Residents of the Carmelia neighborhood in Haifa claim that their quality of life has been severely damaged due to the massive construction in the neighborhood and due to the trucks and heavy equipment that enter it all the time.
"With all understanding, this is not normal"
"I understand the benefits in the neighborhood, and the profit for developers and tenants," says Lahi Pa Eran Shulman from the neighborhood committee, "but I don't understand why there isn't a guiding hand, someone who looks at the neighborhood holistically and sees that what's happening here is simply not normal.
A few days ago, during the morning, a truck got stuck on Rachel Street for a few hours! Traffic simply stopped and one of the entrances to the neighborhood was blocked all this time."

"A miracle doesn't end in disaster"
"I saw another truck driving on Zafaririm Street, merging with Boaz Street, drove a little forward, a little backward, until it came over the traffic island on the street and took down the sign that was on it," Shulman continues, "only by a miracle there was no small child there and it didn't end in disaster."
Danger to students
"A week ago, a meeting was held between the chairman of the parents' council at the Herzl elementary school, Leonid from the construction inspection department in the municipality, and Michael Shahar, who is responsible for the elementary schools in the municipality," says the mother of a student at the Herzl school who lives in the neighborhood. The construction is adjacent to the school and the parents of the students are worried. Trucks leave the building and drive right next to the school, it is very, very dangerous. At 13:00 p.m. many students from the lower grades leave the school alone and the truck drivers who drive there can hardly see such a child. We are very worried about this danger ", She says.

The children return on foot
"There is no reason why children in an elementary school should not be able to walk home when the school is close to the house, as happens in other neighborhoods. Even on Tuesday afternoons there is an activity of the Tidhar tribe of the scout movement, trucks are driving around there and the children are running, which is very dangerous."
"Life inside a construction site"
"It just doesn't make sense to deal with the construction of so many TMAs. For over 10 years we have felt that we are inside a construction site and the consequences of such a quantity of trucks are very complex. I'm not just talking about the traffic jams, especially in the morning, when everyone is in a hurry to disperse children and get to work, but also the repeated damage of the trucks to the fences and parked vehicles, in addition to the fact that it is also very dangerous and damages our property. We are fed up."

