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The tragedy of the winners of the price for the dweller in the second prize in Haifa • Studio lives here

The negative immigration from Haifa and the price for the resident

Ron Dumbo is a high-tech man who works at Matam and was recently released from the IDF. He and his wife won the lottery at the price for a tenant and thought that they would soon be able to build a warm house and a family in the Naot Peres B neighborhood, but expectations are one and reality is another: the land is polluted, there is no sewage infrastructure, there is no matron, the contractors have given up and there is no target date for moving onto the land.

When Ron saw, last week, the dedication of the street named after Robbie Shapira, a street that runs south of the Sami Ofer Stadium and separates the stadium from the area of ​​the thorns on which his apartment is supposed to be built, his heart sank with despair.

Out of desperation, some of the young couples are already looking for an apartment in the Carmel Castle, but they are in trouble, because if they buy an apartment elsewhere, their entitlement to the price for a tenant will be deleted. And in the meantime, the Haifa municipality gives minimalistic answers and Klish does not answer the representatives of the tenants.

Watch the difficult interview with Ron Dumbo in the studio live here

The official response given to the residents' representatives from the Haifa Municipality:

Response from the Haifa Municipality to the winners of the price for a suitable tenant in Naot Peres b
Response from the Haifa Municipality to the winners of the price for a suitable tenant in Naot Peres b

Naot Pres B program – 304-0086512 – HF/2096 B/1

The neighborhood of the southern entrances 304 - Naut Peres 0086512 - plan 2096-1 - HF/XNUMX B/XNUMX
The neighborhood of the southern entrances 304 - Naut Peres 0086512 - plan 2096-1 - HF/XNUMX B/XNUMX

The comments are coming up here gradually:

Yael Shanar, a member of the city council from the Greens, told Lahi Pa:

Yael Shanar (Photo: Yaron Karmi)
Yael Shanar (Photo: Yaron Karmi)

"I met Ron and his friends who came to the city council to raise awareness of their situation, and my heart goes out to them.
The thing that every person needs, regardless of whether he is an entrepreneur or a property owner, is certainty, and we as a city are unable to provide the 661 families who won the housing price project with this basic need, to know what is happening with their property.

The families building second prize are stuck in a loop, each factor is waving them to another factor.
This is part of the general disintegration in the city, there is no mother and father here, and there is no one to help the residents who are fighting on their own, as if there is no negative immigration in the city and as if the Haifa municipality has no interest in helping them solve this problem.

Furthermore, another 300 apartments are being marketed in the project and hundreds more families are being brought into the same baruch.
Unfortunately, I see this tragedy being resolved through legal petitions filed by those who invested money in the project."

contact: At watsapBy email

Yaron Carmi
Yaron Carmi
Sending ideas for articles by email - [email protected]

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26 תגובות

  1. sad??
    Where were we before the announcement of the tender?
    Soil testing?
    Infrastructure viewer?

  2. I also expect the city engineer and his assistants to tour the projects in Tel Aviv. Every developer who builds over 100 apartments is obliged to make a square, a protective passage or a public garden for the benefit of the city. This is how you get a series of well-kept small squares that encourage activity in the streets.
    I went to Naot Peres A. All I saw around the buildings were private gardens with walls or parking lots and there are hardly any sidewalks.
    This is how you don't develop an active neighborhood, this is how you develop dead neighborhoods where the only thing to do is take cars out and put them in the parking lots to "go hang out somewhere" and walk like zombies to malls.
    I call on the director of engineering to redesign the Naot Peres B and the following. Increase construction percentages in exchange for public gardens and squares instead of simply spreading buildings and parking lots over the entire area and getting a dead and congested neighborhood. Think about a bus-only bus route that will go from Carmel Castle through the neighborhood through the stadium to Matam and the Carmel Beach Central to avoid traffic jams.
    The current planning of the neighborhood almost guarantees that it will be congested, that it will be urban dead, that it will be a zombieland of parking lots next to buildings with children stuck in front of screens and deserted streets.
    Even in future projects for the removal of Binui and Tama 38 in Haifa, there must be a fundamental change. Requirement from developers to develop squares and public gardens with playground facilities, fountains, street furniture. Requirement from Tama Enterprises 38 to leave front gardens with shade trees on the sidewalks and plant trees in front of the building and not small planters with bushes. A requirement for anyone who builds towers of hundreds of apartments to renovate playgrounds in the neighborhood or to build playgrounds, fitness facilities and dog parks within the area of ​​their project.
    It happens in the central cities and there is no reason why it should not happen in Haifa.

  3. If it is outside the jurisdiction of the city, why do they come to the municipality with complaints?

    • Do you believe the nonsense that Waterman writes?
      After all, the whole purpose of the municipality is for the neighborhood to be in its jurisdiction.
      In any case, in every other city everything is closed and moving forward, only in Haifa are there problems with RMI?? Oh really.
      Haifa's biggest problem is the Haifa municipality. It is already clear as usual in any subject.

