroad??? Because those in Israel don't understand their lives and are ruining our lives. No shame - Dubai brought planning experts from Europe and Canada. Haifa needs them too.
There is no reason for anyone to prefer living in the coastal neighborhoods in Haifa over new and existing good neighborhoods in cities around us such as Tirat Carmel, Atlit, Kiryot. Or neighborhoods in Carmel that are accessible to all services and culture within walking distance or 5 minutes by bus.
By the way, check Yaron, the buses in the Carmel neighborhoods are full during rush hours, not empty passengers, and if there were bus routes that would allow them not to get stuck in traffic jams with their private vehicles, they would prefer them even more.
Your proposal for parking lots with 2 vehicles per apartment will create traffic jams of 30 minutes at the exit of all the parking lots in the morning as happens in Ramat Hanasi or in the tower neighborhoods in the center of the country. It's not a solution, it's a planning catastrophe. It is true that density is needed to prioritize public transportation, but if you give incentives to use the private car, then it won't help how dense you build a neighborhood and how many buses pass through it, people will use the private car because you gave them a parking lot. Addressing the transportation problems is only buildings without parking lots that are accessible to public transportation that works 7 days a week and connects to excellent intercity public transportation as well. That's the only way it works.
In fact, Haifa is at a terrible disadvantage as a large city - clumsiness and slowness in making decisions and a bloated municipality with 400 senior officials. Instead of the money going to the development and renewal of the city, it goes to salaries to travel the world in cities that are better managed.
First of all, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to the great Yaron Karmi for bringing up the topic under discussion.... His ambition is great, strong and courageous, and his strength is firm and powerful. This is a very, very sensitive, painful and inflammatory subject and must be approached gently and with great sensitivity, and only after a deep and wide study of all its aspects, first and foremost to ask what is a city? What and who is this measure supposed to serve? Are you the selfish and greedy real estate sharks, the delinquent criminals and criminals? The seekers of quick profit? Are you the logical and calculated business owners who live as parasites at the expense of the ignorant consumers, the unintelligent public blinded by the shallow consumption culture that the capitalists and capitalists constantly instill in them? Is it supposed to be the arrival of a shallow culture that is based on fear and consumption as a semblance of happiness or does this unhappy country want to shake off and return to the values of creativity and ideals, real estate first and foremost serves people and people are living, breathing, intelligent beings? and freedom....freedom....freedom....and the city should be in the coming of freedom....not in the coming of concrete and cables and trash removal, which accumulates because people despise everything that they don't produce by the sweat of their noses....everything starts at the root, when you understand that the real change will begin , when you learn that you can't breathe smoke and soot and you can't eat lumps and blocks, and you can't live without planning and without a proper and orderly environment, then maybe it will be possible to change something... Until then the garbage culture will continue, because that's what you deserve!!!!
Without justifying these and other entrepreneurs, it is important to know that those who determine the scope of the construction are the ones who pull the strings in the public sector - the employees of the Haifa Municipality, a local committee and a district committee, in cooperation with some of the respected elected officials who sit on the Haifa City Council. In other words, things are usually not determined by the real estate sharks. Some developers or real estate sharks bend to the demands of loyal public servants (mainly to themselves) and work to please them - the result is horrifying construction monsters and total destruction of the quality of life in the city. At the city council hearing where the policy plan for the four beach neighborhoods was discussed: Neve David, Shprincek et al. - HF/MD/2350 - a plan that came to guide the preparation of evacuation plans and construction in the beach neighborhoods - a hearing from March 9.3.2021, XNUMX - Mayor Einat Kalish warned, together with an engineer Mayor Ariel Waterman, together with appraiser Moti Zeid and program editor Prof. Irit Zaraf-Netanyahu - about the appalling overcrowding - about refraining from approving plans that would create the establishment of Slams - the tone of the discussion turned into shouting and a tough fight between the density applicants and the Slams - interests of entrepreneurs together with their supporters in the public sector - According to the suspicion, city council members Sophie Nakash and attorney Sharit Golan Steinberg - in front of Ms. Kalish and the rest of the speakers who worked to promote the policy plan - the result, Kalish's coalition fell apart, the policy plan is not promoted - insanity and greed rule. The problem is suspected to be starting And ending with corrupt public servants, the real estate sharks are only those who cooperate in the destruction of the quality of life in the city of Haifa.
Serious and interesting article. It opened my eyes to many issues. I recommend reading the article in the upcoming elections to vote for which of the candidates
that urban renewal in a matter-of-fact and intelligent way is in his order of priorities. Otherwise we will be smeared with another election cycle and this city will look like its past.
