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The cable car in Haifa skips its most important station • Commentary

A neighborhood that is a city

When riding on the Haifa cable car, you can see in a spectacular way how a large transportation project is missed and harms the efficient planning of public transportation.

When you get on the cable car at the center of the bay, after a few minutes you come across the 'Dori' station from where you can see the Neve Shanan neighborhood from a distance of 200 m, but you cannot get off the car, even though there is a station there.

Why is it such a big miss that they didn't connect Neve Shanan?
Because Neve Shanan is not just any neighborhood. This is the most populated neighborhood in Israel, which celebrated its 100th anniversary this year, and in terms of the number of inhabitants, it can inhabit a city. As of 2020, 44,000 residents live in Neve Shanan, which is more than Kiryat Ono or Kiryat Bialik, and almost more than the Carmel and Nesher castles combined. 15% of all residents in the city of Haifa live in Neve Shanan. Now you can understand how strange it is that the cable car was not connected to Neve Shanan.

Expect the number of residents in Israel From the "Neve Shanan neighborhood strategic plan" presented at the municipality in February 2020
Expect the number of residents in Israel From the "Neve Shanan neighborhood strategic plan" presented at the municipality in February 2020

The advantage of the connectivity of Neve Shanan to the cable car can be huge. The cable car will connect Neve Shanan in a few minutes' drive to the train station, to the Lev Hamfaretz exchange, to an employment center that is starting to be built around the exchange and the employment center at the University of Haifa, to the Technion and the university, to the airport that will expand in the future and much more.

Dori station touches the West Bank but does not stop (map: Israel Routes)

And really the advantage of connecting the cable car to Neve Shanan did not go unnoticed by the planners. In the presentation of the "strategic plan for the renewal of Neve Shaanan" presented in February 2020, there is a connection of the cable car to the Neve Shaanan neighborhood that did not come to fruition.

From the "Neve Shanan neighborhood strategic plan" presented at the municipality in February 2020
Connecting the cable car to the city From the "Neve Shanan neighborhood strategic plan" presented at the municipality in February 2020

Attorney Paz Glickman, a resident of the neighborhood and chairman of the Neve Shanan Religious Culture Center, notes:
״I don't think there is a resident of Neve Shaanan who does not support the connection of the cable car to Neve Shaanan by a bridge or any other means. There is also an Egged bus terminal near the Dori station of the cable car that could have been used to enable the connection to Neve Shanan. The cable car link will significantly improve the transportation connectivity of Neve Shanan.'

A station without a semester break

Another question that exists on this topic is related to the fact that the other stations of the cable car are in academic institutions that are not active for 3 months of the year where the cable car still runs on the same provider. Connecting Neve Shanan to the cable car will increase the profitability and efficiency of the project.

A link of bike paths

Another tremendous potential exists in the field of bicycles. Neve Shanan is also a neighborhood in large parts of which is flat and comfortable for walking or cycling. In the master plan for bicycles, it is classified as "easy to ride" and preferred for bicycle paths. The cable car that allows the carrying of bicycles can allow riding in Neve Shanan and its continuation through the cable car in the lower city or a leisure ride in Carmel around the university. The combination of safe bike paths in Neve Shanan and connectivity that allows the passage of bicycles between levels can be a springboard for the quality of life in the neighborhood.

The planned bike path on Trumpeldor Street From "Program for cycling days in Haifa" May 2019
The planned bike path on Trumpeldor Street From "Program for cycling days in Haifa" May 2019

Now is the time

All this good can be a reality if only there is political pressure and especially at this time in preparation for the upcoming local elections. Dori station already exists and its connection to Neve Shanan was already on the drawing board. Connecting the cable car to Neve Shanan depends only on the will and determination of its residents

contact: At watsapBy email

Jonathan Gershon
Jonathan Gershon
Data Scientist at Cyber ​​Company • Coordinator of the association "Israel for the Bicycle" in Haifa Mail to Jonathan: [email protected]

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35 תגובות

  1. totally agree.
    With all due respect to the project which is really both beautiful and effective... I wish there was also a cable car from Sprinitzak to the center of Carmel..
    Despite this, how many people already need to get to the Technion and the university? The smart and high-quality among us... but we are not Austria... the majority do not study in these higher institutions, and a large part of the students come with private cars.
    Therefore, in my opinion, the number of cable car users is low.
    But a connection to Neve Shanan - even if it's a connection to the edge as you can see on the map, and from there you have to walk long distances to the rest of the neighborhood, or even get on a bus... still building an option to get off and on at the "station" already built there - it's not that there's nothing there, can help many residents.

