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The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the celebration of Baba Sali...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

A soldier stands, slightly disfigured, a masked prisoner is about to fall. Masked murderers surround him, waving their rifles...

Churchill Building • The Technion's Central Auditorium

The first building built in the "Forum", the Technion's central public complex,...

Flower of the week • Large chives

Carmel presents us with flowers in all seasons. In this column...

Corona disease on the rise • Haifa and the red districts

Corona is here again

From the Ministry of Health data published today (Thursday 16/6/22) 6,068 corona patients were verified yesterday. It also appears that according to the traffic light index, Haifa and Kiryat are already red.

  • Haifa - 1600 active patients
  • Kiryat Ata - 348 active patients
  • Kiryat Motzkin - 291 active patients
  • Kiryat Bialik - 237 active patients
  • Carmel Castle - 117 active patients
  • Kiryat Tivon - 125 active patients
  • Kiryat Yam - 223 active patients
  • Nesher - 132 active patients
  • Atlit - 70 active patients

It is recommended to wear masks in closed places

It is important to note that this week, with the increase in morbidity, it was recommended by the Ministry of Health to return to wearing masks in closed spaces and in particular in places where there are gatherings, in order to reduce infection in the community and protect populations at risk and older people who are particularly vulnerable to severe morbidity and mortality from the virus.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that in recent days Israel has seen a very sharp increase in the number of confirmed cases of Corona, and along with it there has also been a jump in serious illness - "We want to maintain routine - but also health".

Corona in the hospitals

Rambam Hospital in Haifa reported: 15 patients are hospitalized at Rambam, of which 4 are in serious condition and the rest are in moderate/mild condition.

Carmel Hospital reported: Individual patients are hospitalized in Carmel, scattered in isolated rooms. A corona ward has not been opened and there is no significant increase in the number of patients.

contact: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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8 תגובות

  1. And without a mask is better?
    The mask prevents direct contact with sprays scattered in the air space.
    It definitely minimizes the chance of infection.

    • Of course, without a mask is better. A mask is full of bacteria and reduces the good flow of oxygen to the body, which harms health and the immune system... every unfunded study that has been done to date shows that most of the harm is on the benefit, as they said before, it is only intended for the purpose of controlling and educating the public as already stated by the Ministry of Health itself.

  2. Idit There is no proof that a mask prevents infection
    Read studies. Even the Ministry of Health itself admitted that it was mainly intended to educate the public. They want you scared and obedient.

  3. It is a shame that the Ministry of Health only recommends wearing masks, and does not require it. A recommendation only, not interesting to a high percentage of the population. stay healthy

  4. For all kinds of reasons, especially now with the rising cost of living, there is an incentive for people to come to work sick.
    People come with "only a mild flu" meaning they come sick, for them it's the flu and maybe for someone older who gets infected near them it's severe corona?
    The public should be encouraged to stay at home when they are sick. We need to give a financial incentive so that those who are sick will not come and infect further.
    Especially for small business owners for whom a sick day is a day when their business is closed and does not work.
    They are not compensated and then they start the business sick. That's why they closed because they knew this was the case and that's how the infection grows (the red pirate..)
    We must deal with employees who come sick and make them stay at home and not infect sometimes dozens in one working day.
    Not only corona but also severe flu.
    Anyone who even suspects that he has a cold should wear a mask the entire working day, and ask to work at home or at least not with a crowd.

  5. That's it, the corona is here with us for all that is implied. We disrespected, we managed here,
    You don't beat a sin, everything came back in a big way.
    Not the book "How to beat the plague" by Naftali Bennett
    and nothing else. You have to draw conclusions and keep wearing masks.
    Not only in gatherings, in my opinion everywhere also on the street outside.

  6. The nuisance of violent crime, noise and accidents from terrorism on the roads in Haifa is more disturbing than the corona

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