To Sharit Golan Steinberg that the environment is one of the main issues in which she works even before she entered the council and especially in the current term as chairman of the Union of Cities and chairman of the environmental quality committee, she fully understands the whole issue of urban renewal, while developing infrastructure and maintaining and nurturing green lungs. It has an orderly Mishna according to which it has been working all these years and has many proven successes and failures, and it also has an orderly and pragmatic plan for all the neighborhoods of the city, in particular those that are most in need of renewal. I strongly recommend to everyone who reads the article to delve into Sarit's work and understand that she needs to be given all the strength and support possible so that she can more strongly promote the city to where it needs to be
Soon everything will run.. there will be no choice neither for the city engineer nor for the mayor.. why from their point of view they would block everything and not for the greens to stay at home with a good joint .. why ... everything will come from above mayor and a city that will not build. will not receive budgets.. and also This is how you will see Haifa..who took advantage of Haifa and the ignorance of Haifa's leaders..yes Tira Nesher Kiryat Yokneam..young people left..and who stayed yes the elders of Haifa are right that they don't create anything..and they don't build anything..because of age..yes they are very right National insurance..yes, it is true. Businesses have left due to high carnona returns and the departure of buyer power. Yes, the young and old do not buy in quantity and need to manage a business with all the taxes around..then the mayor comes and shouts, I am in deficit..eat me, drink me..and more...
Until now, all the "urban renewals" have actually been the destruction of the green areas and crazy crowding of buildings, parking lots in front of the lots, instead of covered parking lots like Tel Aviv or even Petah Tikva, and the spreading of green areas around the building, which would also add to the quality of life and the beauty of the place, also preventing exit and entry of cars at the expense of sidewalk areas and also prevents flooding, but the puzzling concern for the profits of the contractors, turns the green Haifa into the ugly and gray dull Haifa!
Woe betide us if they build a tall tower on a small building as the developers want multiples of 5. Life in the neighborhoods will be impossible in terms of the amount of people and vehicles and infrastructure.
There is also a third way and it is the best and most expensive: renew the building privately and at the expense of the tenants and add an elevator dimension accessible to the disabled and parking, and all this without adding new tenants and keeping the quality of the building with as few tenants as possible.
This way is almost never carried out, both because the majority of the population cannot handle such an expense and also because the threshold of illusion and expectation is high and every tenant thinks that they will automatically build him a new building worth twice as much as his existing apartment.
The tenants just forget that evictions are processes of decades until a neighborhood regenerates. If at all. Sure and sure in Haifa everything here is slow anyway.
In a city that has negative immigration, where the value of the land in some of its neighborhoods is nothing and a half, who will clear out the construction of complexes for you?
Haifa bleeds its strong populations to all the surrounding cities, not to mention Gush Dan.
Get out of the movie you're living in. What population are you interested in attracting here? Weak populations will not advance the city.
It's a shame that the writer didn't find out the facts before writing.
The "green areas" on Mount Carmel, most of them are approved for construction from the beginning, and are not "green". It is the municipality that has been interfering with the building for decades. Leaving them as greens will result in huge lawsuits that the municipality cannot afford. The solution lies in building as quickly as possible on these areas, but not in a wasteful way as the municipality in Ramat Goral proposed, but in doubling the density. Such construction will require development in an organized and joint manner within the plots to fundamentally change the surface of the land and eliminate huge and expensive retaining walls as accepted in the waste planning of the Municipality of Haifa. The solution is so simple, there is no other, and strange that to this day it has not been implemented.
Compared to what is desired, we see construction on real green areas. Most of the time these areas were sold by the bankrupt municipality, for example at the end of Derech Hayam, in the Nitzanim complex or in green areas on the slopes of Lincoln. These are really illegal. It is strange that there has not yet been written about the connection between the applicants for the construction there and the Haifa municipality finance.
The solution begins with the municipality's initiative for a conceptual architectural competition by neighborhood and the required zoning change. And since there are a large number of property owners, there is a need for creative entrepreneurship.
Contact entrepreneurs who want to build only in Carmel in Haifa. good week
The single Maggal the developer went bankrupt before Form 4 and all the evicted tenants have been paying rent from their own money until occupancy for a year
Why let facts spoil a good argument...
This is a very complex issue, many entrepreneurs take advantage of the innocence of tenants to maximize their profits. See a host of examples in the Tama victims forum on Facebook. The law needs to go through some changes to close all corners so that all parties will benefit and no one will be harmed
The main thing is that there is a doctor mayor...
I agree with most of the things written here. Most of the candidates for the mayorship talk about urban renewal and in fact usually mean the TMA 38 programs that have nothing to do with renewal.
The TMA 38 project deals only with a single building and ignores all the consequences for the street and the neighborhood.
Urban renewal projects, such as old "railway buildings", are usually promoted together with a comprehensive plan for the neighborhood and the district, which includes adding and upgrading infrastructure and services for the citizen, green areas, shading, transportation, recreation and commerce.
Most of the candidates actually serve the narrow interests of real estate entrepreneurs who are looking for how to "make a hit" make a quick profit and move on.