  4. Neot Hers B is the tragedy of Haifa. When eviction and construction projects have already started in two places, our municipality comes and moves the old buildings and prefers neighborhoods "from the nylon" over eviction-construction and renewal of the rest of the city, when tens of thousands are in dangerous housing buildings, at any moment an earthquake can come that will collapse hundreds of old buildings, burying thousands residents And then at the National Commission of Inquiry, everyone will arm themselves. What, we established a regeneration department. What, we approved plans. What, we made a master plan for an entire neighborhood.
    And the truth is clear to all of us. Tens of billions wasted as a window into infrastructure for new neighborhoods while neglecting half a million Israeli residents in old housing estates that the contractors have no interest in carrying out evictions as long as they have a supply of discounted land by the state which, as a bonus, finances all the chores and connections in those neighborhoods.
    Listen to this: the State of Israel preferred to give Kiryat Bialik 250 million to establish the unnecessary Naot Afka infrastructure in a hole at the edge of Kiryat Bialik near the cemetery, when with this money it was possible to give an incentive that would make it economic to clear 40 housing buildings in the center of Kiryat Bialik and build thousands of new housing units and rescue 2000 people from old apartments Crumbling with moisture. If tomorrow there is an earthquake and 200 people are buried in these housing estates, does Dukorski care? Will he take the blame for promoting a new neighbor instead of pushing with all his might to evacuate dangerous housing?? of course not. All the politicians, all the city engineers, all the mayors, all the ministers and the officials will find out how they passed decisions, how they approved plans and how they tried to help the entrepreneurs to promote the evacuation of construction. That is: confusion. A new neighborhood Navot Afka tore to pieces 4 plans for evacuation of construction that were Potentials are already being implemented. No developer will build a construction eviction when developers flood Naot Afka with thousands of subsidized apartments at a price per inhabitant. Instead of a price per inhabitant in Kiryat Eliyahu, Benue David, in Ein Hayam, Sha'ar Aliya, in Kiryat Haim - close to a billion shekels will be poured into us as well!!!! !!!!! for building new infrastructures XNUMXnd prize. XNUMXnd prize for destruction.
    Nevet Hares, as soon as it is executed, eliminates at least 4 construction evacuation plans in all the neighborhoods next to it. They will be postponed for another decade, in the hope that an earthquake will not occur and we will all be asked why and how people were allowed to stay in cracked and crumbling tenements, some of which are already defined as dangerous buildings by the engineering directorate. Woe to us, what hatred of destruction causes to the vital urban renewal in Haifa, a death blow for an entire decade.

  5. Ron, I'm one of the winners. I tried to contact you on Facebook. How do you join the group?

    • Yes, there is an active group, a lawyer who represents and above all a lot of media backing

  6. The tragedy here is that established neighborhoods prevent the connection of road infrastructures through them and thus open up traffic and make Haifa easier
    Daniya connection to road 4 Haifa bypass road
    As far as road 4
    A connection from Begin to Horeb

    Why is there no interchange road at the entrances to Haifa... how can you think of building something and damaging the quality of life? So it's convenient to build and pad pockets, but God forbid to take care of the infrastructure...

    Development should be helped until there are suitable infrastructures

  7. Haifa got stuck with a mayor from the movies. Kalish managed to turn Haifa back ten years.
    Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to get rid of it.
    My heart goes out to the winners of the Mishtik program
    And right now Haifa seems stuck like the State of Israel.

  8. Perhaps as a service to the public you will provide complete lists of the honest officials mentioned in one of the responses, as well as how much it costs to make them less honest. Isn't it a shame that each time will require trying from the beginning? Why not learn from the experience of the first?

  9. Let's save the word tragedy for.. well.. tragedies.
    Beyond that, I don't understand this corrupt country where an IDF soldier (with a fat pension) who works in high-tech is entitled to such a crazy benefit from the country which in the end is at the expense of those who were not lucky enough to be born into money.

    • Wait, is this new to you that every price for a tenant and an apartment at a discount is a combination of the elites to stock up cheap apartments through the children? And through a friend? And through the police funds? And through a discount for high tech at the level of the president? And all these other combinations. Wow, it's like you were born yesterday. In Israel the laws of the jungle: the strong get stronger, and the weak get weaker. It is clear that the national housing programs do not help the 1st-4th deciles "they can't afford an apartment anyway" as MK Michael Bitton of Blue and White said, the list of illegal pension transferors to the permanent workers - that is, MK Bitton admits in Globes that the government programs appeal to those who already have About NIS 1.5 million for a new apartment. They don't even try to buy more apartments for those entitled to housing and help with rent as an alternative to ownership. The state simply distributes land to rich contractors and matches them with a young established middle class (or of course with parents with budget pensions who will finance the mortgages). And want to take out a mortgage and get an apartment that will cost much more than the zero interest rate at the bank. This is how they have been doing a combine on the weak for 10 years in this country. It's called chalonism.

