(live here in the city) - In a few hours the new year will come, and it's a good time to remember our most favorite places in our city. During the whole year we beat our city, claiming that it is not clean enough, full of pigs, the road is not paved, the playground is not shaded enough. With the arrival of the new year, you can take a break from criticism, which is partly justified and aims to improve, and see the good and the beautiful in the city.
Councilor Kirill Kratnik: The Carmel Beach Promenade and the Sea

I grew up in a small town in Ukraine and always dreamed of the sea. As children, when we used to go on vacation with the family to the sea near Odessa, it was a real holiday for us, today I feel like I have fulfilled a small dream.
I think the city of Haifa is the most beautiful city in Israel as they say "a city with the most potential but with the least realization of potential".
My dream is that our street will work 24/7, that there will be a lot of culture, leisure, increase the number of restaurants and businesses, take it a few steps further and start bringing a lot of money into the city and I'm sure it's possible!
Yaakov Borovsky: The Promenade

My favorite place in Haifa is the promenade between Hastelwich in the south and Bat Galim beach in the north.
I try to start every morning at 05:30 with a walk, clean air and especially a social gathering. This is the real "town square" in my eyes.
Member of Knesset Naama Lazimi: Talpiot Market

My favorite place in Haifa is Talpiot market. I really like markets and the market in Haifa is magical and wonderful, now with the culinary boom in the market it gets an added value of entertainment. I like that everything is fresh and not industrial, unfortunately I rarely get to go to the market on a regular basis and I miss shopping there every weekend.
Councilwoman Hila Laufer: Seashore

My favorite place is of course our sea, Haifa is an attractive sea city with conditions for every field of water sports. In any free time I would always prefer to go to the sea, surf, walk the dogs, clear my head and mind of everything. The sea balances everything and restores everything to proportions, gives a lot of strength to continue on my way.
Council member Adv. Sharit Golan Steinberg: Hubert Humphrey Street

My favorite place in Haifa is Hubert Humphrey Street where the meeting point of the mountain and the sea in the bay reminds me every time why I fell in love with this beautiful city and chose to start my family there.
The multifaceted nature of the city of Haifa is the secret of its charm and the reason for its enormous potential.
Councilwoman Yael Shanar: On the rooftops of Haifa

There are many favorite places of mine in the city, and they are so different that it is hard to choose, and each of them suits a different mood.
The rooftop at Sirkin 21 fills me with optimism, it's a corner of the city that I like to go to when my mood is low and it immediately improves, there is a great view of the harbor and the mountain and Hadar from there. I generally like rooftops, and maybe it's unrepresentative of me, but from time to time I also go up (carefully) to the roof of the casino that is in front of my house.
The imagination works overtime, how happy it was here before I was born, there are always new and interesting graffiti works, and the feeling of a little adventure.
The casino is a white concrete elephant in the middle of a residential neighborhood, and until it is redeemed it will continue to be a magnet.
The first time I climbed to the roof of the casino was when I was still living in Tel Aviv, and every visit there always reminds me why I fell in love with Haifa and Bat Galim.
In the Carmel forests there is an unnamed spot that I like to go to with the children and my husband, around the small Shwezirah. My husband and I have traveled together and separately a lot with a backpack on our backs, and precisely after all the wanderings we know how to appreciate the special beauty of the bursting and urban nature in Haifa.
I also really like to just sit in the excellent coffee shops around the city, it always feels like I'm buying peace and quiet for the price of the coffee.
And my favorite thing to move is to go down the Carmel down through the various stairs, it's always surprising how fast and beautiful it is. Within an hour of a slow descent you reach the market from the center of Carmel, through Masada, and on the way you see how the landscape and the people change, and how interesting and beautiful they are.
Municipality spokesman Eliran Tal: An observation point above the university

The observation point, a little above the university, is in my opinion the most stunning place not only in Haifa but in Israel.
The location allows you to enjoy the blue of the sea and the green of the Carmel ridge.
Chairman of the Green faction Avihu Han: The beach in the Bat Galim neighborhood

My favorite place in Haifa is the beach in the Bat Galim neighborhood, my childhood neighborhood.
The rocky and special beach where I spent many years, with its special ecology, sea turtles, rockfish, sea cats and the special marine environment that characterizes this area envelops me with love and longing.
This special area between the training base of the navy and the Shekmona reserve managed to preserve its unique wildness and the special view of the mountain that kisses the sea.
That's where I grew up, that's where I met my wife Rachel, and that's where I go when I'm looking for peace and quiet.
For the past two decades, I have fought against various attempts by interested parties to damage and destroy this unique corner of nature and I have been happy to this day with success.
My childhood neighborhood Bat Galim brings back many memories of my dear childhood friends that we used to stay at each other's houses and the mothers took the trouble and cooked the best delicacies.
Bat Galim and its special beach area must be developed very carefully to preserve its integrity and beauty.
Councilwoman Or Barak: A section on the coastal road heading north, from the Atlit area, on my way to Haifa

