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Klish's pig project ran aground in the budget discussion in the city council ► Watch the discussion and its results

Today (Wednesday 15/3/23) the city council convened for an extremely urgent discussion, regarding dealing with the phenomenon of pigs in the city of Haifa. In addition to the members of the council, professionals also participate in the discussion so that the full and comprehensive factual overview of the recommended courses of action and the urban work plan formulated in coordination and cooperation with the Nature and Parks Authority will be presented.
We are at the peak of the spring and calving season and the Kalish project is running on serious ground, when most of the budget items have not been approved. The most significant section (from a budgetary point of view) since Osher is the capture and killing.
Watch the heated discussion.

♦ The sections approved And those who don't confirmed - The results of the discussion at the end of the article!

Before approaching the discussion in the city council, it is important to understand the amount of wild boars in Haifa and for this a study was carried out at the University of Haifa

The research carried out in 2021 at the University of Haifa, led by Prof. Dan Malkinson, Dr. Achied Davidson and Ella Avidor, is unprecedented in its scope in Israel and in the world, and collected for a year a lot of information about wild boars, based on reports from residents, dozens of cameras placed at various points in the city, analysis of photographs , examination of pig walking tracks and more.

The purpose of the study was to characterize the movement of wild boars in the city, to examine the factors that influence their movement, and the release of food. Meanwhile, the researchers tried to estimate how many pigs there are in the city as of 2020. 9 pigs were captured for the sake of the study, a transmitter was attached to them, they were given names such as: Sapir, Ramsey, Joshua, and Leonarda, and were released back into the wild (or into the city in our case). The transmitters transmitted the location of the pigs every 15 minutes and the information was stored in a device that was downloaded every 2-3 weeks using an antenna mounted on a drone. In total, over 37 thousand GPS locations were collected during the period of monitoring the movement of pigs.

To know the number of pigs in the city, cameras were installed in different areas of the city in three periods: winter, late spring and early summer, and late summer and early fall. In winter, 26 cameras were placed where 2,833 wild boars were photographed. In the summer, 8 cameras recorded 1,179 pigs. And 8 cameras placed in the fall took 3 pictures of pigs over 1,899 weeks.

According to the data presented at the hearing, the Haifa municipality invested over NIS 6 million in the pig project in four years, beyond the current maintenance budget and the tort claims.

The thinning of the pigs, the petition of the district court and the report of the municipal auditor

During the period of Yona Yahav, the wild boars were regularly thinned, but when Kalish entered her term, she stopped the thinning, arguing that it is illegal to kill animals.

The municipal auditor's report issued in 2021 indicates that the alternative actions that Klish implemented, instead of the thinning, were only partially carried out, if at all:

The auditor claimed that while the budget for establishing cat feeding stations increased from NIS 25 in 2018 to NIS 250 in 2020, while the budget was fully used in 2018, in 2020 it was not used at all and there is no intention to continue it.

In addition, wild boars were observed eating from these stations, a fact that indicates the ineffectiveness of the solution. Fencing for neighborhoods will be budgeted for NIS 2020 in 1,500,000. In practice, only NIS 150 was used for this purpose. Fixation facilities for bins against wild boars were budgeted in 2019 for NIS 819. In practice, no amount was approved for execution.

We will also note that the former mayor, Yona Yahav always claimed that Klish has no legal basis for the claim that the dilution is illegal and that such a legal opinion was never presented. Yahav's policy of thinning the pigs stood the test of the district court in Haifa and the petition against the thinning was rejected and it continued to be carried out and approved all these years and there was complete silence.

The new not so new budget

From 2018, Kalish serves as mayor and in 2019 the thinning was completely stopped. Kalish tried to avoid thinning the pigs as much as possible, despite the approval of the district court, despite the success of Yona Yahav's term and despite the residents' complaints. Klish tried to use multiple and expensive methods, but they did not bring the desired result for many residents of Haifa.