  2. The Marker 30.1.2023: The cable car is a failure as public transportation:
    "Data obtained as a result of a freedom of information request reveal that the cable car in Haifa fails to realize its purpose as a public transportation line. Despite the disappointing data, the Ministry of Transportation has started planning for another cable car on the other side of Carmel."
    If something fails what do we do? Duplicate the failure.
    Bravo!!! Transportation engineers will always find a way to rob this city's coffers.
    90 million for descent roads, 180 million for an ascent road, 300 million for another cable car. 600 million for another Metro line...
    Tens of thousands in dangerously crumbling housing buildings, old schools and public buildings are inaccessible and do not meet earthquake standards with tens of thousands of children. But what is most needed? Another asphalt, another stupid cable car.

  3. It is easy to say that it is a Neve station, but in practice there is not a single building hundreds of meters from the station.
    The only option for the connection is the construction of a bridge over Derech Dori that will connect the Neve Shanan terminal, which does not appear to be prepared to receive passengers at the moment as a parking terminal only.
    Even if it is carried out, I don't know how much time it will save the residents on their way to the Gulf center...

  4. 2 things:
    A. The descent as suggested in the article, in order to allow easy access to Neve Shanan, would have been better in the second one which is inside the Technion. It is more accessible to the neighborhood.
    B. From a tourist point of view, it would be worthwhile and desirable to add the one in the check post. All this is due to the proximity to Nahal Saadia.

  5. Every now and then strict inspections should be done for the cable car in Haifa. Have a good week

  6. do not Cry over spilled milk. The cable car is a means of transportation that leads from nowhere to nowhere. The slow travel, problematic location for non-student passengers, shutdown in bad weather and the rocking of the carriages - means that the cable car is not a device for mass transportation.
    It is suitable for domestic tourism, but does not operate on Shabbat.
    If you take into account the multitude of workers of this very expensive facility...
    And it's a shame they didn't think to connect more neighborhoods.

    • Why don't you cry? 300 million NIS was poured just for the establishment... what could be done with 300 million NIS?
      Interchange on Dori Road, Interchange on Freud Road, connecting the upper parking lot and the Mizrah dormitory at the Technion to University Road to
      That express buses will be able to drop off at both campuses 10 minutes faster from the cable car to the university and directly at the faculties.
      Leave all the transportation planning in Haifa is spilled milk and that's why everyone in the private car is also crying about the traffic jams from the neighborhoods.
      The municipality of thousands of employees does not even have a dedicated department for public transportation and mass transportation, and there is no councilor or deputy mayor who takes the transportation portfolio, everyone runs away from it like fire - let's start with that...?

  7. This whole cable car is a big stupidity. It would have been better for him to dig and continue the entire length and breadth of Haifa Metro.

  8. a question:
    How can we technically connect the Nosh to the cable car?
    It's just not on the line and it would take a sharp break and change of all the column positions to make it happen.

    Think before you act.

    • There is an option with the connection of a bridge over Dori directly to the elevator that will reach the street level in Neve Shanan

    • Jonathan How many will use this bridge? 20-30 people? For this they will invest millions.
      Isn't it better to take a bus that gets off at Dori in half the time?
      It is already possible to take the Omega Line from Yaakov Hazan Street directly to Hafaretz Central, I think it would be the fastest.

  9. Shaar Shalom everything I suggested is very feasible or in Hebrew doable and even fast. A railway station on the Dori road would have taken a year, not 4 cable car years.
    Secondly, all of Haifa there is infrastructure digging, the main reason being that my old pipes are standing up to the Tama-38 loads of hundreds of additional apartments in every neighborhood.
    Tama38 with each additional house doubles or triples the amount of apartments without any consideration of all the other resulting consequences. It's the height of stupidity to see roads and sidewalks that were paved 4-5 years ago open again for pipe replacement and to know that the municipality has no money for a normal finish with quality materials, which will lead to new cracks and potholes in a few more years in the winter. And they install offensive LED lighting with an unpleasant white light. And also neglect retaining walls with ballet, dozens of which constitute a scheme of souls.

