A giant pig arrived at a playground where children spent time in Carmelia
A group of girls met this morning (Tue 16/3/22) at a playground in Carmelia. when suddenly a wild boar started running. The girls were very frightened, when one of them, Hila Shema, dropped the bag she was holding in her hands, and the pig, without getting confused, simply swallowed the bag with all its contents, including the delivery of meals that was in it.
The pig takes the bag - the girls are scared • Watch
The pig ate everything!
"Today around 11 o'clock a pig attacked my daughter and her friends in the ropes course. He entered the kindergarten and then started running towards them. My Hila left her bag, and he just ate her bag with everything inside: delivery of meals + NIS 50 + clothes, a brush Teeth and paste… it's crazy! The pig ate everything!" says Hila's mother.
"If it wasn't sad, it would be funny. She called me hysterically. We used to play giants and gnomes, now in Carmelia pigs and gnomes play," she says. "It's unbelievable that there is no security here. One of the girls filmed some of this madness and even knew how to invite the municipality , which arrived after the pig had already left, of course. I have no doubt that if my daughter had not left the bag, he would have tried to attack her."
This is the second case in the last day where a pig attacks a child, and in general, in the last few weeks it seems that the number of pigs has increased and so has the number of cases of their aggression towards the residents. One of the neighborhoods that is particularly affected by the problem is the Carmelia neighborhood. Around the Herzl elementary school in the neighborhood, there is a considerable amount of pigs, and the parents are afraid that the children will not want to walk around the neighborhood alone, even though at their age there is nothing preventing them from returning from school on their own or walking to classes or youth movements.
What else needs to happen?
It is not clear if we are waiting for more such events to happen, and what else is in store for us, but in light of the cases from the past few days when the pigs attack residents, harm them and their property, and cause increasing panic, it would be impossible to say that the writing was not on the wall.
Even if most pigs do not tend to directly attack humans, at least at the moment, it would be reasonable to say that the situation as it is is clearly not normal. Even on the roads, the pig disturbance is more and more noticeable, with many drivers saying that while driving, pigs burst onto the road and get under their wheels. In most cases, the drivers manage to brake or slow down in time, but there have already been cases where vehicles hit the pigs, and then the 'total loss' is double - both for the unfortunate pig and for the vehicle. Isn't it desirable to deal with the problem before a real disaster happens?
Thinking and debating...
For 3 years now, the Haifa municipality has been busy holding meetings and never-ending discussions, in which it debates and grapples with what should be done with the pigs, conducts experiments and tests and measurements, and at the same time, apparently prepares funds for possible lawsuits for harming the residents by pigs, which many are already considering filing a lawsuit against due to the fact that responsible for their safety.
And who will pay?
The question is, are we the residents, who have already paid several millions dedicated to thinking about the problem, we, who suffer from the lack of security in the city because of the pigs, are afraid to walk down the street or leave the grocery store with bags, will we also finance all the times the municipality loses in court to an injured resident From one of the hundreds of pigs in town?
Until January 2019, the previous mayor, Yona Yahav, thinned pigs. In the end, even if we encountered a pig here and there, it meant that the pig problem was taken care of.
no taste
In those years, a resident who came across a pig could call 106 and a person would be sent to the scene to shoot the pig and dispose of its body. Today there is no point in calling public inquiries when you encounter a problem with pigs, many of the city's residents who have tried already know this.
From January 2019, the mayor Dr. Einat Kalish Rotem made a decision to stop the thinning, due to it being "inhumane". The result was a significant increase in the number of pigs in the city and as a result endless clashes between them and residents.

The culprits were found!
As mentioned, meetings on the subject were held endlessly, when once the finger of blame was pointed at the RTG, once at the cat feeders, and then the municipality escalated it when they announced that those responsible had been found: these are the residents of the city who love the wild pigs who feed them regularly, They are the ones who brought this trouble upon us. This was announced at a celebratory press conference organized by the Haifa Municipality.
City workers are now sent to track down the pig feeders and stop the strange hobby. More than that, the municipality is considering rolling the pig damage claims that come to it from Israeli pig eaters.
The feeders of course
Before the municipality blamed the people who feed the pigs, it blamed the cat feeders as mentioned. The municipality first explained to the cat feeders "how to do it right" and then began to fine them mercilessly. Feeders and the cat feeders are often not so popular in their residential buildings, because feeding cats in massive quantities sometimes makes the place dirty, and thus the neighbors gained power against the neighbors and the feeding neighbors and could contact the inspectors whenever they wanted. Many of the feeders who did not speak Hebrew at all, who all they wanted was that there would be no hungry cats on the street, found themselves with a fine of hundreds of shekels and many times with more than one fine.
Haifa Municipality's response:
The municipality is working to keep the wild pigs away from all the city's neighborhoods and in particular near the schools. During the last few days, significant actions are being taken to remove the unruly individuals from the walking route in question. It is important to note that, unfortunately, also at the Herzl school there is uncontrolled feeding of neighbors, which causes wild boars to be attracted and the acquisition of behavior patterns of approaching and taking food.
Fake news. This site plus his dog are against the mayor! and spreading lies left and right. It's time to monitor these evasive journalists!!!!!
The pigs have become a menacing and dangerous hazard. They multiplied and took over the city!
They must be thinned out and moved to the city before a serious disaster happens and then a serious lawsuit will be brought to the city whose residents are the ones who will pay indirectly and in a big way!!!!! The mayor discovers that she is helpless and blames everyone...
And in fact, the place of the pigs is a b ai r!!!
