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Dozens of cypresses were cut down in Haifa in front of the surprised residents • Who made the decision?

(haipo) - This morning (Sun. 28/5/23) between 10-15 cypress trees were cut down on Derech Hayam Street in Haifa, it is not clear for what reason and who is behind it and decided to do so.

Many residents were amazed this morning when they saw municipal workers cutting down the cypress trees along Derech Hayam Street. These are cypresses that have been bringing color and decoration to the boulevard for years. Dodi Miblom, a resident of the city who contacted the municipal hotline and tried to find out the meaning of the act, was told that the order to cut down the trees was received from the municipal administration and this is because the cypresses, it is claimed, cause accidents.

Cypress trees (Photo: Avihu Han)

It should be noted that on the Hai Pe website we constantly monitor and update about traffic accidents that occur throughout the city and this is the first time we come across the claim that this is a disaster-prone area when it comes to traffic accidents...

The place where the cypresses were cut down (Photo: Avihu Han)

The chairman of the Greens of Haifa, who is running for mayor, Avihu Han, who for years has been fighting the cutting down of trees in the city, said: "I am checking who gave this bad order to uproot the cypresses. This is a very bad decision. The cypresses added a green texture to pedestrians on the street and I expect that whoever gave the order will realize that he made a mistake and will reorganize the planting of cypresses along the axis and even give judgment for the terrible decision.

Avihu Han (Photo: Yehchat)

"For years I have been involved in the fight against the cutting down of thousands of trees that the municipality cuts down every year, and unfortunately in the era of Klish, the trigger is easy and the amount of cutting down has increased beyond recognition." Han says.

The cypress trees that were cut down (Photo: Avihu Han)

Hahn also added: "We must think differently and carry out much more careful processes, which will prevent the felling of such a large amount of trees at all. Regarding traffic accidents: as someone who travels two or three times a day on this street, and who lives in the area, I am not aware of any accident that occurred there. I am not clear who brought it up the idea at all and I don't accept this conclusion. I think someone should examine these decisions. I wrote to the director of the operations department and demanded answers."

No response was given from the Haifa municipality.

contact: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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44 תגובות

  1. Cutting down 5 trees that cause accidents turned into dozens??? And what about the safety of the residents? not worth it? Is it all just a choice?

  2. Every time I passed there (almost every day) I asked myself what is the point of the trees that hardly cast any shade. They also looked sick. I'm glad they were uprooted. You should plant trees with a narrow trunk and wide shade, certainly not cypresses.

  3. Instead of investing in cleaning the city and cultivating the city.
    The municipality of Haifa invests in the removal of trees and not in their cleaning.
    Haifa is a city of markets

  4. The state has declared war on civilians. This has been happening all over the country for two years
    Until now, Klish has managed very well to stand guard
    Cliché strengthens you - watch over us
    by us and your children
    Don't help destroy the landscape and the shade and the home for the birds
    Tears of sadness, despair and frustration
    Aren't all of the above structures that also harm themselves? in their children?
    Please watch over us

  5. There are quite a few trees and bushes in Haifa that are planted on road curves and obstruct the drivers' field of vision.

    The phenomenon is particularly noticeable on the descent of the Freud road where it is impossible to know what is happening beyond the curve and there have already been several accidents there that could very well have been avoided if not for the aforementioned vegetation.

    Trees are suitable for straight avenues!

  6. There were many accidents, but they would hit the trees from the tree around the trees all the time and this would prevent the vehicle from reaching the other side all the time going down at speed and hitting the trunks around the tree.

  7. I live nearby and I have not seen any problems as a result of the cypress inventions. Such a bad and stupid decision without awareness, it's a pity for the beautiful cypresses. There must be a control mechanism to monitor such acts from which there is no way back.

  8. Finally Kalish will be able to say that she did something in the city in her 5 years of office... and therefore she is entitled to another term...

