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"Relations with the government ministries are at a low ebb and the residents of Haifa are suffering" • The frustrating situation of the winners of the 'price for a settler' in Naot Pres B

"Haifa Municipality's relationship with the government is at a low ebb and the residents are the ones who pay"

City Engineer Ariel Waterman recently issued a letter to the Ministry of Finance, Transportation and RMI (Israel Land Authority) requesting that they prepare the infrastructure for the continuation of construction in the southern entrances of the city - in the Naot Peres B neighborhood. to build in the neighborhood, and so far there are no results. On the other hand, hundreds of families are walking around happy after winning a 'resident's price' and waiting for the moment when they will get a new apartment in one of the leading neighborhoods in the city, at a reduced price.

A letter from the city engineer Ariel Waterman to several government ministries regarding the removal of barriers to the proper development of Prize B - the southern entrances in Haifa

More on the frustrating situation of the winners of the 'price for a tenant' in the second prize, in an extensive live interview - at the link:

The municipality sends letters - does its role end here?

The question is whether, as soon as the municipality sends a few letters, that is the end of its commitment and whether the mayor does not have the duty to create additional communication channels beyond the correspondence, which as of this moment does not come up with anything.

"The city administration is unable to move any project and the city's residents are harmed"

The chairman of the Green faction in the city council, Avihu Han, says that he does not understand the way in which Kalish Rotem operates: "Letters are an important thing, but for a long time the city administration and Klish at the head did nothing and half nothing to promote the development required for such an important neighborhood for hundreds and thousands of young people and families in Haifa. It's time for the mayor to understand that direct contact must be established with the decision makers in the government Israel to promote these important infrastructure issues."

Avihu Han - chairman of the Greens of Haifa in the city council

"Work simultaneously on all levels"

Han: "The time has come for the urban planning system to understand that it is necessary to work simultaneously on a large number of activities and not to work serially. The plans of Naut Peres B must be promoted immediately, and at the same time the needs of the infrastructure should be promoted formally and informally. Unfortunately, the city administration and Klish at its head are unable move and promote any project, and as a result the city's residents are harmed and suffer.

I intend to change this in the next term as mayor and create a large-scale planning and performance system, which will work in full coordination and cooperation with the government officials for the sake of Haifa. Basically, a municipality should not write a letter once every two years, but work non-stop on removing the barriers on a variety of issues at the same time."

"I don't remember how many years have passed since the win"

"I don't remember how many years ago I won an apartment in the 'Price for a Tenant' project in Neot Peres B," Shirley, in her late 30s, who is currently living in a rented apartment in Kiryat Motzkin, tells Lahi Fe today. "Apartments today are very, very expensive and it is important for me to have my own apartment. When I won an apartment for a tenant, and in such a nice neighborhood in Haifa, I was very happy, even though I work in Kiryat and will be very far from my workplace. I thought that in a few months, maybe a year, construction would begin, and I was really satisfied".

"I want to say 'thank you' and go look for an apartment in Kiryat"

"Apartments built by Peres can reach 2 million NIS, if not more than that," continues Shirley, "and I have no possibility of reaching such prices, so a price for a tenant comes to me in time. But as much as I don't wait and try to remain optimistic, I'm fed up. If at least the start of construction was expected, I would have calmed down. I don't even ask to know when my apartment will be ready anymore, just to see that they start building, and that's not happening either. There are moments when I want to say 'thank you' for everything they gave me and didn't give me, and look for an apartment in one of the Kiryats and that's it."

Haifa • Naot Peres neighborhood, the football stadium named after Sami Ofer (drone photo: Marom Ben Aryeh)
Haifa • Naot Peres neighborhood, the football stadium named after Sami Ofer (drone photo: Marom Ben Aryeh)

"Another symptom of the municipality's misbehavior led by Kalish"

"Naot Peres B is another symptom of the misbehavior of the municipality led by Einat Kalish," says the woman who was the mayor's assistant and the right hand of the previous mayor, Yona Yahav, until October 2018. I currently have the tools to judge what is happening, but I do clearly know that there are ways of dealing with the authorities. A government, a Knesset, which since the mayor took office - do not exist. Part of the mayor's duties is to be the "foreign minister" of the city, to represent it, reach agreements and then send the city professionals to summarize the details."