The place I like the most in Haifa is the section on the coastal road towards the north, which starts at the point where the coastal strip is exposed and ends at the Haifa inlets. This beautiful marine space deepens my breathing space and instills peace in me. This stretch of sea fills me with a feeling of calmness and security, that here, I have arrived home. To my family, to my home, to my hometown, to the city where my children are educated. to my place in the world
Israel Savion: Louie Promenade

My favorite place in Haifa is undoubtedly the Louie Promenade. I really like looking out over the view of Haifa and the north and seeing the amazing Baha'i gardens.
Councilor Tavor Lahat: The Carmel Forests

My favorite place in the city is a little outside the city…
There is nothing I love more than going out of the city's neighborhoods towards the heart of the Carmel Forest and walking, especially on the weekend on one of the regular routes between the university and Usafia.
The thing I like about Haifa is that it is a city within a forest and a forest within a city - walking in Carmel feels a bit like being in Haifa and "walking around the city". As if it is a continuation of the usual paths in the neighborhoods, only with a little more green and quiet.
It is exciting to see the pink sunset among all the green trees and to look out from the unpaved paths on Dania, Carmel Castle and Carmel Beach.
Councilor Motti Blitzblau: Observation of the view of Haifa and the Gulf

My favorite place is a view of the gorgeous view of Haifa and the bay.
I love this place because there is no place like it in Israel, and my heart aches as long as we see the polluting chimneys rising from smoke.
CEO of Leo Buck Ofek Meir: Leo Buck Education Center

After the Dreyfus trial, Herzl arrives in Germany and asks to hold the first Zionist Congress there.
All the Reform and ultra-Orthodox rabbis oppose the Zionist visionary except for one liberal rabbi, a young man of twenty, Rabbi Leo Buck.
From that moment, when Rabbi Leo Buck met Herzl, the vision was born that liberal Judaism and the Zionist vision should combine forces towards rebuilding the Jewish people in their country.
And so did his student Rabbi Dr. Elek who founded the school in 1938.
My favorite place in Haifa (and Israel) is the Leo Buck Education Center in the French Carmel, which for eighty-five years combines education for academic excellence alongside spiritual and values education and the development of diverse and relevant Israeli and Jewish identities.
The school which is a building for leadership and community that serves thousands of families every day 365 days a year.
Bracha Beryl: Seaside

I am a patriot of the city of Haifa and love many places in it, one of my favorites in particular is the beaches and especially the Carmel beach. I even live by the sea and walking along the beach while watching the changing colors of the sea throughout the seasons, all year round is an uplifting experience. I recommend everyone to watch the sea and listen to the sound of the waves, a sight and sounds that expand the heart...
Port CEO Mandy Salzman: Beach

Since childhood, my favorite place in the city is the beach, especially the beach I grew up near, Bat Galim. There is no doubt that it is no coincidence that I have been working for many years at the port, the closest to the sea.
Director of the Likud's election headquarters in Haifa Yaniv Ben Shoshan: the municipal stadium

Every year I would say that my favorite place is our beautiful beach that makes our city so special, but this year I would say that it is the Sami Ofer Stadium that hosts the European Champions League games. The stadium together with Maccabi Haifa have become a household name in Israel and represent success and prestige, thus adding grandeur to Haifa and its residents who walk with their heads held high throughout the country.
Journalist Tali Liebman: Carmel Center

My favorite place in Haifa is the Carmel Center. It has great observation points and parks alongside cafes, bars, restaurants and places of entertainment and culture. If they had invested serious thought, it would have been possible to turn the Carmel center into the hot tourist center of Haifa.
Beit Biram Reali High School Principal Mandy Rabinowitz: Nabila Restaurant

My favorite place in Haifa is the Ham restaurant - Nabila, because I am a big believer in slow and quality cooking, which for me symbolizes the need for all of us to slow down the pace of life a little, not to run too fast, to enjoy the journey and, as with a good meal like this - to let the tastes of life sink in before running to talk Next, to stay and serve in this moment - neither in the past nor in the future.
Councilor Itzik Blas: Neve David neighborhood

I was born in Haifa, I was born in the Rambam Hospital, we lived in the neighborhood of Camp David at the time, Neve David today, we spent our childhood years and choices spending time at the beach, which was a main place for us to spend time. Neve David is dear to my heart, and beloved by me, and I am sure that one day it will develop and prosper and become one of the attractive places to live, in all respects.
Nathalie Lavie: Cafe Cafein Horev

My favorite place in Haifa is my cafe - Cafein Horav. I made the place my second home. The employees and customers have become family. Together we created a place of community, culture, content and love!
Attorney Lior Detz: Bat Galim
My favorite place in Haifa is the Bat Galim neighborhood. It's a neighborhood with so much potential and I really like being there. In my eyes, Bat Galim is not only the most beautiful neighborhood in Haifa, but the most beautiful in Israel. Without a doubt, among all the neighborhoods in Haifa, this is the neighborhood with the most potential.
CEO of Haifa Economic Company Or Shaf: Talpiot Market

