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Beit Suidan • Neighbor of the Baha'i Garden

Beit Suidan Beit Suidan is located on the slopes of Mount Carmel, adjacent to the garden...

Flower of the Week • Common Buzzard

Carmel presents us with flowers in all seasons. In this column...

What happened to Haifa's cinemas? • Chapter 38 • What do we do with the white elephants? • Cinema "Stanford"

The collection of articles about Haifa's cinemas:

For the information of the readers: The articles from chapter 9 onward are published on a separate website, outside Hai Pah, and we only make a reference to an external website, which is under the management of writer Yoram Katz. Live system here has no connection and/or any responsibility for the writing and/or the pictures published on this website.

contact: At watsapBy email

Yoram Katz
Yoram Katz
Graduate of the Israeli hi-tech industry, journalist, writer and blogger. Link to my website and to purchase the books Born in Haifa (1954), studied at Geulah School and Harieli School. Graduated in philosophy and psychology (Hebrew University) and computer engineering (Technion). Books: • "Lethal Scripture" (English) – a historical suspense novel • “Days of Redemption” – childhood stories from the neighborhood of "Redemption"

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22 תגובות

  1. Why isn't Beit Kolno in Camp David advertised that today it is called Neve David?
    It stopped functioning after Nof Cinema was established.

  2. Dear Friends….
    What culture is left in this city,
    Dirty city, abandoned buildings, deserted streets and more in the summer!
    Kalish... you will enter the history books in this city,
    You did the unbelievable!
    Haselat an entire city in five years.
    Aspire to you, and aspire to those who still want to vote for you.
    It is very sad what is happening to this city.
    Goodbye and never goodbye!

    • Those who slander and slander the country are a large part of the protesters since the left reared its ugly head and their supporters from the commonwealth don't accept Israel either, so don't include the entire population here.
      Look how good it was here in the 80's before the 2 groups I mentioned multiplied and gained courage and confidence.

  3. It's because we chose her. We thought what we had was bad and wanted to replace it!! You have to learn a lot from this and not make the same mistake again in another area. the more important We threw out a bad government less than a year ago, and today we are thinking of throwing out this government. Please do a good calculation before there is crying for generations and we will replace it and elect those who revolted the army on the claim that they are democrats... The soul of democracy is that the army is subordinate to the government and not the other way around. move on ??

  4. On behalf of many Haifaites, I feel a personal obligation to express my/our full appreciation for the research work and the very special work done by Yoram Katz, and in my opinion he also deserves recognition from the Haifa Municipality even today, and in addition to all this let's not forget his impressive paintings and illustrations of the talented artist Dr. David Bar On!
    Thank you very much and from the bottom of my heart for the fact that the two of you together were able to realize a look into the history of Haifa, our beautiful city, that all that remains of our city is that steep history that has completely disappeared from our eyes, and you together managed to bring it back to us as veterans and children of the city of Haifa who grew up in the city during that unforgettable period!
    Thank you Yoram Katz and thank you very much David Bar On.

  5. It seems to me that the series of articles about the cinemas is longer than the cinemas have been operating here at all.

    • I didn't invent movie theaters, but I can get you permission not to read all the articles.

    • The statement was as a criticism towards the municipality that did not allow the cinemas to continue in one way or another despite the popularity in the city and not towards the series of articles that I personally really enjoy reading.. Have a good week.

    • Thank you for the clarification.
      The world has changed, and I'm not sure there is an existence sentence for all these big neighborhood cinemas today.
      The question is what can be done with the buildings.
      In Palo Alto, for example, they took an abandoned 2000-seat movie theater, renovated it in a 1920s format, and are showing Oldies in it.
      At the end of the series, we will present ideas of two architectures for use in some of these buildings.

    • "Par" opened in 1954. His turn will come.
      If you have material or photos, I would appreciate it if you shared.

  6. I'm sure that if they bring quality movies to the cinemas, people will come and that's how they'll experience Hadar Carmel. A little initiative, small cafes near the cinemas and people will start going out. Healthy adults will be very happy for such a revival. It will remind them of beautiful times and with great pleasure they will return to enjoy a good movie and falafel or a cup of coffee after the movie. I hope that the next mayor he chooses will be wise enough to try such a move.
    And a savior came to Haifa and the city will come back to life.

  7. On the palace of his son Migdal
    Atzmon, in my opinion, is empty, and so are Ora and Ron, let them live again,, there is nothing like watching a movie there, and then eating falafel

  8. There are no places for recreation, so recreation has become going to parades on midnight with whistles and speeches by failed generals on the left - the new outdoor order...

    • Exactly right. And thousands of bored retirees with a fat budget pension and apartments that they rent out full of free time - with an excess and a lack of occupations, so they brood on the social networks spreading anti-right-wing fervor which is the brainwashing they went through as students in Migdali Hashan - Migdal Eshkol.. the 60s-70s.. your promise Jonah, etc. They were almost slaughtered there due to coexistence in the '73 war, but they forget that. Maybe in honor of the 50th anniversary of the war they will remember who the enemy is, although I doubt that their new war is to divide the people and make sure that their strongholds are cleansed of 'them'.

  9. Haifa is very neglected roads!! Sidewalks!! Tires of the cars are damaged because of the roads which have many potholes and cracks. In my opinion, the mayor should do a tour on foot in different areas of Haifa, simply terrible!!

  10. The mayor put up signs about culture.
    Where are the summer movies in the mother garden or in gardens and stairs? Canceled.
    Where is the youth city? canceled
    Where is the filmmaker initiative at Cinematheque?
    Where is the Manaman Katz Museum? closed
    Where is Cafe Moriah cinema? Why isn't a cultural building used?
    Why isn't there cinema again?
    Why won't the municipality renew the Shavit cinema in the center of Carmel?
    And if not why not build rental housing for young people instead. If there is a housing shortage in dear Carmel, then why not use such a lot to build dozens of apartments for rent?
    What happened to this city where the culture is dying
    Everyone just talks all roads and asphalt and parking lots.
    Reinvest in what made women choose Haifa once.
    So that we are not left with just memories and pastimes that were and are not.

    • It's because we chose her. We thought what we had was bad and wanted to replace it!! You have to learn a lot from this and not make the same mistake again in another area. the more important We threw out a bad government less than a year ago, and today we are thinking of throwing out this government. Please do a good calculation before there is crying for generations and we will replace it and exonerate those who revolted the army on the claim that they are democrats... The soul of democracy is that the army is subordinate to the government and not the other way around. move on ??

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