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"Cats that get 100 grams of food are not the reason for the pigs in Haifa" - the protest of the feeders ○ Watch

Haifa Municipality continues to fine innocent residents who feed cats and care for them, while maintaining a clean environment. Following the fines given, a protest was held tonight (Tuesday) 4/1/22 against the fines and demanding to continue feeding the cats because there is no law that prohibits feeding cats. The feeders claim that if the municipality continues to fine the feeders who pay out of pocket for the castration and sterilization of the food. They will stop feeding the cats and they will starve to death.

"The municipality imposes fines on those who care for the helpless it abandons"

Nir Greenberg, protest organizer, animal lover and street cat activist, told Lahi Fe:
"The situation of the animals in the local authorities is very bad because of the under-functioning of the veterinary systems which are budgeted in a disgraceful manner. There is neglect and lawlessness in spaying and neutering, also in terms of veterinary treatments, also in terms of enforcement against harm to animals and enforcement of the Animal Cruelty Law. The protest is about the fines that the municipality imposes on the feeders who take care of those helpless".

"Punish the moral and compassionate people"

"It's really good coercion," says Greenberg, "The municipality of Haifa, whose department does not function, does not sterilize or pimp the cats that have gotten out of control, traps the good people who take care to feed the cats and show morality and compassion towards the helpless and buy the same food with their own money. The municipality does not participate and does not do its job and instead of giving them a reward, it imposes fines on them. The municipality claims that feeding cats is the one that causes the wild pigs to roam the city streets, which is absolutely not true. I must point out that the fines are given in a sweeping manner, more than 90% of the feeders do it correctly and there is an injustice here towards all the feeders. This makes those people afraid of receiving another fine and thus the municipality causes the cats to starve. There is the Noah association that provides legal assistance to fined feeders, but not everyone knows the association.

Nir Greenberg, organizer of the protest: "Neglect and lawlessness of the animals" | watch

Nir Greenberg - Cat Feeders' Protest (Photo: Samer Odeh Karantinji)

"Fed in a clean way, fed, spayed and neutered at our expense and in the end feel like criminals"

Ephraim, who was fined more than once for feeding cats, even though he feeds according to the law and maintains a clean environment, tells Lai Fa:
"There is a problem today in Haifa and that is the fines for the cat feeders. People give food to the cats in an orderly manner, keep a clean environment, sterilize and neuter the street cats in their neighborhood at their own expense and buy them food at their own expense, and in the end they feel like criminals. We receive fines for no reason and with a fine That the fine was given for throwing and scattering food on the sidewalk and that is not true. We have never done such a thing. There may be few such eaters, but certainly not us.

Ephraim continues: "I'm going to court, because there are documents and photos that prove that I didn't do anything against the law, so to accuse me as if I'm some kind of criminal? It's very sad. I've been feeding cats for many years and the municipality does nothing, the municipality must neuter and sterilize otherwise the situation It won't get better."

"We were shocked when we saw that there were many hungry and sick cats here"

Earlier, Ephraim, who immigrated to Israel from Siberia many years ago, said: "With us, there was no such thing as seeing cats on the street. When we arrived in Haifa, we were surprised to see hungry and sick cats, and all we do is simply help them."

Ephraim, who was fined more than once: "The place is always cleaned and still fined" | watch

Ephraim - protest of the cat feeders (photo: Samer Odeh Karantinji)

"The problem is ecological"

Lia, who was also fined, told Lahi Fe before the interview that her friend broke her wrist when she tried to run away from the pigs:

"I came to the demonstration to say that Haifa has a very big ecological problem. In 2010 there was a big fire in Haifa and all the animals, including wild pigs, fled to the city and developed a process in which we see more and more pigs in the city. In addition to building new neighborhoods at the expense of the pigs' living space, Their area has shrunk and they continue to come to the city. This is why there are pigs in Haifa like there weren't before. It's an ecological problem and you can consult with experts in the world on how to deal with the problem. Cats that get 100 grams of food, that's not the reason for pigs in Haifa."

Lia, who was also fined: "The cat's food is not the reason for the pigs" | watch

Lia - the cat protest (photo: Samer Odeh Karantinji)

contact: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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25 תגובות

  1. Maybe you should close the quantities of delicatessens that sell other/white meat = H-Zir. Knowing that heaven punishes measure for measure...

  2. There are hundreds of pigs in Kabir and Carmelia
    The municipality's reports simply flat out lie
    These feeders create an unbearable nuisance, it's really not 100 grams.
    They spill quantities of food. Hundreds of kilos of food spills into the streets and brings wild boars every night
    stop your lies In no country is it allowed to throw food into the streets for any reason, especially when there is an infestation of wild pigs.