Without any doubt, she is hurting herself, because in light of the neglected situation for a long time, she does not find a solution to the problem, and especially to the protection of the residents of Haifa and their well-being
Enough with this hysteria against the pigs.
"A pig attacked my daughter."
Lucky to have the video - a pig walks slowly. Girls get scared and run away. A pig eats a bag.
That's all. No assault and no shoes.
I encounter quite a few pigs - a polite hello and pass by each other.
I have a feeling that this hysteria stems from someone's political agenda.
A pig is not a domestic animal and should not be fed around the house. Fenced areas should be set up for pigs outside the neighborhoods, and feed them there, if anyone is interested in it.
Thank you Kelish Rotem, Dr. for raising pigs and destroying cities, you are doing great!
They are waiting for a disaster and then they will make a commission of inquiry out of fear. Like Shihav waited for the huge fire in the Carmel disaster in December 2010 and only two months after that they quickly remembered to buy new fire engines. who refused to purchase and even discuss the state of the city's fire assessments Hadva Almog and her friends dropped a proposal for discussion in February 2010 of the Greens.
This is how the copy-paste cliché of the illegal Yahav methods works, including the disinformation mechanism on networks and bulletin boards, all spinology. It seems that the one who sits on the throne of the mayor engages in petty politics and trying to please the council of municipal workers who are harassing him and forgets who and why he was elected mayor.
There is no solution other than immediate dilution of hundreds not here and there some one. This is about 50-100 individuals in each wadi, contrary to the reports that wrote 5-15 which we all know is a bluff because we see more than that all the time in flocks and litters.
Must dilute Kabir Carmelia estate Neve Shaanan Carmel West Carmel French Ramat Shaul Kiryat Eliezer. Everywhere we are under attack by wild boars that have reached the thousands in Haifa and of huge dimensions, look at the pig's cudgel, it is 200 kilos that can run towards this person like being run over by a car. Enough with the games and spins of the municipality. Dilute immediately.
All Haifa residents should be evacuated from the garden boycott and the safari should be moved to Haifa and also all the animals in the educational zoo should be released and thus the entire Haifa area will become an international safari!!!?????????
In the safari area in Ramat, it is also possible to build an area of skyscrapers 1800 stories high with 72 apartments on each floor where all the Haifaites will live!!!?
What is the reaction of the municipality, that it works to keep the pigs away, what a joke. It is not at all what you see. I don't understand why they are waiting for a disaster to happen. I don't even want to think about it. Wake up, or someone will take the reins and start doing something about it, mobilize people and act immediately.
To take the pig feeders together with the pigs directly to the territories of Tubas village.
poison them and beautiful one hour before
For God's sake, when will the municipality/government/nature and parks authority realize that the pigs need to be moved to a closed nature reserve, like in a safari or Khaybar, so that there is no contact between them and the population! Say you fell on your head??? Where is your intelligence, you stingy piece!!! Stop being stingy about the money and do something already!!!
And for all those who are angry with the pig feeders, we will see you in front of a bunch of starving pigs that come to attack you. Better to give them food so they don't attack people!
"A pig attacks a child" hahaha... Pierre? I laughed! This is a really funny video. He didn't attack her or shoes. As soon as she ran away, he took the bag and ate, not prey! I'm sorry she lost her stuff, and she really had a scary experience, but she wasn't attacked, enough with the unnecessary drama.
Are you sure this is unnecessary drama? In what way do you think it makes sense for wild pigs to roam between people's legs and steal their bags and bite their legs, this is how you people live?!
Yoda, why invent? Don't write "they will bite their legs", he didn't bite her legs.
where do i live I live here, I pay attention to where I go and when a wild boar passes by, I stop and don't run hysterically. It is true that they are omnivores and the situation is sometimes unpleasant, but they are not prey animals, they have no interest in jumping on anyone and biting. So enough of the inventions. In most of the articles, here and in other media, it says bite, attacked, attacked... and when you read the story, in its entirety, you see that this is not the case and that they exaggerated the headlines or the descriptions.
But the pigs are looking for food.. it's natural
Give them food in their nesting place and they will have no reason to come to the gardens.
Hara tamot
Kill them and replace the mayor.
Herds of pigs also roam near the kindergartens in Emil Zola. It is impossible to use the playground there and it is scary to take the small children out
The video clarifies a few things:
1. You see that the pig just walked quietly, didn't run and didn't attack and even the girl wasn't afraid of him until she decided to run towards her friend. She had plenty of time to collect the bag but instead she preferred to look at the pig, which probably didn't particularly threaten her. The writer is really exaggerating and the mother also just wants to be famous. No supervision of journalists? Does a pig deserve to be shot just to produce another sensational headline and serve the advertising motives of residents?
2. In the public gardens, the municipality did something nice for a change and installed gates against pigs - why didn't the girls close the gate? Why don't the parents instruct them to close the gates? Isn't there a sign reserved for that? 10-year-old girls already know how to read.
In conclusion, now, because of some publicity-hungry parents and journalists, they will just shoot pigs and the inspectors will continue to go around the neighborhoods and fine innocent people left and right.
You have had enough of the municipality and the people and the newspapers.
I didn't understand, why small children have to learn how to deal with wild boars in the public space.
Strange... all the nice things the municipality does, do not allow a peaceful life in the city..
Kalish fails on so many fronts. go go already
in pigs
As a resident of the city, I come across the Aliya gate every day in the absence of people, in the morning at dawn and in the evening, afraid to walk around the neighborhood. The response is correct for today and there is no different response today
As a resident of the city, I come across the Aliyah gate every day with the missing, in the morning at Tahir and in the evening, afraid to walk around the neighborhood