  10. An excellent article, as residents of Neve Sha'anan, fully supportive, it will make it easier for soldiers and a diverse population that lives in Neve Sha'anan and is helped by the train from Lev Hamafaretz station, the shortcut to Lev HaFaretz in order to board the matron that was supposed to reach Neve Shaanan and was canceled for some reason, a pedestrian bridge for the residents and students from the nursing home area The Sephardi and the Dori station will be excellent. We hope the municipality will get the message

    • Yes, in my opinion, this is also the easiest connection that can be made to the existing station. They should also incorporate a large elevator

  11. A. They will tell you in "Yafa Nof" that there was no way to connect the cable car to Nua Shanan, there is nowhere.
    B. It is better to invest in a generational road bus that can serve all the lines coming from the center of the Gulf.
    third. Of course, Shifa Nof did not do this in a generational fashion and connecting the upper parking lot road at the Technion to the university road because it would have been unnecessary to throw 300 million NIS to, among other things, their associates in infrastructure companies to build 6 stations.
    This corruption led to the choice of a solution that, in 3 user surveys, was made clear that there was no demand for it.
    d. Egged complex will be connected by stairs and elevators and a bridge over Dori road? Millions of shekels. A huge tower in Nesher will connect to the station with a huge pedestrian bridge with a 50 meter bridge in the middle? It all sounds so ridiculous.
    God. It is clear that they canceled 143, they are trying to push passengers to the nuclear cable car in Kach. and. It is not clear why Bifah Nof does not provide answers. They are responsible for this whole double failure of not building an interchange in order to prioritize a cable car that does not serve Neve Shanan at all and is slower to the Technion and the University than a bus that would use the interchange to the Technion and go after dispersing to the University on an internal connection road from the upper parking lot. Hundreds of meters to the university road.
    It should be done today as well. Nothing will help. And the cable car can be dismantled and cars moved to the other side from Harv to the stadium and dead as suggested by Galbhart.

    • Why did we jump at all? Drive this road every day, the traffic there does not need such a lane at all.

  12. Many, many unwise things were done in the Haifa of Mitzna Yahav.... But one of the highlights is the non-connection of the cable car to the Ziv Center or to another point on Trumpeldor Street. a disgrace

  13. The idea of ​​connecting Dori Station to Nave Shanan for cyclists is a nice and positive idea. Furthermore, this "station" was never intended for Neve Shanan residents. It is too remote, cut off and does not even have a parking lot for those who want to leave their car there and get to the Heart of the Gulf train.
    The only possible solution to connect the northeastern end of Neve Shaanan to this station can be done by building an elevator or connecting a path from Yaakov Salomon St. towards the Egged parking lot and a pedestrian bridge over Dori Road. Even then, the expected number of passengers using this station will be marginal.

  14. The cable car was designed to bypass Haifa. The said station will be built in the planned tower in the Nesher area.

  15. Because of the cable car and the useless Matron 5 from Hadar Ligor, they canceled line 143 that goes directly from Haifa University to Tel Hanan (less than 10 minutes) and from there to the Gulf Central. It's a line that was used by many people and it's a real shame that it was cancelled.

  16. Why didn't you ask for the Haifa municipality's response? Department of Transportation?

  17. The transport minister Regev must be pressed to make the station operational and urgent.
    It is true that the former minister of traffic signs canceled because the builders and right-wing supporters live there. And not the pure ones of the White Lion race. which must not hinder them from reaching the front. Because baboons don't go to the university and the Technion. Maximum come to the front to repair a water explosion or unclog the? Ashkenazi!
    The call to Sarah Regev is here and now. You said all the peripheral years first. Now is the time to pay the checks you gave to baboons from the periphery.
    (baboons sarcastically yes)

  18. Excellent article, Neve Shanan and Ramat Alon are also neglected. Thanks for all your articles, it's so good to see that someone cares about this city that the young people are leaving because it's boring anyway. But it is the most stunning city in Israel. Give Neve hate a station!

