What does it mean to be second generation to the Holocaust?
to remember grandma's red and teary eyes.
to help the grandmother bandage her leg from the murderers' wounds.
Do not throw away food.
look for childhood photos of the parents
Understand from a young age that learning is the most important.
try to draw mother's house in drawing class.
to remember the voices eichmans trial emanating from the radio.
tremble fromThe siren of Memorial Day morning, Alone without mom, in the school yard.
To see ears close to the radio receiver during the reading of names in the program to search for relatives.
To hear every time when a baby is born in the family, after which relative it was named and where it was destroyed.
לחפש childhood pictures of the parents and not find.
To hear the code word passed between people thousands of times: "Transnistria" Not to understand, and not to be able to conceive it.
"We didn't have a chance"
To meet the neighbor at the butcher shop, to see her running away from the shop screaming. To understand from Mom, that someone touched her with the cold meat and brought up a difficult memory of the Holocaust.
Listen to Dad sing the song "S'Brent! Breederleach, S'Brent! אוי, אורים אורם אורם שטפטל עשעברט ברטן!' and ask for an explanation of the words.
To receive a piano for a Bat Mitzvah from grandma, while the whole neighborhood watches him respectfully get off the truck.
listen with mom to "Pina for mother and child" and learn new songs with her.
hear at every opportunity "We didn't have a chance"
Get short answers from mom about long and heavy questions.
To make sure that the stamp collection will also include the stamps of Holocaust Remembrance Day and Heroism.
Poke through the pages of a witness
To learn the family's wandering map from the maps that come home and gather to"Achronoth News Atlas" in the red cover.
discover relatives by chance. in groups of towns with no life left in them.
To discover by chance that the granddaughter's teacher is also a relative and from him to extract another piece of memory.
Pry through the "witness pages" of "Yad Vashem".
search, search…
Look for a familiar image in any black and white image posting on the networks and also find it sometimes.
Look for a familiar image in any black and white image posting on the networks and also find it sometimes.
Enter a friend's house and check what city her parents are from. Maybe they met? Maybe from the same street?
Build the family story for many years from many people.
Grow up in a warrior's house and raise a generation of warriors who love the country.
- Find a way to pass on the family story to my grandchildren.
- To initiate one of the first "memory in the living room" in my city
- To try every day to this day, to discover the uncountable.
To remember the words of my aunt, my mother's 92.5 year old sister: "We have one country, only one. We will take care of her"
My father, the late Shmuel, was also in the Bresht ghetto in Transnistria with his father who died there and his two sisters, Sally and Yehudit who were rescued.
My father immortalized this terrible period in his writings and my brother and I edited it into a booklet
I agree with every sentence and every word! The memories faded and ran away from us. We were recently reminded in a painful way that 'no more' is something that must be preserved, fought for and not forgotten for generations.
Wow, very exciting, very real
And I'm still looking...
An interesting and important article, we will remember what Amalek did to us and continues to do.
Exciting and chilling of a living and breathing memory 💔❤️
These are our lives🙏🏻 We will remember the hell they came from and the country that we are. We only have one of these
Dear Hana, in your story you bring to life the people who went through hell and the memory of the Holocaust. Nowadays it is so important to remember and above all to remember how important it is to have a country, the State of Israel, it is our home, it is our strength and shield, it is our country and we have no other country!!! We will protect and preserve it.
We will appreciate every bit of us while maintaining the dignity of the dead and the dignity of the living.
Dear Hana, really "I remember" ... so moving, respectful, important, and you convey everything in a wonderful way ... in their memory, and for the sake of future generations ... Thank you!!
In their memory 🙏🏻 In memory that will bring a good harvest for all of us 🙏🏻
We don't have another country
I read you and the words echo in my heart and memory. To carry out my father's will: to remember and never forget. and tell the story to future generations
We are at the forefront of the national mission for generations
Dear Hana, I was very moved to read your words mixed with deep pain and great hope. I wish the days of madness in which we live will pass. This nation has suffered enough. He established a glorious land among the nations of the world. She must be kept as the apple of our eye.
Thanks for sharing, Ahuva Gertz Beit Kahana.
exactly. We will guard her with all vigilance🙏🏻❤️