It is worth reading and studying Avihu Hahn's plan for urban renewal. The only one in the city council who fought to transfer most of the construction plans to the weak neighborhoods, which is precisely where the real gold is - construction close to the sea.
Yaron Hanan,
You saved me the response.
I will just add with great responsibility and proven fact that most of the construction permits under TAMA 38 in Haifa were given on the basis of false statements by the municipal engineer with the amazing backing of the city engineer. Everyone already knows this, but the work of demolishing the buildings unnecessarily and cutting down old trees without any legal justification continues unimpeded .
The current mayor is surely aware of all the facts and required actions described in the article.
If so, what prevents or prevented her from acting in this way?
The whole department there is rotten to the core, what goes on there God save it there should be an urgent investigation by the State Comptroller there, they think what is good and who is good in butchering there, you are criticizing everyone, in short, the Urban Renewal Department, a major crime organization, investigate urgently
It seems that Yaron Karmi did not address the issue of infrastructure. Address only the painful issue of parking woes. In order to increase the number of residents (evacuation/construction, or TMA 38), it is necessary to dig up all the streets, or most of them, and renew/add infrastructure:
Roads, expansion of entrances and exits from the neighborhood, water lines, sewage, water drainage, electricity, etc.
Schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, and more
We must stop allowing new buildings that are unable to provide underground parking spaces, the city is no longer able to accommodate additional vehicles on its streets.
The intensive new construction in recent years in Bat Galim has caused an unprecedented load on the parking spaces that were also limited on the neighborhood's streets. There may be new buildings but an unbearable nightmare for the residents.
In addition, trash cans must be buried in the ground and all trash cans must be removed from the streets, which constitute a sanitary and safety hazard for pedestrians. This is an aesthetic solution while receiving an immediate return in the elimination of food sources for the wild boars - see how they did it in the nearby city Eagle.
Another benefit is the saving of resources for garbage disposal, since sensors are installed in the bins that remotely report the amount of garbage in the container and allow a computerized system to decide when it should be emptied.
I don't understand the claim that there are no building plans for the height. In all the coastal neighborhoods you mentioned there are already urban renewal plans in progress and in advanced planning.
really??? I have an apartment in Neve David and for now there is nothing
There is a candidate for mayor who did a zoom on this topic a few days ago and is talking about exactly these things. It is not, nor will it be, emphatically dependent on the money of entrepreneurs and businessmen. Behind her is significant work and she really came to work for the benefit of the city. It is important to keep your eyes open and check in depth before deciding who to choose. In my opinion, she is the only one whose everything she says is backed by facts, deep thinking, action and experience acquired through blood and sweat. The only one who doesn't tell stories - and I'm talking about Sarit Golan Steinberg. I expect everyone who cares about our city to check for themselves and not be impressed by nice talks and plans on paper only. Everything must be backed up by facts and in-depth knowledge on every subject. And that's how Sarit works. Maybe she's not a poster girl and she's raising her voice in the yeshivas because she's tired of the non-standard bullshit, but we need her to run the city because she's proven she's capable. You know her in the government, she knows how to bring budgets to the city, she knows the municipal apparatus well, knows how to manage and conduct herself. Knows and knows about all the fields that are important to us and the work plans. With her, things will start to progress from day one. Don't miss this rare woman
When they took green space on the southern slopes, and responded to the Ofer brothers' request to thaw it for construction - how did Ms. Sharit Golan vote? When it was proposed to significantly expand the building rights and the height of the buildings in those areas, how did Mrs. Sharit Golan vote?
This is an excellent and eye-opening article that must be read by anyone thinking of running for mayor of Haifa.
Urban renewal is a difficult and very complex task at the level of strategic thinking and implementation in the field.
Urban renewal is not just new buildings. The buildings are supposed to be built in the end as a complementary element to their surroundings.
It is mandatory for the planners in the municipality to start adapting the municipal infrastructures so that they can accommodate the various projects.
New sewer infrastructures must be built, the electrical system, cables, etc. must be planned and prepared to be buried underground in the new projects,
The width of the roads and sidewalks must be planned so that they can respond to modern public transportation and encourage cycling while leaving safe spaces for pedestrians.
The canvas here is short of containing everything required for proper urban renewal, but it is better to plan from the ground up and carry out with a vision for at least 100 years, otherwise the result will be intolerable residential areas and a poor quality of life even if the buildings are new.
Think before you act.
The only solution is to replace a failed mayor and a municipal engineer, the good of the residents and the quality of life are not their priorities, all the time internal wars, enough of this.. you are fed up.
This time we choose with our heads and not with revenge, we ate it this time.
This time only not Kalish, Tzuk and their ultra-Orthodox friends.
Contact entrepreneurs who want to build only in Carmel
I am not interested in distressed neighborhoods... because the prices are low
The municipality should know how to direct the entrepreneurs and not the other way around
But look at the list of candidates for the municipality, half of them are financed by entrepreneurs who are waiting for approvals in Carmel