Vipers in Haifa - instructions for the public
Did you think there were no snakes in your neighborhood? You were wrong!
Braunstein explains in the video before you, everything you need to know in order to reduce the chance of being harmed by the viper snake in your yard. A must for every Haifai to see until the end.
Did you encounter a snake? Don't panic - call Shmuel Braunstein
Snake catcher - phone: 052-2663200 | 050-5484857

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The weekly scare about some invasive and dangerous animal...
Now where are the pictures of dead snakes and carcasses of animals eaten by snakes...waiting for this week's snap
something scary... Haifa serves as a garden for wild animals, from wild boars to snakes, jackals, foxes and more...
Those who want to live in the midst of nature, the wonderful valleys and the trees have to put up with coexistence with the animals in nature.
I also trap on behalf of the Nature and Parks Authority. The guy made as many mistakes as possible. And really not careful. I really hope that the lack of caution will not cost him dearly. Yigal Golani Kochav Yair.
Yigal, so maybe you can explain his mistakes?
O gods!
(The police are investigating...)