The Haifa district committee decided to approve the "Hod HaCarmel neighborhood" plan - Dania the Green
The Haifa District Planning and Construction Committee, headed by Itamar Ben David, decided to approve the "Hod HaCarmel Neighborhood - Green Dania" plan (304-0600072).
On 12/2/20, the sub-committee for objections of the district committee discussed objections to the plan, and decided to reject its substance and approve the plan with conditions. Against the decision, appeals were submitted to the appeals sub-committee of the national council, which decided to reject them.
Against the decision of the appeals sub-committee and the decision of the district committee, a petition was submitted to a district court by the opponents of the plan.
On 21/6/2021, the judgment of the Jerusalem District Court was given on the petition. The court rejected all the claims raised in the petition, except for the issue of the neighborhood being prepared to deal with an emergency.
In light of the ruling, the Planning Bureau of the District Committee turned to the Nature and Parks Authority, the Fire Authority, and the traffic consultant of the District Committee, for their professional opinion in accordance with the court's ruling, and these were submitted to the Planning Bureau.
According to the bodies' references, the proposed expansion improves the neighborhood's situation regarding dealing with fires, since the plan allows new access for emergency vehicles, includes guidelines regarding a fire buffer strip and guidelines for resistance to fires, and also moves the open areas away from the road that will be used by the neighborhood's residents for emergency escape needs.
As mentioned, the district committee heard the opponents, the municipality and the developer of the plan and decided to go back and approve the plan subject to the implementation of new instructions to ensure strict treatment of fire resistance and treatment of a significant buffer strip of 76 m even before the start of construction in the neighborhood.
The plan is bordered to the south by the Carmel Park national park and to the north by the existing Dania neighborhood. The plan includes an addition of 226 housing units. In addition, the plan allocates areas for commerce, public buildings, an area for the establishment of a hotel of about 50 rooms, as well as about 35 dunams for open areas.

District planner in the planning administration, Ronen Segal:
This is an important plan that expands the unique Dania neighborhood while creating a high-quality residential complex with somewhat different housing characteristics, allowing for a more diverse solution of housing units in the neighborhood. As it appears from the professional opinion, the program will also improve the ability of the various parties to deal with an emergency event such as a fire. Looking ahead, the development of the new residential complex will also contribute to the existing residents of the neighborhood.
How happy I am that another building will be built in the city that will be empty and at the same time will cost a lot of money.
Hod HaHave neighborhood...
Not worth a single villa once the area is infested with wild boars
Is the entrepreneur ultra-Orthodox?
The residents of Dania are not interested in nature, they have a garden and that's what their nature is all about.
What interests them is to keep as few villas and apartments built around Dania as possible because it lowers the "prestige" of Dania.
The time has come in Dania, just like in Ramat Soroka or Ramat Dania across the street, to build apartment towers for young people who want to live near the university, be it researchers, faculty or for rent to students. Dania is not a villa settlement, it is a neighborhood in Haifa that has a lot of free space for building high-rise buildings. It is necessary to create an immediate connection on the roads between Dania and Tirat Carmel so that they do not pass through Freud Road on their way to the university, but instead take a short and sane route through Dania, as they pass through Western Carmel, French Carmel or Ramat Eshkol. Yes yes, through the Dania neighborhood, a new highway directly to the university + immediate planning of 200 apartments in two 25-story towers above the commercial center in Dania.
Finally a sane voice
It's interesting that none of the important people in the municipality feel the need to speed things up here in Dagenia. Nothing is interesting. A green neighborhood in Dania is quickly approved by the district committee. What's going on with the slaughters here? What's going on with our buildings?
It's interesting that your mayor promotes everything only in Haifa in Haifa, Haim Maravit, nothing in Shmuel, nothing. Apparently, that's how she is also the mayor of these Kiryats. If not, then free us from your perversion. Even so, you're helping him and not promoting, only harming us. Come on, prove that you do promote the evacuation. As soon as possible with us in Dagenia
Excellent. Shabbat Shalom
The mansion was completely destroyed with high-rises and clutter and blocking the view. Then it was Dania's turn...but there they are carefully planning, not blocking anyone, God forbid..there on the tips of their fingers. planning
The pigs are already there, before the settlers!
Beauty builds on public spaces! But interfering with people in their plots is not over yet! Until when will they decide for us the boundaries of the private areas?
The sector is feared. And to us who do the death.
District Planner in the Planning Administration, Ronen Segal:
This is an important plan that expands the unique Dania neighborhood while creating a high-quality residential complex with somewhat different housing characteristics, allowing for a more diverse solution of housing units in the neighborhood. As it appears from the professional opinion, the program will also improve the ability of the various parties to deal with an emergency event such as a fire. Looking ahead, the development of the new residential complex will also contribute to the existing residents of the neighborhood.
A neighborhood that until now was only villas!!! (and this is Haifa's only villa neighborhood) - I don't believe you, MM the planner, you're just scrambling for the capitalists who sent you
For the purposes of building and enriching the pockets of entrepreneurs and the municipality, this area is very suitable for their plans and everything is fine, but the entire period of this war to obtain the permit - the Nature and Parks Authority blocked approaches and did not allow owners of SUVs to travel in the area. So the big question is who does more damage to nature? - the tires of the jeeps or the bulldozers of the entrepreneurs?
In short, it's all the interests of the greedy and not the public interest.
Bulldozers bring more money to corrupt pseudo-entrepreneurs and their subordinates in the municipality and the Knesset, some of whom were elected by the public, the same public by the way who financed everything and cannot find a 70 square meter box at a price that reflects the value they receive, but is willing to take a mortgage of XNUMX million on a box in a building that is in danger of collapse.
This is what neutralized citizens look like, without a sting, tired, a flock of sheep.