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Apartment prices in Haifa continue to climb • "For every good apartment there are many people jumping and the price goes up"

(Live here real estate) - From the data of the Central Bureau of Statistics published last night (Thursday 15/9/22), it appears that apartment prices in Haifa continue to rise, a more significant increase compared to other large cities in the country.

The CBS published the apartment price index, which includes new apartments and second-hand apartments. A comparison between the apartment prices in the months of June-July 2022 and these months last year, indicates a 2.1% increase in the prices of the apartments sold in Haifa, which is high compared to the price increases throughout the country during the same periods , which is only 1.3%.

A constant upward trend

It should be noted that the months of June-July indicate a trend that exists throughout the current year. Real estate prices in Haifa also increased in the months of April-May 22, both in the months of May-June 22 and, as mentioned, in the months of June-July compared to the corresponding months last year.

In the last year there was an 18.3% increase in the prices of apartments in Haifa, according to the data, a significantly higher increase compared to the prices of apartments in the other big cities (Tel Aviv - 16.5%, Jerusalem - 15.7%).

A comparison of the price increase for new apartments versus second-hand apartments shows that the prices of new apartments rise more, on average, than the prices of apartments that are not new.

'The solution is a dramatic increase in the number of apartments for sale'

The president of the Association of Builders Builders Ha'aretz, Raul Sargo: "The spike in apartment prices while the number of apartments continues to fall for months, reinforces our perception that there is no solution to the housing and infrastructure crisis without increasing supply by selling the land for the approximately 300,000 apartments that the state has and regulating the infrastructure sector.

The number of apartments that are 'on the shelf' is running out, because two years ago the state cut by a quarter the scope of its land sales. The public that needs apartments recognizes the situation and fights for every apartment, so the prices continue to rise. Until now, the contestants in the elections have been busy with 'petty politics' and it is time for them to realize that this crisis, which is the biggest influencer on the cost of living, will determine the results at the ballot box.

We call on the parties running in the elections to adopt a plan based on our proposal for a historic 'package deal', in which the state will freeze land prices and regulate the infrastructure, the local authorities will undertake to approve construction immediately and the construction industry will undertake to freeze apartment prices. There is no other way to solve the crisis."

Haifa • Buildings in the stadium neighborhood in Kiryat Eliezer (drone photo: Marom Ben Aryeh)

"I hope that the next leadership will allow young people to stay in Haifa"

Ido Moorg, CEO of Moorg Properties: "The increase in prices in Haifa is not felt with the same intensity as in the rest of the country, in Haifa there are areas where prices have increased drastically and therefore they affect the general average of the city. The increases happened mainly in areas where there is modern construction such as Neot Peres or Givat Zemer.

Ido Morg inaugurates a new office and new branding for Morg Properties (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)
Ido Morg inaugurates a new office and new branding for Morg Properties (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

Sometimes a typical apartment seller who sells a 40-year-old apartment makes a mistake and thinks that the price increase in the city's general average also affects the pricing of his apartment, usually those apartment sellers are wrong and after two or three months of fruitless sales attempts they understand the situation. The reason for the increase is that many customers want an apartment today In a modern building and the city's rate of development is very slow in relation to demand, such as Banaot Peres, there is a very large demand there among young couples and currently there is a 'traffic jam' there because the construction of Naot Peres has been delayed for years. There are many families who want to buy, and on the other hand those who currently live in Banaot Peres and want to improve housing ask for excessive prices because even if they sell they have nowhere to upgrade in the area, because there is no supply.

I have every hope that the next leadership of the city will give emphasis to actions and less to words so that the residents of Haifa can stay living in Haifa", concludes Morg.

'There are no apartments for sale, so prices continue to rise'

Karin Kisos Cherbinski, owner of the Ofrido Properties brokerage office, is not surprised by the constant rise in prices: "I am not surprised by the data, we see it in the field. There are not enough second-hand apartments, so as soon as a good apartment is offered for sale, many people jump on it and the prices go up. The trend This will change only when a large amount of apartments are poured into the market, and then we will see a stabilization of the prices. In the meantime, every month I show more and more expensive apartments to my clients, and yet the deals are closed and all parties are satisfied. Today, finding a 4-room apartment in good condition in a pleasant neighborhood for less than 1.5 million sh "It's not easy, and it wasn't like that two years ago."

