(live here in the neighborhoods) - Where are all those urban renewal projects? Those projects you've been waiting for for years - where did they disappear in the thick of the municipal procedure? Where are they stuck? Why can't the entrepreneurs submit them? Why bother entrepreneurs back and forth with endless simulations and prevent them from submitting plans?
If you are also familiar with such a story, then we would appreciate it if you wrote a few words about it below in the comments...
"Lifting the curtain" may show the depth of the urban problem and perhaps even change the work process
Attorney Sharit Golan is now leading a process of "lifting the curtain" in front of the Department of Urban Renewal and the Engineering Administration in Haifa and is demanding the details of all those entrepreneurs who were rejected and/or delayed by the employees of the Engineering Administration in Haifa. Attorney Golan appealed to the representatives of the Engineering Administration in the subcommittee for planning and construction and to her surprise it turned out that there is no organized and transparent database that documents, manages and promotes these projects, according to her. Now it strives for transparency, which is the basis for accelerating urban processes.
In the query before you, Golan writes: "The entrepreneurs are in a long, tedious and fruitless relationship with the city's engineering administration. In some cases It turns out that the developers do not receive clear instructions from the Department of Urban Renewal and therefore they have difficulty bringing the project to the point of submitting a plan coordinated with the Haifa Municipality... The irony is celebrated - on the one hand, the same engineering director who delays the promotion of plans for urban renewal, is the same engineering director who, on the other hand, issues an order to tenants for dangerous buildings.
In this context, I would like to know what the procedures are for contacting entrepreneurs, how to register for this relationship, and report on any meeting or request that is made to the entrepreneur (even if it is a relationship that began before the "issuance of an information sheet" procedure).
It is unbelievable what is happening in Haifa
Here in the Galilee the residents are the main thing and in Haifa it seems that the municipality and the contractors
My daughter studies at Haifa University and is disgusted by pigs and sows
[…] Which urban renewal projects are awaiting coordination with Min... Urban RenewalHaifa City CouncilHashrit Golan Nega Karmi collaboration […]
I am the owner of an apartment on Stroma Street in Kiryat Shprincek. Apartments from the early 1960s were destroyed
Our project has been stuck for 5 years since we signed a contract with the developer
Every time new requests after we waited two years for detailed planning by the municipality and now again nothing moves
In Kiryat Eliyahu. We have been waiting for years and years for an eviction permit. And I don't know when we will get it. I would be happy for help in pushing the municipality to promote the issue
We need a law in the Knesset that will decide the municipality's control over areas in Haifa!
And transfer the control to the Shin Bet!
They have experience in infrastructure and construction and consideration for tenants!
They leave time for insiders to buy apartments in crumbling neighborhoods and then approve the plans
Ms. Attorney Sharit Golan, as reflected in the responses to this article, it seems that you have hereby ended your election campaign and that of your friend mentioned in the comments, even before you started it.
The residents have a good memory and there will be someone who will take care during the coming year to remind the residents of your apparent "great successes" in approvals to increase air pollution in Haifa in the form of the planned bitumen facility at the new port, while hiding "sensitive" information from the council members, in addition to your approvals for the destruction of the unique structure of the Carmel Ridge, In addition, self-destruction of the prestigious neighborhood you live in. Apparently, this has appropriate definitions in the field of mental sciences.
You should very well forget about your and your close friend's run for mayor.
Top class but not in our school.
No acts of kindness on your part will be imposed on your glaring failures.
Recalculate route.
A populist who seeks votes.
Where have you been until now? Exactly within those centers of power and influence.
In Sed, several entrepreneurs have come and gone and don't understand why the buildings are old and crumbling, so why not renew
Listen carefully and also to Ms. Sarit, the big problem of the Haifa municipality is the city engineer, there are good people in the system, people who care, but the city engineer is a little less so. In about a month, 2 veteran licensing inspectors with knowledge will retire from the licensing department to another department, immediately after the holidays, another hard-working clerk who handles fees and collects files will leave, after she was fired by the director of the department. In a month there will be less people to work with in licensing and the city engineer only cares about himself because he is better off doing nothing about it. Yes, Sarit, we understand that the city engineer is currently working with the opposition, because with Michi Alper, he certainly doesn't work, and that's the only reason you didn't raise your hand in the Shini coalition to fire the city engineer, and for that you need to be ashamed, so don't talk about the transparency of the city engineer, he is the problem of this city and all A contractor knows this and so do the manager's employees.
The next time when Shuber asks to hold a vote on the issue of the city engineer, don't want to say that he is a messenger of Klish. As long as the city engineer is in his position there will be no strong licensing in the city.
Michi is doing everything to help but the city engineer insists that he is working with the opposition and that you should work for us because we know very well that we are there with you. The opposition does nothing but make noise!!!
