In a complex logistical operation, which includes hundreds of volunteers who mobilized to help organize and transport food baskets for the needy in preparation for Passover, today (Tuesday 12/4/22) an impressive organization is taking place at Lev Hash Association, which now, as throughout the year, is doing everything possible and beyond For this, to help all those in need, Arari seniors, Holocaust survivors, needy families, people with special needs and now also new immigrants from Ukraine who have arrived in Haifa.
Helping anyone who needs it
About 1000 food packages will be distributed today (Tuesday 12/4/22), when hundreds of volunteers arrive at the distribution center in the early hours of the morning with their vehicles, pick up the packages and bring them directly to the homes of the people who are unable to come and collect their food baskets on their own. In the afternoon, the people who are able to move around and pick up their packages are expected to arrive.
Throughout the year
The Lev Hash Association operates, as we know, throughout the year and tirelessly, and helps in countless ways the needy, Holocaust survivors, the elderly, people with disabilities and their families, and much more. Food baskets are distributed by the association regularly, when people and families in need come every week to receive baskets food that the association organizes for them.
The circle of poverty only widens
Today, it is a particularly complex logistical operation, where the association makes sure to reach as many people as possible whose hands are out of reach, so that each and every family can celebrate the holiday in a dignified manner and without shortages. The association says that unfortunately they clearly see that the circle of poverty is constantly expanding as more and more people join it with no choice and find themselves without the basic ability to make a living and support their family with dignity.
Aid to immigrants from Ukraine
Another and significant thing in this operation and in this period in general, is the mobilization of the Lev Hash Association in assisting the new immigrants who arrived from the bloody Ukraine and were forced, as we know, to leave all their possessions behind. the barriers of absorption in Israel and helps to reduce the obvious difficulties they face in these complex days.
More volunteers are needed
In the heart of HAS, we note with excitement the impressive mobilization of the hundreds of volunteers, those who are regular and those who are now arriving, who invest their time and energy for this important cause, in addition, the members of the association turn to the general public and ask for additional volunteers to come and help.

You too join - right now
If you want to come and help, don't wait, we need as many working hands and open hearts as possible.
To volunteer - call: 054-547-0407 ► Dodi
Join us right now in the amazing power of Lev Hash volunteers.
In the heart of this year we would like to acknowledge and thank the companies Elbit and Electra, the loyal partners of the association's activities all along the way.