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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25 תגובות

  1. The solution is non-profit public housing.
    Even in the Soviet period they lived better, they paid 5% of their income as rent and made sure that they were not unemployed, much better than today when even more than half live on the roof.

    Understand that in capitalism the market is free for the pigs who make up the majority... The apartment pigs are not capitalists, but they do exist financed by tenants when it is possible to pay the state and I prefer to pay the state on top of the roof and that it be spent on taxes and budgets and not on a vacation at my expense abroad that my apartment pig is doing. Let them go to work.

  2. It amazes me that the millionaire pensioners who hoard the apartments and rent them out to young people always hide in the responses in two forms: 1. 'There are also poor elderly people'. Right, so what? So this means that it is okay to close standards for young people in order to finance a budget pension of NIS 18 thousand not to work all their lives. What do you do at the end of an average month and give it to the poor elderly? Among other things, there are elderly and young people who are poor because of the inequality created by the Histadrut and which you created by hoarding apartments and budget pensions. Excuse 2. 'Elderly people have expenses for medicines'. Right. Even families with two small children have hundreds of thousands of shekels to spend on raising them. Even young people have medicines. And there are diseases. And there are insurances. And there are children with special needs. So let's not hide behind excuses. We all see you driving a new Jeep for a quarter of a million NIS and going on organized vacations every year for tens of thousands of NIS. The drunk doesn't go to medicine but to a life of luxury at the expense of future generations in the country and a fair salary and reduction of inequality and you know this very well, don't be lazy.

  3. The price increase is the result of deliberate regulation of apartment prices by creating an artificial shortage of new apartments. The refusal to promote the high-quality planning that I submitted to the Haifa municipality and the planning committees - 11,000 apartments on the western slopes of the Carmel - in a high-quality design with excellent accessibility - while providing transportation solutions for the entire city - is part of a comprehensive move lasting many years aimed at creating a housing shortage and regulating residential construction only for those who know how to employ the the right ones to tarnish and enrich, so it is suspected, those concerned. This is how high prices are maintained (a basic condition that, it is suspected, allows paying bribes in huge sums) without high apartment prices, the potential for paying bribes is in low amounts, which, according to the suspicion, is unacceptable. A side effect is the establishment of offensive construction monsters with severe density - to fill the pockets and reach maximum financial compensation at the expense of the quality of life of those victims who are forced to settle for apartments, some of which are unfit for human habitation, for example, Pinoy Binui apartments in the Neve David neighborhood - intended for the residents of the neighborhood with an air orientation One - ventilation problems - while increasing the cost of maintaining the apartment and excessive use of electricity for ventilation and lighting - something called by the mayor of Kalish, and rightly so - the slums neighborhood. So why expensive? Check the bank accounts and property of the regulated officials.

  4. Haifa is an amazing city... it's just a shame that the young people don't stay here... and then they see the adults as a burden... it's terrible... not all adults earn a big pension... the adults at least fill the cafes in the morning... look around in the morning... at least there are people in the cafes.. Otherwise it was a wasteland.

  5. The prices in Haifa were relatively cheap compared to the central area. In addition to this, there is migration to the city by populations from the periphery and these purchase apartments in certain areas that are relatively cheap and there was no demand for them.

  6. Lies lies lies.!!!
    Prices are falling.!!!
    They didn't even go up....It's only in the interest of brokers to write and say prices are going up or will go up......For example, in Wingate, an apartment for renovation was sold for NIS 10,000 per square meter x 90 m, and that's considered a lot.!!! Maximum price before renovation 8,000 before renovation……..!!!

    • It was 2,500 until four months ago, the previous tenant had 2,300.
      Today it is 2,900.
      2 rooms with 0% light and 100% mold

      But okay Aziz, you're right.

  7. Bad and narrow-minded people! Riding on the sectarian demon again.
    There are still senior citizens who are Holocaust survivors who receive a pension from Germany and receive an allowance from National Insurance. Do you want to make them disappear because they own an apartment or two that they rent out and allow them to live with dignity? People bought apartments over 70-100 years ago. do you have parents are they healthy Nursing?
    For your information, a pensioner is entitled to a 30% discount on property tax for a residential apartment. An apartment of a reasonable size, property tax at 760 NIS for two months.
    On the other hand, the incompetent do not pay property tax. Single mothers pay only 25%. And there are several other sectors that enjoy large discounts. You should do your homework or better yet work.