Everything that the chairman of the previous committee asks of the city engineer, he carries out, even though she is currently in the opposition.
Approval for the addition of a balcony, waiting for a subgrade... so urban renewal?
Maybe in the next incarnation...unfortunately.
The entire Gadalihu street signed with the Nof Carmel company several years ago and since then there has been no progress
Naa demands - Naa fulfills.
How and from what motives do you allow yourself to vote consistently and apparently knowingly in favor of approving building permits based on allegedly false documents and in violation of the alleged TAMA Law 38?!
Apparently, where is your personal and public honesty?!
Isn't honesty and good faith apparently required of a lawyer who serves as a public representative in the city council?!
Kudos to lawyer Sharit Golan. Nothing is renewed in this city, the young people are running away and rightly so, even the Carmel Castle has long since overtaken Haifa in terms of maintenance and renewal.
The copied and constant sentence "There is no renewal in the city, the young people are running away", is a parable about cause and effect.
The young people do not and will not in the near future have a connection to a new apartment in a project that costs over three million NIS.
If anything, the projects drive the young people away because they reduce the supply of apartments whose prices touch reality.
If the municipality rejects poor plans that do not take regional development into account, for the municipality to initiate an alternative plan on its own, the easiest thing to say is why not
Come and offer an alternative to the houses from 1949 that exist in the city, chart a path for the architecture offices, stop sitting on the chair and wait for time to pass, rejecting plans that try to change things is not the job.
Start taking the initiative yourself, and yes, Haifa is really not utilizing its potential.
Sarit Golan Steifenberg is a brazen big mouth who needs to undergo close psychiatric treatment in China immediately, she does not know how to respect and tramples with her words that stink up every good part, she should be removed as soon as possible from all her positions and allow the president of our beautiful, intelligent, well-kept and charming city, our dear beloved, Einat Kalish, to continue to clean up The municipality from all the corruption in the polluted stables and the stale rooms from the empty water of many Danes, enough of filthy neglect and corruption from the foundation to the tifahts to return an upright crown to its natural place and to build a bright sea city with its well-cut and upright talipios and slips, and beautiful one hour before.
you are so right!!! The only problem with Kalish is that she doesn't lick people and cleans stables too thoroughly! Then everyone who doesn't like it comes out and attacks her in the media. She has made too many enemies for herself, and only because of this she has no chance of moving on. Too bad. Until there is someone willing to fight against corruption.
Urban renewal must be planned correctly, and it is good to have expert committees that will plan it properly. It is not wise to build buildings that do not fit the infrastructure of the city. Huge traffic jams and hours of driving in congested hubs is just the beginning. One must not be alarmed by ventures that are not interested in the good of the city and only personal profit. Kudos to Kalish who is not afraid. It's just a shame that in the end this is what will knock her off the chair.
How long does it take to clean a stable?
We've been kissing for four years and the stable is only getting juicier,
When do you think it's time to switch claims?
What is the difference between insolence and psychiatric treatment?
Continue a charming day.
It is possible to do quality construction evacuation projects in Haifa; Not in this age; In this era, planning chaos and the suspicion of corruption dominate the field - this is how you get slam projects and the total destruction of the entire city - the entrepreneurs and the corrupt celebrate - the residents are harmed and will discover the disaster too late; All the bonanza of their lives (of the entrepreneurs) - in the language of a cliché (see the last page of the transcript of the discussion of the plenary of the local committee in the discussion of March 9.3.2021, XNUMX) - is encouraged by Sarit Golan Steinberg - and thus the city is going to a bad and delusional place. By the way, Sarit is not the only one who supports the planning chaos and the destruction of the city, she has other partners in the city engineer's office and the city council (for example, Ms. Sophie Nakash) for bonanza, if you will or for the 'combina' - another language that Sarit Golan really does not tolerate - according to Sarit, one should be careful Perhaps, so it is suspected, because later this may be revealed and then transparency will do its thing, God bless you. It is important to be very careful of monstrous construction evacuation projects that are promoted, on suspicion, and according to Ms. Klish, by Sarit Golan Steinberg and others who cooperate in these matters - God forbid this could lead to the total destruction of the city - and this is currently the direction in which the city of Haifa is advancing with giant strides.
Ilan Bornstein is probably financed by Ms. Kalish....
What exaggerated and baseless claims.
People like him are Haifa's problem.
What do you suggest? (Not in this age…..) , until something moves in this failing city, you will have no one to build
A city that was the glory of creation because of people like you has become the most backward city that everyone who can afford to escape evaporates.
The claim that if you repeat your flowery mantras over and over again (I wonder who you learned it from….) no longer works…..