  10. The design of the Moshet Naot Peres is outdated and appalling. Buildings with tenements right in the 1960s.. without a city, without centers, without thinking about heights and utilizing this area to create good urban streets that will connect to the Carmel Castle.. This is really a continuation of the failure of part one. When I read the plan documents, my heart is broken.

    • The design of Neot Peres B includes a main street with a commercial facade. including tall buildings alongside low ones. Including a street that will later connect to the Carmel Castle. I know what facts you are basing what you wrote on.
      Tell about the failure of Part A to all the people who want to live in the neighborhood, and that will be evidenced by the prices that are higher there than in the rest of Haifa.

    • Are the prices in Peres buildings rising? In which part of the apartments with the view to the sea and a good southwest direction to be used on high floors maybe. In the other apartments in front of the roads with North East Chiton on the shelf for months and no buyers.

  11. As long as Kallish is in office nothing will move. The increase in price will kill the winning.

  12. An important article my good friend Yaron Karmi. From Hai Pa Corporation of Nega Karmi. Have a good week.

  13. A fool who buys an apartment in Israel, the prices are so exorbitant. With 2 million, which is $700, you buy at least 3 houses in the United States, renting a wall for $4000. And in Israel, you forget the apartment that was supposed to cost you 2 million in rent for 5000 NIS. You have almost $2 left for a month and $2500 a year.
    You were and will remain suckers.

  14. If a developer is not satisfied with the number of existing apartments and has big eyes to increase and increase - at least he will pay all the damages of all those who bought apartments from him. Do not give up in any way. to file a claim against the developer, and foreclose the rest of the lot. The municipality of Haifa and its leader are guilty of supporting such requests.

    • Dear Hawa, I am against increasing the number of apartments, but it is important that you know the entire planning system - starting with those employees in the municipality and the planning institutions - a local committee and a district committee - and referring to the handful of string-pullers among them who operate the system - are the ones who allegedly produce the problem you are talking about And according to the suspicion that this is their livelihood - these suspicions are called suspicions of accepting and even extorting bribes. The idea that the developer/contractor will depend on them and thus, in order to carry out the project, is suspected to be obliged to provide for the grandchildren of the officials, otherwise he will not be able to realize the construction. The developer purchases rights to build X apartments in an apartment area that is too large - this is how the plans are prepared from the beginning, allegedly to generate a lot of money for corrupt officials. In order for the project to be profitable, the developer must take into account that he will increase the number of apartments (within the relief - which allows the increase of the number of apartments against a payment, in this case, very low, to the municipal coffers); This is where the problems begin - in order to approve the concessions, the developer needs the cooperation of the officials - the chance that the increase in the number of apartments will be approved - without financing the grandchildren of the officials is extremely small - so it is suspected. Let's say for the sake of the example that a developer who is not sensitive to the wishes of those in control of the matter (according to the suspicion of the handful of corrupt officials) won the tender, and he nevertheless wants to increase the number of apartments - will he succeed? Of course not!! Why won't the developer succeed - that is indeed the question - and the answer is as clear as the sun at noon today - there is actually no legal possibility to increase the number of apartments - so if you are not close and understand the hearts of the people pulling the strings - then they will explain to you that according to the situation there is no possibility to increase the number of apartments - loads The traffic has been measured and determined, and in fact it is not possible to add even one apartment for medicine, otherwise the area will become a big traffic jam - if the developer does not understand that the officials can close their eyes if they want to, as is suspected, if the right pockets are filled, then he will not increase the number of apartments - he could close the business. The problem is not only the traffic congestion - the traffic jams that the officials have been careful not to solve for many years - otherwise, according to the suspicion, who will take care of their grandchildren? The problem is also with the needs of the public - open public areas and areas designated for public buildings; There are requirements for a certain amount of land and buildings for public needs - for this purpose, as part of the plan, the program for public needs must be published - except that in the Haifa municipality, in a project that can allegedly support the grandchildren as well - they do not publish the program - if the developer does not understand, according to The suspicion, to the hearts of the officials - then they show him the truth that there is a shortage of public areas and therefore he will not be able to add apartments; A 'smart entrepreneur' what does he do, on suspicion, worry about the officials and then - they allow him and approve him to increase the number of apartments - considering that the flood is after us - and then there are not enough public needs and the young couples will travel around the city to distant areas in order to find a place for a daycare or kindergarten or school - The angel in charge of the traffic jams will celebrate - and everyone will suffer - and only the officials - who are suspected to be corrupt will go happy all the way to the bank - so I believe that this is not an imaginary story, but, allegedly, exactly what determines how they will live, how much they will live and why we are all scraping the juice of the garbage A blessing, a blessing.

  15. The municipality is making every effort to implement these projects.
    There are many moves behind the scenes that are not reflected to the public, but Klish and all the staff related to this matter are active with the developers and the government offices to get this project out as soon as possible.
    The above response is a fake, this project is going to be stuck for many years and I know this first hand.

  16. The municipality of Haifa is busy with more important matters such as the auditor appointed by the mayor to review the appointment of a manager to the municipality, improvement of the engineering department and more.

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