Councilwoman Hadva Almog. Photo: private album

"They won an apartment and in the meantime they pay rent"

Almog continues: "When all the connections do not really exist, the conduct harms every project. Unfortunately, in the end, the resident pays the price, which in this case won the price for the resident and time passes and even if the apartments eventually start to be built, with no infrastructure of roads, sewage, water and electricity, The houses will stand their ground, before the eyes of the brides of the apartment buyers and the winners who are between a rock and a hard place. They won an apartment and in the meantime they are paying rent, and time is passing. The mayor needs to come to her senses and do what is necessary, things do not happen without actions. This is another very sad thing that happens in the city and goes on crooked".

Haifa • Neot Peres, Freud Avenue on the right - Lincoln Slopes area (drone photo: Marom Ben Aryeh)
Haifa • Neot Peres, Freud Avenue on the right - Lincoln Slopes area (drone photo: Marom Ben Aryeh)

"Relations between Haifa and Jerusalem have reached a low point"

"As throughout her tenure, Kalish does not know how to initiate moves that include activity and promotion in front of Jerusalem," says Kratnik, "there are many ways to act in order to ensure that the residents of the city receive the response they are entitled to, but silence and burying one's head in the sand is not the way."

Kirill Kartnik (Photo: Micah Brickman)

"No wonder the young people run away"

"Relations between Haifa and Jerusalem have reached a low point because of this conduct," Kartnik continues, "and the city's residents are the main losers! How is it possible that we remember to raise a flag just before the elections? Where were they all this time? Why is Haifa last in construction and renewal? No wonder the city's young people, these As long as they can, they run away!".

"It's time for this city to promote residents' interests"

"I passed in the city council a proposal for an order on the subject of "adjustment of infrastructure for future construction", explains the member of the council from the Likud faction, Itzik Blass. "My proposal was passed by the city council and it is binding. This means that there is an obligation to regulate, before starting to build, the way the new neighborhood will look, so that each neighborhood will provide a quality of life for the residents and will not be built just so that the developers and contractors will make a profit. It is very important to me to protect the residents of the city with all that implies, and this means that it is important that the city administration promotes the interests of the residents, just as should happen with those who won the 'price for the resident' project in Nevet Peres B or other places in the city. I hope to see things progress as quickly as possible for the benefit of the residents."

Itzik Blass (Photo: Yaron Karmi)
Likud faction council member Itzik Blas (photo: Yaron Karmi)

"It's discouraging and disappointing, in the end we'll give up"

Another couple who won a 'price for a settler' in Naot Peres, tell Lahi Pa: "When we won, we thought it would take some time and we would at least start to see the construction begin. Little by little, it became clear to us that it was not that the contractor was delaying, but that infrastructure needed to be prepared for the neighborhood, and until then, no construction would begin. We tried to understand who was against whom and why nothing was happening, and then an answer came from the municipality, that it has nothing to do with them at all, but that it is the state that should take care of it. We are not experts in these processes, but as a young couple who wants to start their life, it is a really terrible feeling. Our friends already There are apartments, with a mortgage of course, so when will we start with a 30-year mortgage? It's discouraging and disappointing. On the one hand, it's as if the state is coming towards us and wants to help, but actually we just burned through a few years and didn't get anywhere. It won't be long before we just give up and search An apartment somewhere else."