Sarit Golan Steinberg promotes dense projects (too many apartments) of slums (poor quality of life and infrastructure for poverty and crime) dangerous for the city of Haifa - very profitable for entrepreneurs and those who are suspected of feeding off their hands; Sarit mistakenly calls it green construction - this is exactly the opposite of green construction - with expensive maintenance costs - this is a failure of the state - buildings that will soon become neglected buildings that the tenants will not be able to maintain and the apartments in which will be damaged and their prices will drop significantly - in Haifa they are promoting a major scandal - overcrowded projects ( Slams) of building evacuations in which the residents of the neighborhood receive apartments with only one air direction - these are apartments whose operating cost is very expensive - forced and ineffective ventilation in the absence of windows for the bathrooms - expensive air conditioning operation in the absence of windows and air directions - expensive lighting - in the absence of enough external windows - in short, Apartments that are suitable for a disadvantaged population whose dignity, property and rights are being trampled on by the city officials and the planning committee - see the projects of building evacuation in the Neve David neighborhood - the cemetery project of the Azurim company and others.
That people will continue to live in crumbling apartments? That older people will lock themselves in their houses because they live on the upper floors and can no longer go down and up stairs? That in the next earthquake, thousands will be buried among the ruins and thousands will wander the streets of Haifa homeless? These are buildings from the 60s! True, I also think that the renewal of Tama 38 is better than the removal of a cumbersome building because by adding 3 or 4 floors to an existing building, the developer will also be able to strengthen buildings and will have approximately 8 or 10 return apartments that will provide him with a high profit. By the way, it is a fact that Tama buildings are popping up like mushrooms (despite the lower land price) and here in the coastal neighborhoods there is no eviction, no construction, no pollution! There is simply nothing! And this privilege of a one-sided window, as you say, is infinitely better than, God forbid, there will be an earthquake or a war here
Thanks to the Live Here system and the multitude of reporters who cover the most difficult problem in the city: the issue of urban renewal. With all due respect to the pigs, to cleaning, to the sidewalks and to public transportation on Shabbat, the weak people who live in apartments from 1956 will definitely not survive an earthquake and certainly not rocket fire like in the Second Lebanon War And in my opinion this is the most difficult problem in Haifa that the neighborhoods (with the exception of Ramot Remez) are simply old and dangerous to live in. Thanks also to Mrs. Attorney Sharit Golan for raising the query, we didn't know her until today to be honest, but I am now reading on websites that she does a lot of work on this issue. I completely think that if she runs for mayor and promises to solve the problems and slowness in the engineering administration, she will absolutely be the next mayor. Yona Yahav and Mrs. Kalish have disappointed us greatly on this most important issue. There is actually no urban renewal on the ground, only public relations and false promises to the residents.
Sarit Golan the artillery, keep going so that he blesses you, this is the biggest failure of a wing for urban renewal in the municipality of Haifa, opaque people who are preventing with all their might are piling up difficulties, have been sending our developer for 6 years to fix plans, he aligns according to their request and they are once again right not to promote plans in the city. Our developer is the Rike Yossi Group. We are in the Carmel and Sea project in Rehovot through France and the exit of Europe. They have already exaggerated. We are desperate. My name is Avi Crispel, you know me. I wish you to be the first in our city.
The biggest omission is the promotion of the dense construction monsters that are unfit for human habitation, at most they enrich certain entrepreneurs that the government wants to favor and they are profitable for all the appendages they deserve.
Haifa Municipality is renewing itself in reverse. Thank you Sarit for the thorough care!
Dear Nechama, please ask Sarit Golan Steinberg, whom you encourage, to reveal all the information concerning the dense construction monsters, slams projects that she promotes, and which she calls green construction by gross negligence. On the same occasion, I would appreciate it if you would ask Msirat for information on all the projects that produce total dependence on the use of private vehicles that are being promoted in the city of Haifa, so that we will be prepared for the upcoming traffic jams in the city. As they say, run away before it's too late. Happy New Year and happy signing.
It's interesting that all of my council members who wanted to help me suddenly disappeared. Suddenly there's silence if you hear them. How happy I am. Elections will be held soon. We'll see the mice coming out of the holes. Disgust. Shame on you. The next disaster will come soon. We'll see how you react.
Hello Sarit Golan
If there is a social worker sitting in this department who claims she is protecting the elderly residents. That is a lie. I asked her again what is your job, said a social worker. I answered her why there are elderly who renegade him, they love you Mrs. XXX.
Suddenly I hear her asking students to recruit representatives, suddenly the social worker is recruiting entrepreneurs, so explain to me Mrs. Sarit, if what goes on in the urban renewal department is corruption, then what is it?