The city council meeting - the budget that will determine the continuation of the project

15/3/23 Wednesday, the meeting of the city council convened, urgently, out of quorum, in order to approve "important issues that cannot be postponed" (according to Klish's definition), chief among them dealing with the phenomenon of wild pigs in Haifa and even an actual solution.

The meeting was joined by professionals who presented their opinions. The professionals presented a large amount of data to the council members, which you can see in the video clips we prepared for you

Watch the explanation of Haifa municipality ecologist - Yael Olek

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Sharit Golan: "An explanation of a budget proposal should give all the information, not half information according to what is convenient for the budget requesters"

Attorney Sharit Golan after responding to Yael Olek's speech and began a series of pointed questions. She addressed each section of the budget request, such as why the thinning was stopped in August 2019 despite its success, where is the project manager who is responsible for the pig issue despite the standard and the salary he receives (he does not come to meetings) , why do you need to dry loaves if maybe it's cheaper to thin out pigs, regarding changing bins why don't you show pictures showing that the wild pigs still manage to knock down the bins and more.

Watch Sharit Golan's questions

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Olek replies:

Yael answered Sarit's questions, starting with the fact that since August 2019 the number of pig items has indeed increased since thinning was stopped, but she does not blame the cessation of thinning but rather the nature and evolution that the items undergo.

Watch Yael Olek's answer

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Zvika Barbie demands answers about the competence of the professionals

Zvi Barbie turned to Yimit Klein, the legal advisor to the municipality, in which he asked about her position regarding the competence of the experts to deal with the danger of wild pigs in the municipality.

Watch Zvi Barbie's question

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Nir breaks

Council member Nir Shuver claims that they are doing "election propaganda" on the backs of the pigs and the residents, and in fact are not really concerned mainly with the implementation of the budget. Shuver continues and claims that there are fewer pigs on the streets even without the hunting culture, which is typical of Europe.

Watch Nir Shuver's speech

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Council member Yoav Ramati explained to Yael Olek that the data presented in the presentation in order to explain to the council members the reasons for approving the budget are not sufficient to approve a budget and that Olek will have to complete more data in order for them to be able to approve.

Watch Yoav Ramati's speech

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Councilwoman Sofi Nakash argued to the council members that the only thing that will really help and really be effective is thinning, despite the pain involved. According to her, the thinning will save everyone unnecessary expenses that have not proven to be effective so far anyway.

Watch Sophie Naksh's words

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Councilor Itzik Blass asked Yael Olek about the definition of the unruly pig

Watch the words of Itzik Blas

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Yael's answer to Itzik Blas - definition of a disobedient pig

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Nir Mariash, CEO of Haifa Municipality: The whole issue of the pig project does not sit well with the council members and they do not know what the role of the project manager actually is.

Watch Nir Mariash's explanation

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Summary - Sarit Golan

Sharit Golan concluded the wild boar discussion by saying that in her opinion they should not approve all the sections in the budget request, and should go back to thinking about thinning out the wild boars.

Watch the words of Sharit Golan

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

Yamit Klein - the agreement with RTG and the immunity of the council members

Before the vote, attorney Yamit Klein, the legal advisor to the municipality, answered all the questions addressed to her and even added about the pig agreement with Ratag.
Klein explained the limits of the council members' immunity and the legal exposure they take on during the vote and caused a stir in the discussion.

► Watch Yamit Klein's words

(Photo: Haifa Municipality)

the clauses approved And these not approved

  1. The information campaign - 120 thousand NIS: not approved
  2. Changing lipsticks in public parks - NIS 200: Confirmed
  3. Maintenance of fences between the city and wadis - 200 thousand NIS: not approved
  4. The cost of hiring an X-ray projector - 400 thousand NIS: not approved
  5. Special enclosures for pigs - one million NIS: not approved
  6. Hiring a capture and die contractor - NIS million: Confirmed
  7. Fencing fund for residents' yards - NIS 210: not approved
  8. Fixing trash cans - 400 thousand NIS:Confirmed
  9. Cancellation of lawns in squares: not approved
  10. Adding fences between the city and the wadis - NIS 200: not approved

Watch the vote on the pig care budget items

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10 תגובות

  1. As long as the Likud go down, the number of pigs will decrease because the pigs are clear supporters of Bibi, get down from Klish

  2. Mrs. Klish will find a solution, in my opinion, to the wild boar problem in Haifa. Shabbat Shalom Shari Qadri.

  3. I looked at the first video after a while of not watching the Council's broadcasts, and then I remembered again, there is no culture of speech..

