(Hai Fe) - The Haifa District Attorney's Office (Criminal) submitted to the Kiryat Magistrate's Court an indictment against Gebre Keren, a 46-year-old resident of Kiryat Bialik, for indecent acts committed against 4 complainants, one of whom is a minor.
According to the indictment filed by attorney Shikma Nachmias, the accused prays in the synagogue where the complainants usually pray. In one of the charges, the accused noticed a minor, approached him and sat down near him and committed indecent acts on him.
In another case, the accused approached one of the adult complainants and offered him to study together. When the accused and the complainant arrived at the Beit Midrash, and when they were alone, the accused touched the complainant's upper body. According to the facts of the indictment, the accused used to pray together with two other complainants in the synagogue, offered them to study and when they were together he touched them.
We need to stop confusing the mind and listen to all kinds of jesus.
There are rotten apples in every box and sector, but the racists are even more rotten.
But a set of values should not be debated.
Religion should be separated from the state according to the Or party and former rabbi Yaron Yedan
and the separation of religion and state.
Did you understand before you wrote?