Yael Shanar from the 'Greens' with the query: 'Why weren't chilias deployed in the playgrounds?'
"The playground remains empty because you can't stay there without shade. I don't understand what I'm paying property tax for," said one of the mothers..
"There is nothing new under the sun"
City Council Member Yael Shanar of the Green Party, She submitted a query to the city council in which she demands to know the reason why fences have not yet been deployed in many playgrounds in the city, why it is taking so long to install fences. Shanar also demands to know what is the procedure by which the eyelashes are ordered and how is it that every year this procedure is delayed? Shanar asks why a uniform procedure on the matter has not been formulated, so that the grills will be spread in the playgrounds in the city already during the Passover period.

The children turn red and blind
Shanar attached to the query that she submitted several photos of the amusement park in the Bat Galim neighborhood. In the photos, the children are seen playing under the blazing sun, narrowing their eyes and turning red from the heat. The parents huddle together on a single bench placed under a tree, sit on the slightly shaded ground or even stand. Other parents hide in the shadow behind a random post or sign. In another photo, other benches in the garden are seen empty of people, simply because they are not protected from the strong sun.

Yael Shenar tells Lahi Pa:
Every year the tune comes back and everyone is "surprised to find out" that we live in a hot country and that we need to prepare for summer and have barbecues in the playgrounds. I don't accept the excuses of the municipality, there are playgrounds, there are children - and they stay at home because there is no shade in the playground. The harm to the residents is on several levels: it harms the community, neighbors and young parents cannot meet spontaneously outside, it affects the health of children, who will all agree that the best thing for them is to run around and play outside with their peers and not sit at home all day just in front of screens, even in small businesses - People stay at home and don't go out spontaneously, something that certainly also relates to possible incidental sensitivities.
I call on the municipality to come to its senses, and install the shade now.

Moran Yafarah, Ariel and Leroy's mother, told Live here:
Yesterday I came back from work and I wanted to go to the playground in front of the house with the children, meet mothers, let the children release energy - but the sun is beating in an unreasonable way. The playground remains empty because it is impossible to stay there without shade. I don't understand what I pay property tax for if they don't install something as simple as a shade. It doesn't make sense that the third largest city in Israel has no budget for shade in playgrounds.

Odelia mother of Ron Yehuda:
For weeks I've been calling the municipality and corresponding with them, also on Facebook, repeatedly being told that we are "in a queue". It is sad to know that a basic request of us and the children of the neighborhood, who all in all want to enjoy the neighborhood playground, is not treated or respected. This is not fair to our children. The facilities are so hot and burning that they literally cause burns. It's sad that my child and the children of the neighborhood don't count.

Haifa Municipality gave a response to Haifa: "The city council approved this week the budget for shading the gardens.
In the coming days, the rescue operation will begin according to the work plan of the Municipal Gardens Department. There are several playgrounds in Bat Galim and these will also be dived as part of the works."
As far as I know, there is still no shading in the "Harkafot" square garden at the intersection of Derech Hayam and Ilanot Street, and I saw for myself that there is still no shading in the butterfly park at Ramat Hanasi. The issue must be addressed urgently.
The same in Atlit.. We are waiting for the council to have a "budget" and in the meantime the children are burning
Why does the Society for the Prevention of Skin Cancer not warn?
What good will shading do as long as the pigs are not exterminated and people are afraid to send their children to playgrounds because pigs roam freely in the city?