A place I really connect with is Talpiot market. A combination of a lively market and entertainment center with restaurants, bars, delicatessens and cafes where every place has its own story and uniqueness. The secret of the magic in my eyes is that the complex manages to remain authentic and not commercialized, it's fun to shop and hang out there.
I wish all the businesses in the market, all the businesses in the city and all the residents of Haifa a happy new year, a year of success and prosperity!
Yaron Hanan: The chapel he watches from Stella Maris

Really like the chapel that looks out from Stella Maris towards the coast and the Sea and Lakes Research Institute.
Epidemiologist Ella Neve: A wooden bench in Avshalom Garden

In Haifa there are many favorite places, each one has its own uniqueness and the appropriate time of the year to come to it: Eliyahu's Cave during the period of forgiveness; Shekmouna Promenade in the winter, the Stella Maris tracks, Wadi Shikh in the winter, Lui Promenade in the summer. It's really hard to define one place that is loved by itself...
A place that particularly moves me is a modest wooden bench in Gan Avshalom, it is an old and faded bench, occasionally it is painted but you can see that it is old. On this bench and its neighbors, I spent a lot of time watching my children and the residents of the neighborhood grow together day by day, and I got some peace and time out during emotionally charged days in the fight to save Haifa Bay. In this bench, friendships between parents and their children were formed and strengthened and shared experiences were engraved forever. In the last year and a half, I avoided visiting there because of restrictions, closures - and then because of the rifts created in our company due to the Corona policy. Recently, I sat there to find the old bench with new little kids playing in front of it, creating a shared future together and I was moved to tears to see the next generation growing up.
This is about the Goral period even before there was an elite of immigrants from Russia. That's why I remember the whole project that Gural took on. There was no mention of the praises. Maybe another drug.
Anat, it's a shame. Herzl Street used to be the street. The most expensive there and around were all the most sought after stores. Today, what I understood from the Haifaites who lived there. His friends are from there because all the homeless are there. It's really not pleasant there. Also dressed as
On the Arabs the whole street. So at the time Gural he sent inspectors in all the places that Arabs came down from the villagers and dressed on these streets. . Many houses with apartment owners
These left to live in the center or some of their tenants passed away and many remained empty and neglected. of all kinds
Citizens who are homeless dressed on the apartments
You have to go house to house to check who lives there in all the houses that are neglected because they are not lived in and find out what is happening with them. And if the municipality tells them to find out who owns the apartment.
We are not talking about the homeless, but the shabhim that the Ministry of Defense concentrated in the neighborhood and in particular on the street,
The issue is well known and reported by formal authorities, in case you were wondering.
No words about Haifa's backyard - Kiryat Haim The beautiful beach with the most beautiful view in Haifa No beach compares to its beauty
Haifa, a dirty old city, Herzl Street, an old street without new construction, boring, dying, I haven't visited it in years, a disgusting city, even for free, I won't live there!!!
Haifa is a huge city and it's impossible to generalize all of it because of Herzl Street, by the way, the real estate prices there are rising sharply from year to year. Besides, Kiryat Haim also belongs to Haifa, so it's a bit less to generalize and say villainous things
Haifa is a very neglected city, in its public and private areas.
The streets are dirty and cracked, the houses smell of mold - and I have 30 years of experience in various neighborhoods in the city to testify to that.
by the way spoiler,
Most of the city was not renovated by workers from the chosen people.
And Eddie Nisnas had enough articles about them. Wadi Rushmia is the oldest place of the Jews Rothschild bought and encouraged the Jews to live there just to settle Haifa as many Jews as possible will live in Haifa. Today there how looks disgusting.
No word on Wadi Nisnas. Coexistence is really funny
Correction: Project
Nice article Michal Grover. Project is important. Happy and sweet New Year to you and to all the House of Israel in Israel and in the Diaspora. From me Rafi Raphael - Hason. Journalist Horeb 5, Haifa.
At the end of Herzl Street, after the mythical "Industry House" building and going down towards Halisa, there is a magical garden that we used to spend every Saturday in as children of the 70s, and in the center of which stood a large Napoleonic cannon that we always loved to climb and jump from. I returned to the garden a decade ago and my eyes were horrified, the small stone structure that was there at the end Over the years, the garden has become a formidable structure of construction additions and probably houses a clan from the area and vehicles are parked right on the outskirts of the garden that stood there in a shabby and strange place. All that remains are memories and a nostalgic photo from the 60s that someone who also lived in Hadar at that time uploaded to Facebook as a souvenir from 'Gan Tovia'.
My favorite place is the memorial garden on one side of the city hall building where I put my trust and on the other side the slope to the harbor which I see as an exit to the big world.
The beauty of an article.
I read impressions of sellers and understand how much Haifa is rooted in the heart.
Have a good year
How about asking the "little citizen" one day...the one who pays property taxes and grinds his teeth, the one who receives astronomical water bills, the one who walks in despair on the city sidewalks among the dogs' "souvenirs" and the trash cans left over from the pig dinners...how about asking the citizen ( Big or small) What are his favorite places in Haifa??
All the time the same public figures - can we also diversify a little, can't we?
There are more school principals, there are more council members, there are more artists and creators
The answers are very templated by the way. Few chose really special things. The beach, promenades - how expected, isn't it?