  4. I want to address the ugly comments on Facebook on the Council's broadcast
    I "love" the slogans of the inciting writers during the council hour about the culture of speech, how they shout and ask a lot of questions to the ecologist Yael who is a nice woman who speaks pleasantly, you can really see that she is a professional girl with a lot of patience to explain and Mrs. Mayor protected her like a little girl and intervened all the time so that she would not be hurt" In the poor girl".
    Yael the ecologist won a personal contract with a handsome salary for two and a half years and what to do what determines are the bad results and the data regarding the hunter who was also hired on a personal contract, a scandal and does not bring results of dilution (killing)
    What to do when life is hard and the residents of Haifa want results on the bottom line the number of pigs is increasing the residents of the city are suffering
    More spent a lot of money on an experiment and it will be a failure.
    And finally, where was the leader of the Greens who claims the crown of the mayor Mr. Avihu Han in the explosive issue of the wild boars?

  5. What about sterilization and castration? That way you don't kill actively, but passively.
    I didn't see street cats being shot, but I did see them being neutered. Why is it different with pigs?

  6. Pigs on 4 of nature who have not done anything wrong interfere with the real pigs on 2 fostered crime, the cost of living and housing, religious coercion..violence. wretched

  7. For a change, kudos to the members of the Change Council who did not approve the already unnecessary spin and propaganda clauses of Klish.
    Yael's lecture made it easy for the members of the council because her answers made it clear that there is no connection between the sections and eradicating the phenomenon of wild boar infiltration.
    It is absurd to remove lawns throughout the city instead of thinning them out.
    Absurd to do an information campaign again. Just to fine feeders.
    Absurd to talk nonsense about special enclosures for pigs for a million NIS.
    The entire wild boar monitoring project that cost many millions could have gone to renovating and strengthening public buildings. Or for renovating and making an orchard and shrubbery accessible. or for the rehabilitation of sports fields in the city. And more and more - they went to monitor some pigs who gave them names and mapped their every step. for what?!
    The X-ray projector - who does nothing but make an appointment for the person who thins after determining what a 'disobedient pig' is. And for that, hundreds of thousands of shekels. Even
    Don't bother coming to the discussion. And Yael says that this is a precedent-setting and ground-breaking project. Yes, no city pays huge sums to RTG to advise it on what to thin with tweezers, you just see a pig that comes in and eats in the streets and gets killed. What's the story. Exactly the thinning that they did during Yahav's time and it worked great - we saw wild pigs once every six months at the edge of the valleys and not once a week on the sidewalks.
    Kalish's insistence caused damage of many millions to the city coffers and Shlomo Tanzak branding to Haifa and damage to personal safety and children's fear of playing outside and more. Shame and disgrace to pour more millions on any solution that is not dilution. Not to fence ourselves endlessly and not to dry the few lawns that we have in the city. Even so, there is an extreme paucity of garden space per person compared to other cities, so destroy that too?!
    What is clear is that every person who feeds wild boars and creates the cycle of re-infiltrating neighborhoods in search of food needs to be dealt with extremely harshly.
    If fines do not help, in extreme cases it is necessary to consider an indictment for harming the ecological balance and even imprisonment.

  8. So the only expert claims that thinning is ineffective, and what is the only approved budget? A million NIS for a fool with a rifle to shoot a poor animal looking for food in live ammunition in the middle of a city!

    I remember there were pigs in Yahav's time as well.

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