• The main victims are drivers of public vehicles and subscription trucks
(haipo) - The company that operates the Carmel Tunnels, Carmelton, is once again raising the fares for travel in the tunnels, this time the price increase is even higher than ever, higher not in single agoras but in shekels.
As you may remember, in 2015, five years after the opening of the Carmel tunnels, a struggle began on the part of residents and drivers, against raising the fares in the tunnels, this after the Carmelton company raised the fares almost every year. Now, 13 years later, the rates continue to climb, and this time even by extremely high amounts.
If in previous times the prices went up by a few agoras, now it is a price increase that reaches shekels. The updated rate for 2023, which the users of the tunnels have already started paying, is 9.79 NIS for a private vehicle for subscribers, 10.72 for non-subscribers. This is compared to 2021, when drivers parted with 8.05 NIS as subscribers, and 9.91 for non-subscribers.
Subscribers with a public vehicle will have to pay 32.16 NIS for a trip and non-subscribers will be separated from the same price as subscribers 32.16 NIS, same as above for trucks, subscribers and non-subscribers will pay the same amount - 53.60 NIS. So the main victims will be the subscribers who drive a public vehicle or a truck.
The headquarters of the struggle
At the headquarters of the struggle against the price increase in the Carmel tunnels, partners are Ruthi Benin, attorney Sharit Golan Steinberg, Tomer Hazan, Mimi Peretz, Aliza Barkan and Tzaira Nachmias.
From the headquarters of the struggle it was given to Lai Pa:
"לא ידענו שיעלו את מחירי מנהרות הכרמל במחירים כל כך מוגזמים. המנהרות אמורות לשרת את התושבים חינם ובמקום זאת המחירים רק עולים ועולים. בכל רבעון עלו המחירים במספר אגורות, אך הפעם החליטו בחברה להעלות בשקלים. אנחנו דורשים להלאים את המנהרות ושהנסיעה בהן תהיה חינם. המנהרות הן לא מותרות, האלא דבר בסיסי, כביש באמצע העיר, שחוצה את העיר ב-10 דקות, דרך של 40 דקות, שמעבר להקושי הפרטי, גם מייצרת זיהום גדול בחיפה, שמתווסף למפעלים המזהמים. לא יתכן שבירושלים סוללים כביש עם מנהרות שחוצה את העיר וניתן להשתמש בו בחינם, ובחיפה, שהיא העיר השלישית בגודלה בארץ, המעבר במנהרות עולה הרבה מאוד כסף. בכוונתנו לפנות לשרת התחבורה הנכנסת מירי רגב, בבקשה לבחון את הלאמת המנהרות לתמיד".
"Shouldn't these luxuries be free"?
Why did your father dig the tunnels?
Do you have any idea how much money this project cost??
And who will pay for it?
אפילו בגרמניה משלמים על הכבישים… אז בוכים פה על כמה שקלים ?
You can skip the tunnels. It's in our hands, and ours alone. A week, that's all it takes for Carmelton to realize that the car owners are fed up. A week without income. We will see them!
I'm tired of everything being brought up all the time in an oppressive country, maybe in order to move to another country, everything here is intoxicating to the face, so I'm really thinking of leaving this crazy country and moving
Greedy scumbags, there is no justification for raising the price, their costs have not increased but decreased over the years of the activity of these tunnels.
Pigs have no limit and the suckers keep paying.
In our country they do not know how to boycott consumers.
It should be boycotted and not travel through the tunnels as they do in other parts of the world so that they lose the money they make from us.
Good thing the price went up.
Say are you a little crazy?
From my experience, traveling through similar tunnels in Switzerland does not cost money. Traveling in these tunnels should have been free. This is in the interest of the residents of Haifa and the entire country.
צודקת. אנחנו ושווייץ אותו הדבר בול.
Excellent comparison.
Now enter a mental institution...
It's enough to take advantage of the public who need tunnels to get to their workplaces or alternatively to go to events in the evening, this is already extremely excessive, we should ask the government to subsidize part of the travel costs there, it is not possible that both words and travel prices will increase but salaries will not increase
We realized a long time ago that no representative in the Knesset nor in the municipality does anything for the citizens
They are all puppets and interested parties
זה לא פר 53 זה לקתע 1 ביחדזה 107 זה בריונות מצידם אני נהג משאית אן התחשבות באזרח הקטן. בכנסת רק מחממים כיסאות
In order to silence criticism from her and so that she does not wage a public fight over tariffs, senior officials of the Haifa municipality receive free passage in the tunnels.
It is important for the public to know.
Seems like a bribe to me
Already tired of all this shit, everything is expensive for us