The Haifa municipality did not respond to the article

contact: At watsapBy email

Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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9 תגובות

  1. While everyone has been waiting for years until today and will wait for more years to come, it is possible to simply act to correct the serious deficiencies included in the Naot Peres B plan - not to eliminate Nahal Amiram - to create the urban / district park in the center of the neighborhood as promised - to remove Route 11 from the lane adjacent to the Thamash In which high tension lines are placed - to cancel the high-rises which are the most serious construction failure in Israel - you can find out about this matter with me and even look at the professional opinions published over the years - Prof. Rachel Alterman - architects Amir Man and Ami Shanar - the opinion from 2019 that served as the basis for the discussion in the council The comment on building to height - centered on the assertion that high-rise construction is actually not suitable for the majority of the population in Israel - the opinion was prepared for the Municipality of Haifa - presented on behalf of the Municipality of Haifa and published on the Internet - the delay is an excellent opportunity to correct the serious omissions - the correction costs money - the absence of the correction is expected to cost Much more and not only in money, but also in quality of life.

    • Hello Ilan Bornstein. I suggest that you ask the thousands of Haifa residents who have moved to high-rise apartments in Ramat Hanasi, Naut Peres or Gali Carmel whether it suits them more or less than the wonderful 8-story high-rises and buildings in Neve Shanan or Ramot Ramez. I can guarantee you that you will get about 90% answers that their quality of life has improved miraculously: the absence of noise nuisance from the street, an open view and a great breeze are only 3 out of 10 distinct advantages for residential towers, when the number of tenants allows for better, cheaper maintenance (even with pumps and elevators , which of course also exists in 8-10 story buildings, only that there are fewer tenants and therefore more expensive to maintain).
      Your statement in a country so small in area is problematic. In most cities, there is a need for urban renewal and the maximization of building rights on the open space left for development, or a need for high building clearance ratio coefficients that require building to height (and it's a good thing, it's better than blocks in every parameter).
      I suggest you don't get excited / angry about the strange, unnecessary and harmful line of Prof. Rachel Alterman who turned the crusade against high-rise construction into her marketing tool, every six months the same articles and the same delusional warnings about "slams for height that will not be maintained". It's strange because the Technion is located in Haifa, and the building is complacent, and you can see from the buildings of the 70s that exactly the opposite happened: the towers are well maintained, have undergone renovations and have well-kept gardens, renovated stairwells and elevators in excellent maintenance. While the low blocks next to them are crumbling, the tenants have no money for maintenance, the maintenance is done in patchwork, neglect... It was expected of you that you would at least understand based on the high-rise construction in Haifa that you are greatly mistaken, and that the assumption that blocks of 8-10 stories are the only thing that is "suitable" for Israel completely wrong.
      Regarding Neot Peres B. C, which is at least as poorly planned as A. and from what I have read, even worse (without a real grid to connect the Naot Peres site and Carmel Castle, and without thinking about a neighborhood that includes a guarantee of office and commercial uses and not separately so that everyone will have to take a car For shopping malls - it's a mistake in my opinion not to build 25-40 stories in height, as in every Gush Dan block, and allow as many apartments as possible with a view of the sea, silence and all the advantages of a multi-story tower. It's a mistake - at a point where they don't hide from anyone. Precisely in Bat Galim where they will hide from every Kiryat Eliezer and Kiryat Eliyahu, in Pinoy Binui the local committee approved towers of 30 stories, while in Kiryat Eliezer they only approved 20-25 so I don't understand the logic of blocking in Bat Galim the view and the air to Kiryat Eliezer, the opposite should be: 20 stories in Pinoy Binoy Bat Galim and 30 -40 in Kiryat Eliezer, in order to reduce construction and leave more spaces with a view of the sea instead of a mass of 8-10 story blocks that will once again hide the view of the sea from the majority of the residents of Kiryat Eliezer. There is a historic opportunity to correct the removal of construction.
      Actually Neve David, does not need and cannot contain 30 floors and precisely there because of the problem of apartment prices they approved it and it is a mistake in Neve David should create a uniform height with the president's level of up to 22 floors at the most and on the lower level towards the sea front.

  2. Since Mayor Kalish was elected, Haifa has only deteriorated. Young people are running away from Haifa, the streets are dirty, even though the municipality's payments are among the highest in the country.