There is no where to start to take care of this city. Most of the residents have lost hope and use this criminal neglect as a common topic of conversation only. Haifa is crumbling! , buildings to be demolished all over Haifa, the young people are moving to other cities! Old people no longer have the strength for failed attempts, there is no municipal competition in Israel that would encourage the mayors to promote higher welfare for the residents, similar to the school competition. Each municipality is a private entity in itself without external political oversight that checks where the residents' money flows and whether that is what they intended. What there is in this city is a lot of blah blah tempting and promising, familiar, expected, known and boring. I don't see a way but a disaster that maybe and just maybe will bring change.
Attorney Golan in an appropriate move turns the spotlight on the biggest failure of Haifa and the municipality. Full disclosure I have been a resident of one of the coastal neighborhoods since the early 2000s. Ever since we moved here they have been talking about eviction. Even then the buildings were dangerous and prone to falling. The floor and cracks adorn almost most of the buildings. About a decade ago, developers started coming here and signed residents in all the neighborhoods. Today, land prices in the coastal neighborhoods have risen greatly and the developers themselves have admitted that it is already economically feasible to evacuate buildings in multiples that in 2013 were borderline. In my opinion, if they check the coastal neighborhoods, most of the buildings For many years already signed with over 80% signatures of residents. The municipality and the mayors (both Kalish and Yahav before it) came here to the neighborhoods and promised to march the neighborhoods forward and renew them, in the media the municipality presents itself as the "champion of urban renewal". In practice from the 5 largest beach neighborhoods in Haifa Of the hundreds of buildings and the thousands of residents, I think only 2 individual buildings have received building permits here. One of Alamogam in Neve David and the other at the Europa exit, and by the way, both are still under construction and uninhabited. What is the municipality bragging about here?? The failure in the coastal neighborhoods here screams to the sky, everything is stuck, nothing moves, We waited 3 years for the big master plan that you promised and postponed so much, well, since then what??? The residents are signed, the developers are eager, the plans of the architects' offices have already been changed dozens of times, why is nothing moving or progressing in the municipality?? The residents are not supposed to be interested in what happens in the engineering administration, the municipality and the mayors are supposed to provide answers and replace failed employees or departments. Apparently it is not really interesting to them, they themselves probably live in buildings protected against earthquakes and dimensions. And for them, they work at a turtle's pace and take time. The entrepreneurs said In the media, sometimes because of a rain or a tree, plans are thwarted and they are sent over and over again to correct them and again and again and again and again procrastination. The suffering of the weak and elderly residents who can barely climb stairs does not interest them. In the bottom line, Yahav and Kalish are indeed directly responsible for the failure. But what does it help us residents if next year there will be another mayor here and this failure and this slowness will continue??
Today I walked along Herzl Street, in the direction from Belfort to Arlozorov, on the right sidewalk. disgrace. The sidewalk is black and dirty. fifth world Make sure to maintain before talking about renewal.
And what about Ben Gurion Blvd. It has not been a road for a long time! These are obstacle courses.
Turn the place into a pedestrian street right away!
Well done for the initiative to expose the omissions in the Haifa Municipality. The time has come for transparency for the public so that they understand that the municipality is working against the residents instead of serving them. Or rather acting or not acting according to interests
All the best to Attorney Sharit Golan, please don't heal, be like a bone in their throat so they move themselves
The engineering department and the geriatric department perform accordingly.
Well done to you Sarit, a member of the Haifa City Council. God bless you Sarit. Have a good week
It's a shame that we trusted the Haifa municipality at all. In 2010 it was possible to sell our old apartment in Kiryat Eliezer for 350,000, add another 350,000 to the mortgage and buy a new apartment with dimensions and an earthquake-protected elevator without trusting the municipality and its renewal. Today it's as if we "got rich" and we can sell the same An apartment for 900,000 but a new apartment is already worth 2 million because the housing market has become only for the rich and it is no longer possible to move forward and buy a new one. It is dangerous for all the weak residents here in the coastal neighborhoods who are stuck in old apartments and chained by a miracle that maybe one day our neighborhoods will be renewed and we will also have a dimension and an elevator
Before you encourage Sharit Golan's initiative, it is appropriate and right to stop for a moment, to examine the serious failures in the projects to evacuate the corrupt and offensive buildings promoted in the city of Haifa; It is important to take stock and stop the serious damage, crowded slams projects that Sarit Golan Steinberg wants to promote; Illusory apartments with one air direction and another celebration of hazards; The residents of the disadvantaged neighborhoods are also human beings and should not be trampled on as is happening here in Haifa. Happy New Year and happy signing.
The residents of the disadvantaged neighborhoods are human beings like anyone else and it is impossible to take advantage of their weakness and lack of means in order to trample on their rights.
well done ! It is forbidden for factors to take over our environment!