  19. If I were the mayor:
    A. Cessation of the financing of the cable car - that the Academy and the Ministry of Transportation will finance it completely. Do not want - to disassemble and close.
    on. Immediate system of public transport routes - addition of metro bus route on Dori road - Ziv center - Trumpeldor - Carmel tunnels. Addition of central bus route Carmel beach - Freud - Horev - Pika/Hankin - Ziv center - Carmel tunnels.
    third. Immediately a Haifa resident card + the closing of the entrance after the Matam intersection to the beaches and Matam parking lots with payment of an entrance fee for anyone who is not a resident of Haifa. Closing all beach parking lots as paid parking lots for residents outside of Haifa.
    d. The introduction of transportation engineers to handle the long bus lines - no line in Haifa will be more than 30 minutes away. Addition of fast skip lines on the ridge axis between the neighborhoods 24/7 - express lines on the NTAZ routes, the Gulf center - Neve Shanan, the Carmel Beach Horev Technion center.
    God. The narrowing of Hagana Road in a format similar to Begin Road in Tel Aviv, the addition of sidewalks, trees, crossing bridges from the neighborhoods - a demand from the Ministry of Transportation for a billion shekel transportation rehabilitation program in the neighborhoods of West Haifa. Construction of high-rise parking structures for urban renewal.
    But that's just me.
    Surely Klish or Etzioni or Yahav or Borovsky or the devil knows who understands much more - and therefore they did nothing.

    • Eyal - talk to his father Han - the Greens Plus. You may have conceptual support.

    • Let's start with the municipality doing its basic tasks.

      I live in a block of several blocks where water infrastructure work has been going on for about a year; Every time a different street is damaged for a quarter of a year, during this time the whole street is full of dust, most of the parking lots are unusable (the plight is severe), when the road was scraped, cars towed it without notice (neither in advance nor in the process nor in retrospect), scrubbing and asphalt were only done on half of the street even though all The road is ruined from years of lack of maintenance, the work was supposed to be finished in November and there are still barriers and once a week a small bulldozer comes.
      There is nothing to talk about the ongoing maintenance here either: there are no flowers in the beds (instead they filled them with concrete), waste is not removed on time, neither recycling, nor pruning, and in any case there are only a few bins on the street (unlike most municipalities where there is a bin for every building), Even when calling and asking for evacuation.
      The quality of the water, the asphalt, the pavements... everything is bad.

      Only after the basics are working can you come and ask for your very-unfeasible demands.

  20. Well we wrote so much about this white elephant cable car - let it just fail in receivership in two or three years. Then the municipality and the Ministry of Transportation will also be required to spend millions to compensate the operators for the heavy losses.
    A cable car is a bad solution. point. It is spotty, it is not flexible to changes in capacity, it is dangerous, it does not work in strong winds, its maintenance is expensive. Its use is limited, and it is slow. Yes, it is simply slower than a bus. If there was a bus route between Hafaretz center on Dori road to Ziv center, a bus would take half the time of a cable car - 6 minutes instead of 11.
    So there is simply no point in the cable car - expensive to maintain, inflexible in demand and unable to drop people off at different stations in just one.
    A bus can go around the Technion and drop off at 6 stops near the faculties. The cable car does not. In other words, it greatly extends the arrival time for anyone who does not study with him. Also in NUS, a Dori bus in the NTAZ arrives at the Ziv center in 6 minutes and starts dropping off and collecting at NUS stations. A cable car arrives after 11 minutes and from there those who live far away need another bus - another wait and another trip.
    Understand, gentlemen, this is simply stupid and bad transportation. 300 million shekels were sent down the drain on a means of transportation that is not urban and not adapted to an urban environment. This is why it is not used but only in resorts between two endpoints.

  21. Is this the pispus? The real misstep is that it was not planned where it is urgently needed - between Carmel and the beach, with stations at Carmel Hospital, Ramat Eshkol, the shopping and entertainment area, the stadium, the Naot Peres neighborhood, and the Egged and train station. This is what I demanded from the day the idea was first presented. Now as I observed , it does not reach 20% of the predictions...

    • One architect was Yona Yahav's paid deputy and the actions there are known... and a second architect also received and has been receiving a salary for 4 years and her blessed action was published far beyond the borders of Haifa. We learn that there is probably something in this profession that does not line up with proper actions. The residents of the city knew whom to put as their breadwinners.

  22. Strange as it may be, someone must have made a mistake in setting up,
    Neve Shanan without a cable car station?!?
    delusional - It is urgent to initiate a station to stop the cable car!

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