  3. The person who was supposed to develop the infrastructure is Yaffe Nofshev Magira, whose plans were all ready for tender and execution
    Cliché arrived, the company evaporated and disappeared (except for asphalt repairs in the city and maintenance) and everything fell silent

  4. Who is Han, another one who came to do a tour on us?
    I remember him as a green who also did everything to get things stuck and I am in favor of environmental quality, but also in favor of quality of life
    The time has come for someone who knows how to run a city and not a media chatterbox

    • Who is Nehemiah, who apart from slandering environmental pollutants, may not be capable of other things.
      Who does Nehemiah work on behalf of?!
      At the head of the city, an honest man is required to stand first and foremost, a rare figure in the Haifa public landscape. His father is like that!
      Nehemiah, please change the filters in your glasses.

  5. Nat Peres is discouraging and disappointing due to poor planning. In the same area, it would be possible to house twice as many residents, with a much higher quality of life, add public transportation, a central park (instead of a busy and noisy 4-lane road through the neighborhood, sink this road through it). The entire planning of Neot Peres, existing and future, is unbelievably bad. As a result, a third of the apartments do not have a view of the sea, they have a view of the busy and noisy streets that surround the neighborhood. Another essential defect is the failure to separate the entrances to the stadium from the neighborhood, meaning that it is closed on days of events in the stadium, which is a huge nuisance to residents and visitors to the neighborhood. Basic infrastructure was not prepared in the neighborhood, such as enough gardens and classrooms, because of the proximity to shopping malls, apparently the genius from Migdal Hasan Engineering decided that there was no need to create real streets with commerce accompanying the street, so everything is one big wasteland. Instead of turning the neighborhood into an obstacle to tie together the unconnected environments that arose, they created more and more disconnections. Even between parts of the neighborhood there are disconnections (the main road) and the only loose connection is a funny little culvert over a busy road, again, a road that could have been lowered or moved to go outside the neighborhood.
    What the residents of Naut Peres are not aware of, is the amount of construction that will surround them, and without adequate public transportation infrastructure, of course, another 20 vehicles will enter and use the neighborhood's streets, which are expected from the huge expansions of the neighborhood to the south and towards Freud Road and the slopes of Ahoza. This means that the residents of the neighborhood will not only live in a continuous construction site with hundreds of trucks and dust storms, but at the end of the process will suffer from thousands more vehicles passing through the neighborhood every hour.
    A normal municipality would operate like this: build the infrastructure for public transportation for Naut Peres, the southern slopes and Gali Carmel and the rowers jointly with the municipality of Tirat Carmel and then plan the amount of housing units to support and finance the advanced transportation solutions. Instead of a single line of matron on the road 4, the creation of a bus interchange only in the center of the neighborhoods, which will connect them with bicycle paths, bus stops and a green axis of the Meschit Park strip and commercial centers and piazzas along it. This is how they build in the most advanced cities in the world, and therefore have the highest quality of life in the world, but here we first let the contractor "price per inhabitant" lower a building with a parking lot instead of a garden, vehicles instead of trees, a collection of asphalt surfaces instead of an active and continuous street, and all this on roads that immediately become congested. I don't know, maybe we have the wisdom for neighborhoods that are destroyed due to the preference for the private car in all planning stages... and the whole world is stupid and builds public transportation solutions as the backbone of new neighborhoods. What do you know in London and who needs a light rail that will take you from a station under the house and next to a supermarket and a playground directly to the center of the city .. Haifa knows better and here near the house there is a huge asphalt parking lot, you will pay expensive car maintenance, you will get stuck in traffic when you exit the street, instead of a square there will be parking lots along the street And then traffic jams on the way to the city center and back, with the occasional little car accident for fun.
    Young people do not run away from Haifa because there is no housing - there are thousands of second-hand apartments for sale throughout the city. There is simply no city around them. There are streets, there are piles of private vehicles, and there is not really a city.

    • And everything is ugly, and the neighbors are unpleasant.
      A few years ago it was still in front of a price that did not raise too much of a sense of protest.
      Today it's not even funny.

  6. It's a shame that her article on infrastructure for Naot Peres does not refer to the possibility of a high-speed train from the stadium/mattm junction directly to the center of the country.

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