And there are also the pigs...
"Besides the problem of the construction and the trucks, we also suffer greatly from the amount of pigs in the neighborhood," Shulman says. "It's hard to describe what's going on here, both around the Herzl school, and in general. What's more, after a pig took the bag from one of the girls in the neighborhood playground, the municipality came to take care of that pig. We're very satisfied with that, but we'd like to see as much care for the pigs as possible The bar until the actual solution of the problem."
Same as above on Harofeh Street. Massive construction that has no justification, especially on the main exit route from the Carmel Hospital. It is expected that due to the massive construction in this area, residents and cars will be added to the area, where the road and sidewalk infrastructure is really miserable, and the ambulances will have to queue for an urgent exit from the street.
Hana Hayir Haifa is a very old city. That is why there is a lot of obsolescence of buildings and also the desire to live in them. She did not always build and the builds were measured. We Haifa people are too busy, you are the only one in Carmelia. What can we say, this is life in Kiryat and with all the factories that are suffocating us. The sea that the ants have taken over so you weepy seas have disturbed their rest a bit. The city is being built, there is a price. Say thank you, it will be over soon. We are left with chemical smells.
This is in all of Haifa, unfortunately, the mystery has ruined our lives in Haifa.. Yotam Ehud Shimshon Street, where else... Terrible, intolerable overcrowding
Khaled is best to blame Jonah. . The scapegoat
You are Khaled, you are all trying to quarrel between us. What does the construction that started have to do with today's construction, a photo is over two years old. And usually those who collect the waste and the truck drivers are your brothers or your relatives. They make the traffic jam. But tell me a person working hours is not allowed to breathe air. You probably do too. Enough of dirtying the municipality employees, tired of all the conflicts..
Calling a child by his name is the legacy left by Yona Yahav Haifa has gone to hell Municipal employees who remove waste block roads The driver is playing on the phone and the other is talking to friends while a municipal vehicle continues to block the street like Herzl the pioneer driving wildly through the streets honking and seeing no one from the cliché, it's not her fault, stop blaming her. There is a serious situation in the city, she is trying to put things in order, but there are factors that do not allow this to happen.. courts, etc. one protects the other, they are all family
Regarding safety near the construction sites in the city: I saw this week that there is a construction site on Moriah Street about 100 meters from the Carmelia intersection in the direction of Horev. There were heavy trucks and tractors entering and exiting the construction site which was adjacent to the sidewalk.
At the same place there was a man wearing a luminous vest walking around the place and it seems to me that he directed and warned the pedestrians in the area and directed the traffic of the trucks at the entrance to the site.
Such a thing can greatly help prevent accidents, etc.
The contractors who work on the construction sites should be required to place such a safety officer on their behalf and at their expense.
Come on whiners, when we built your house you didn't complain
And with all this "quality of life" the prices of the apartments there are still sky high.
Hahahahaha it's better to live in the Carmel Castle already, without ups and downs all the time and a garden closer to the MTM and the sea.
A neighborhood that is "over rated". It was always congested, hard to get out of. But the price for a new house there in the sky does not justify the money at all.
Quality of life is not only a beautiful house to live in, it is also infrastructure and the ability to leave the neighborhood.
There is no law and no justice. A ghost town, and it's all Kalish's fault. You ruined our beautiful city.
You didn't care and you came to help when there was such a mess in Geula Haifa, I don't care about your problems.
What do you want them not to build and for Haifa to become a neighborhood of parents' homes?????
Building it is really a setback I experienced many years ago when we built Ramat Almogi and nothing happened to us.
The pigs are the problem, you can't take walks in the evening because of the fear of the pigs
Pigs out of Haifa
I read that life is hard for you on your street. And the situation is terrible. A municipality understands only one way a large demonstration. Maybe take into account certain hours when they won't work, which will give you, for example, a breath of air at noon.
We Haifaites are lazy, go see Tel Aviv come out and demonstrate
They don't have a problem with anything that gets in the way, they go out and demonstrate!!!
is funny. You suggest that they stop working between two and four, as if we were in the fifties of the last century. Maybe the residents also went out to demonstrate with red flags?
And just for the record, in Tel Aviv the situation is much, much more difficult. The whole city is in excavations, including night work between 22.00:XNUMX PM and XNUMX:XNUMX AM
On the one hand they want renewal and construction and on the other hand they complain about the trucks and contractors. So you wanted them to bring material in helicopters and then the buyers would pay the price.
Hypocritical whiners.
What and why are your complaints about??? You are courting the contractors to upgrade your houses!!! The contractors did not come the 1st morning and decided to build it you and only you who invited them!!! The same goes for your refusal to open the road to the coastal road, you will be stuck in your traffic jams for hours and traffic jams are your least concern, God forbid if a huge fire breaks out in Carmelia everyone will be stuck in the neighborhood because there is only exit 1.
Stop whining and blaming others.
A very to-the-point and striking article without much wisdom describes the real situation of our beautiful neighborhood.
You can build in another city. Why are contractors allowed to enter with huge trucks? There are smaller trucks. There are also smaller digging and lifting tools. It's convenient for the contractors, they don't care about causing damage and disturbing the flow of life because no one requires them to work differently. It would be useful for the municipality to issue general guidelines that would allow construction with minimal disruption to the routine of life. And the implementation of the instructions must of course be monitored and enforced.
Kudos to 'Hai-Fa' for the opportunity it gives residents to express themselves, and even collects the last 100 responses in a convenient watch list. I suggest to the editors of the newspaper to add a feature to the reaction columns to the articles, and to establish forums for local issues, along the lines of the closed 'Cafe de Marker', or similar groups on Facebook. Long live democracy!
This is good in honor of a mayor with the title of "architect", and she was elected when she was in the middle of a lawsuit over an architectural failure she built.
You wanted a change. Moral of the story - like the "golden fish woman" - you caught a lot and you didn't catch anything
The criminal was chosen only after she was convicted by the court and her sentence was meted out.
In the upcoming elections, do something and don't sit in cafes.
The change is in your hands.
In the hint it is no different and also in other neighborhoods like Neve Shaanan, all the time Banya, Tama, Pinani Binui, building balconies, dimensions and what not? dust. dirt. noise. No quality of life
And a strange article from the creator of Ketub the bored and the writer from Haifa once again falls into the trap of the man who is looking for attention
The pigs are really not the problem
All the Carmel neighborhoods are suffering from an attack by contractors without any enforcement, without any control over what is being done, without any consideration for the residents
Trucks come in during the busiest morning hours, disturbing children on the way to kindergartens and schools, one more house ends and another begins next.
This is an attack that goes on for years on the little quality of life that still remains between the herds of huge wild boars and the hell on the roads that occurs from young people on weekends who take over the city centers in Moshava and Carmel with upgraded vehicles and noisy motorcycles.
The quality of life is destroyed every day, the municipality does nothing. They don't even check if dangerous operations are done by the contractors. There are no sidewalks near the construction sites. People walk in the dust on the roads. Horrible noise from 7 am. The uprooting of dozens of trees, the demolition of sidewalks and roads by trucks that go up and cause cracks and knock down road signs. Excavating contractors, it is not clear if they even have a license and everything is done with zero regard for buildings in the area, throwing construction waste into wadis and into other lots around.
High construction that hides an unusual aerial view in height and size for the whole neighborhood. 7-8 stories near 3-4 story buildings. Hiding solar heaters, taking over parking lots instead of sidewalks and preventing pedestrians from entering buildings every evening, the city engineer doesn't care about anything.
Shocking, they just took good and quiet neighborhoods and destroyed them to the core.
We are no longer talking about the massive traffic jams from the load of residents that the neighborhoods were not designed for. Overload in classrooms. Exploding water pipes. The lack of commerce in the neighborhoods, the lack of bank and post office branches that close in the face of a constant increase in the population that needs them,
It seems that everything in Haifa is going the other way and creates hazards and nuisances, and they only know how to raise the property tax and add more fines.
And Harofeh and Smolenskin streets is better? God's horror!
The pigs are not a problem. Construction is a real problem. They are building 3 buildings in front of me (in place of the houses surrounded by trees that used to be). All the parking lots on the other side have been closed by the municipality while the workers park in ours. The trucks get stuck in the middle of Rachel Street, the cars are full of construction dust, the noise of the bulldozers continues for days. The municipality prefers the contractors and the workers over the residents of the street.
The pigs are a very big problem! A terrible nuisance
Why don't you go to a real estate appraiser and ask him to prepare an appraisal for the decrease in the value of your apartment according to the provisions of Section 197 of the Planning and Construction Law. At least you will receive adequate financial compensation. The procedure is very simple and cheap.
The problem is that a claim can only be made in the time window starting on the day of approval of the building permit for the offending construction.