    • 5,300 on the spot, gross. Means net less than minimum.
      I am not entitled to a discount, because I can totally afford to live on rent & bills of NIS 3,500 per month and at the same time pay tuition, and food.
      By the way, my mother was a single parent her whole life, she didn't get a shekel discount, but foreclosures galore.

      All the numbers I wrote above are personal and from my experience,
      What about all the beautiful numbers you threw in your response?

    • Gypsum birds yourself says bad people narrow-eyed about how the pensioners live. You are going against the poor who do not pay property tax for single parent families who only pay 25 percent. So, dear lady, those who don't pay, these poor people were ready to earn a lot and pay property taxes. But those people whose life is hard for them do not have a life of luxury. Living in small squalors and screaming poverty saved their home. Because the fridge is empty and maybe there is milk and bread. So let's talk about those who don't pay because there is no possibility to pay first food or property tax. . By the way, those old men who pay the amount you said and pay property tax for 760 months, that is 380 per month. 4500 NIS per year per year
      This is a lot for someone who lives on a low salary. . You didn't mention that the expenses are really big for the elderly because of all the medicines and insurance for the future. So that we don't become a burden on the children, then we are left with very little money to enjoy. You can also live with nothing in Haifa on the beach, the main thing is only health. But young people will return home because Haifa is waiting for you because Tel Aviv has blackmailed the young people and it has no solution for a quality life to offer them. That is why most of the young people remained single because they remained destitute and almost all of them who had a family did not build a house. Like the youths who are destitute. No fur remained in their pockets.

  8. For those who speak on behalf of the youth revolution, then for your information, there are many retirees in Haifa who live on pensions below the minimum wage and have not accumulated real estate assets, nor do they have a budget pension.
    Do not generalize.
    The problem in Carmel is that the adults as well as the young people who bought apartments there are not ready to change the nature of the environment and allow massive construction.
    They oppose any development in the city and want to live in the village and complain.
    Haifa is not supposed to be a village.
    Until they open Naut Peres B and a mayor arrives who knows how to conduct himself politically and practically, I suggest that you think about a castle.
    And by the way, the percentage of adults in Kiryat is also around 25%, not only in Carmel.
    This is not just a housing problem. It is much more than…
    Both close and high quality.

  9. In Haifa, for a million shekels, you can buy second-hand 80-70 meter apartments, many times excellent with a beautiful view. It is not clear what they mean when they say young people are running away? You see a lot of young couples who come from the cities and villages of the Galilee and for them the prices are cheap. So if Abveram is cheap, what will young people who come from the center of the country say? Even after the price increases in Haifa, they are simply on the floor. What are you crying about? On pigs? On a broken sidewalk? On another 150 shekels property tax? Be reasonable. Every city has its little problems. At the price of a million shekels, you can hardly buy a parking space in Gush Dan, and alternatively, there are endless similar apartments in Haifa for 2800-2700 for rent. We don't need to be convinced, of course, we bought an apartment here a long time ago in Kiryat Eliezer. A great and excellent place. We lived in Tel Aviv for a year, earned that salary and lived in a condolence apartment that we paid for Crazy price. There is nothing like Haifa.

    • And on second thought, why even answer you,
      I will simply pay my "another 150 NIS property tax" and continue to wrinkle day by day under the covers of the wonderful life you describe.

  10. Well done for posting this because it is a complete lie. The lowest construction in years - many residents flee the city to Kiryat/Nesher/Carmel Castle. And the city is dead, so how come there are residents who want to live in the city after I hit them with a property tax of 2000 per month and a water bill for 3 people of 1000 per month

    • Obviously, the property tax here is intended to finance the abundance of discounts for the elderly
      They have a stranglehold on all of Carmel. It's a wonder that young Haifaites are fleeing to the cities of Kiryat Nesher and the Carmel Castle.
      The Landaus and the Feingolds have turned all of Carmel into a prestigious retirement home with 38 rooms for rich retirees who have 3 million shekels per apartment because they have accumulated additional apartments that they rent out in Oshek.
      The time has come for a youth revolution in Haifa, an end to the millionaire pensioners who are literally destroying the future of Carmel.
      Elderly people who live between organized trips with a pension of NIS 18-20 thousand and the Technion, which closed standards and reduced jobs to half, enslaves the younger generation with a salary one third of the pensions of its retirees. Is there a limit to exaggeration?
      That the millionaire pensioner will pay the property tax and the young family is the one who should receive a property tax discount and not the other way around.