  9. They were stupidly planted in the center of the road. Many cars were damaged by the blocks. They hide the pedestrians who want to cross. Good thing they eliminated the hazard

  10. Just waiting for this nightmare called Kalish to pass without further damage is really unbearable. The residents of Bat Galim witnessed with their own eyes the cutting down of a tree on the boulevard and understood the message and immediately everyone went out to sit on the grass and did not let them approach and touch another tree until the evil of the cutting passed! This disorder must pass or we will have to abandon it in favor of the wild boars

  11. In Holon, the six million gardeners who turned into trash for the planting literally murdered Arab workers about 4 stunning olive trees that are about 45 years old - when I dared to complain, they claimed at Moked that the existing fund was responsible! Instead of moving them to one of the neglected gardens, Arab workers cut them down, burned ditches and took their trunks. My heart sank, such a scandal!! If in your house you dare to cut down a mat tree to fall, you will be arrested - a tent when it is public property, they abuse the public, eliminate vegetation that gives air and absorbs the carbon. Get out of the vehicles - whoever cut down the cypresses murdered public health - cut down the visibility of the air! He has no idea of ​​the enormous benefit from the trees and when will the Suu horror stop? The world is dying to see greenness and in our country, despite the heavy heat and the congestion on the roads and the carbon palette, the greenness is being killed - severe diseases are being prevented from the lungs!! horror

    • Everything is true and carbon and warming are important, but why the racism? What does this have to do with Arabs or Jews?
      Send them on a mission
      It's better that they don't perform such tasks, obviously, but don't include race, it's disgusting

  12. Cutting down trees began during the Yahav period. I live on Golomb Street and they also came to us one morning and cut down all the trees on the street, this happened 8 years ago and to this day the lack of trees is noticeable.

  13. There are many things that are hidden from the public
    Precisely this type of tree is good for recovery and cleansing of the corona vaccine... for all those who regret and for all those who are beginning to understand that they were worked on
    Usually they maliciously poison and then the tree falls or crumbles but it is not certain because it is in the middle of the road
    Served as food for thought!

    • that a certain type of tree is good for recovery and cleansing of the corona vaccine.
      Word for word what you said and just keep going

  14. Maybe it obstructed the field of vision like in other places. Stop making a big deal out of everything, probably an article by Sophie Naksh and her analyzed friends

  15. The accidents are not because of the trees, but because of the drivers who are going crazy at speeds, who will put speed breakers/slowdown lanes in places prone to disasters, on Yaffe Nof Street and Hanasi Boulevard going down at highway speeds, sages of a dream.

  16. It is terrible! What idiots cut down trees?! Who knows how many baby birds they murdered...
    If there are accidents, it's only because of stupid drivers, certainly not because of the cypresses.

    • Give us more of these crushing facts about reality that will prove that everything is black and white and there is no middle ground

  17. After the elimination of the section of Wadi Azov - the part located east of the Kastra Mall and the felling and uprooting of dozens of trees, some of which were registered as trees for preservation, and the carrying out of excavations and carvings on the spot, then a few more cypress trees - this is really small for the Haifa municipality; By the way, the works in Wadi Azov were done without construction permits, without paving permits, and in complete contradiction to the instructions of the 2185A plan that instructs to preserve the place and not to destroy it

  18. Criminals!
    Dangerous pine trees are not allowed to be cut down without a fine of 10 thousand NIS.
    But the traffic jam cypresses that secure both sides of the road are taken down.

  19. I know it's too late for those beautiful trees, now make sure and demand to plant new ones. what was the motivation to do such thing? who gave the authority to do that?

  20. Cut off the head of whoever signed it. A gang of idiots in the municipality and the residents are suffering and the funniest part are paying!!! Stop paying them property tax!!!

    • Throw us some more Ahithophel advice,
      Maybe one will catch on

  21. This is an old method since the days of Yona Yahav. In the house where I live there was a piece of land in front of the Carmelit station which the municipality expropriated for gardening purposes. One day laborers and bulldozers arrived, dressed the garden, uprooted, cut and destroyed it. By the time I had time to call the city hall and scream, everything was already destroyed. Then we claimed that the trees (which were perfectly healthy) were sick. Go prove after the fact that this is not true. Instead of the garden we had in front of the house, they built an amphitheatre, paved the entire area and added a piano. I swore that Yona Yahav would never receive my vote again in the elections. And what came in its place Another disaster…
    As I live in the center of Carmel and my son lives in Ramat Hanasi, I travel very often by sea. I've never had an accident there. Certainly not in the accidents caused by the cypresses...

  22. Excellent, now instead of getting stuck in a tree they will get stuck in an oncoming vehicle, amazing.

    • If you hit a tree - the tree will not complain and nothing will stop you from continuing to drive like a baboon that got a steering wheel
      But if you hit the car - the injured driver can sue you and you will bear the consequences

      There is no better learning than that gained by experience

  23. They are trying to turn Haifa into the old streets in the center of Acre - streets without trees, without shade, an urban wasteland. Only wild boars and cars..

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