  11. After all, Haifa excels in something compared to the big cities in Israel - the increase in apartment prices.

  12. 3.5-4 room apartments in the best neighborhoods in Carmel start at NIS 2 million.
    That's why a nursing home was created.
    24% are retired in Haifa, a world record.
    They literally smuggle the young people to other cities around.
    Young people want new.. just indulgence. New apartments have inferior construction with more problems and defects than apartments built in the 60s-80s.

    • Why call the senior citizens by such names? We should be happy for them that they live longer and live in an environment they love and I hope we all get that in the future. These are dear Jews. The parents of all of us and the pioneers of this country and they do not disturb the young. On the contrary! They are our pride

    • The generation of the parents (the greedy real estate generation according to Olmert and Barak, the apartment hoarders...) is definitely "dear Jews" simply so dear to us, who are currently depleting the state's reserves for pensions for future generations with budget pensions, and the hoarding of the apartments and the schadenfreude created a mechanism that turns residences In the cities, houses are possible for young people without the ability to get a million shekel mortgage.
      These millionaire pensioners are very, very expensive. Simply - too expensive.
      And the time has come for the younger generation to finish the celebration at their expense in all areas of this "precious generation".
      Senior citizens who were "followed by the flood" and the same generation that did not promote normal public transportation here for 50 years and lives in its leased car.
      You'm tired
      You'm tired
      And once again we have to tell you to your face - you destroyed and therefore you are fed up.

    • What a fool we are smuggling. Tel Aviv is precisely where there is the highest concentration of senior citizens because they think that life there is good for them. Yesterday I read that Holgai also says that Tel Aviv is a dangerous place with the most accidents. Vulnerability in older people. The place is not safe for them. Literally accident centers. It is the young youth who hurt the old people, they are not counted. . Although there is culture, there is no security on the roads and pavements and at home. Haifa is a safe place. Another thing young man. Tel Aviv, the older people work just to survive because the cost of living is many times higher than Haifa in everything. And so they go to work they are very old and take jobs for young people in Haifa few go to work but most of us at home enjoy the time off finally we will take advantage of it.

    • The budget pensions are definitely irresponsible and poor management of public funds. But what is the fault of the elderly savers who have worked all their lives and followed the law. Most of them worked in menial jobs, manufacturing, construction, infrastructure, very difficult jobs that today's lazy young people would doubtless do. Except The population of that time was not interested in apartments as real estate but as a housing solution and many of them purchased apartments in areas that were then considered less good to say the least. It should be remembered that living on the mountain was several times cheaper than living in Hadar or in the lower city because of the road route and transportation that was not available and buying an apartment in Carmel It was a half-suicide, very far from city life. Learn a bit about reality and Haifa before saying unnecessary words of vanity and hate

  13. An increase of 18% compared to 16% is negligible compared to the price difference between Haifa and Be'er Sheva for example compared to the prices in the center which are three times and sometimes even more. It would be good if the state would stop giving discounts and prices to those who settle in the Gedera-Hadera area and issue building permits and lotteries only in the north and south of the country in order to To return population to the north and the south. Here in Haifa there are many plans for urban renewal, but as we know the municipality and the mayors of the gray cities here, it will take about 50 years and the state must release land and tenders for apartments in the city, especially for military veterans. In the south of the city and in Kiryat Ata, there is a lot of available land.

    • So why don't you come live in the city?
      Because it's a nursing home
      Or because the hair is dead?

    • I was born in Haifa, we left the city at some point because we were chronic complainers like you and we thought that the center was handing out gold on the streets, until we realized that there is nothing like home and nothing like Haifa, we came back and bought an apartment here a decade ago. But even today when I look at the prices in Haifa it is the cheapest in Israel among the 10 cities The big ones. And it is true that there are also issues that need to be improved in the city, such as renovating the old beach neighborhoods and matters of personal security, especially in the Hadar neighborhood and at night on the beaches where teenagers come in clans and it feels less safe. But internal security and violence is also a problem for the entire country

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