  3. If you want a cat, grow it at home, I don't understand why you need to intervene and foster more street cats and then cry about their condition.
    After all, with wild pigs, many of you claim that you shouldn't interfere with nature and that's exactly what you're doing because "you can take cute pictures of them" or some other lie you tell yourself.

    Why don't you try to cultivate the population of cockroaches or rats too... hypocrites

  4. All the best to you good people.
    Haifa municipality - shame on you.
    A nation is measured by its attitude to the weak.
    Fine people who care?! Where did we get to?

  5. Shut your mouth..there are rules! You have to put utensils and wait until they finish the food, don't be square!!

  6. You're right...cats are useful to humans...they must be nurtured and's the municipality's job to feed them...they reduce the amount of mice and snakes don't forget that...and they don't screw us up on the street like the dogs...the cat is a clean animal...and charming.

  7. Instead of messing with feeding cats, mess with the feces of the dogs that the Russians raise. A child and a dog. All the streets of Haifa are full of dog feces on the sidewalks. The owners of these dogs should be located and smeared with the feces on their faces. Shame on the municipality. Where are the inspectors??? Did we already say the municipality of Harfa???

  8. I was happy to see that the Haifa chives are taking advantage of cat feeders. Stray cats prey on wild animals and birds, so their populations need to be reduced. In addition, pigs eat the food offered to cats. It is hoped that the municipality will persist in this and that other municipalities will join this welcome action.

  9. Not the cat food but
    the cats that are stung by the pigs,
    They are the problem.

  10. Whereas the municipality only increases their disgusting supervision in every discussion/protest, instead of listening to the residents. It's better to be a cat in the supermarket that doesn't bother anyone than a cat warden. Ugh.

  11. When the inspectors arrive in Kiryat Eliezer, a lot of people are feeding the babies and the pigs are celebrating. I'm already afraid to go out at night. Inspectors will come to the vicinity of the reception center and Shad Rothschild Street and report that the stench of the cats is stinking up the neighborhood

    • If it doesn't suit a cheerful lady, she is more than welcome to pack her things and move to the wilderness. to the desert or maybe even to the diaspora.
      Respect to the cat feeders from cat feeding!!!
      May we solve the problem of the many community cats and the unfortunate wild pigs peacefully and may the mayors and the government in the country turn the tables to those who really care.

    • I must point out that the Haifa municipality performed a massive amount of sterilizations of approximately 11,000 performed in the city of Haifa in the last three years.. It is completely exaggerated to say in the article that sterilizations are not performed in the city. At the time these fines are simply a scandal.

    • I also wish you that the karma will come to you and that the inspectors will give you a fine and if you get it when the day comes, it doesn't matter what you will remember it for!

    • Alizah is the devil's daughter, a disgusting woman
      You are filthy and inside everything is rotten with you
      Aalek Tebano to the reception center to target immigrants and the elderly,

    • Hope the inspectors will go from fines to calling the police, jail and prosecution
      Throwing food outdoors should be made a criminal offense
      These are dirty people who enjoy living in hoarding, filth, dirt and cat urine as perfume.
      They are destroying this city, neglecting the buildings and themselves and harming their surroundings.

  12. Kudos to the protesters. Israel is a member of the OECD but behaves like a third world country, abandons the cats, destroys nature, does not care for the poor pigs who must be helped to return to the forest where they will be safe and have plenty of food and will not be bullied by stupid and bad people. Here they don't know how to transfer a wild boar to the Carmel Shemneret..but to attack them and the righteous people of Sodom who help the poor animals is yes.

  13. Fed cats do not hunt rats and/or snakes and/or mice
    They hunt birds and knock down bird nests because of their inherent hunting instinct

  14. I would be happy to join this protest, if they really showed this group care and the same amount of determination in the fight against serial pig feeders. It is not a small handful, unfortunately. The pig feeders leave kilograms of food for animals in different corners out of compassion for wild pigs without realizing that in this way they are changing the natural way of life of the pig 7 actually hurting them without understanding what they are doing!
    To this day I have noticed a turning of the blind eye to this problematic phenomenon and here and there statements have been made only by word of mouth against the intentional feeding of pigs in Haifa.

  15. I was fined this week and when asked why there is no signage like on the subject of collecting dog excrement, the inspector answered me, check on the government website. I added that since I did not know, I am ready to receive a first warning and not an immediate fine. The fine was still registered to me, the reason is that it pollutes the place. Well, cat feces and urine are dirtier, so have the municipality clean the area at least weekly.
    Around the building where I live there are over 12 or 14 cats howling from hunger. I spend a lot of money feeding them.
    I suggest to the cat feeders, as I will do myself if the fine is not canceled, to demand that the municipality collect the cats in the area and take care of them themselves. I can't go for a walk with the dog, because I'm surrounded by cats. Either they will install feeding facilities for them like in many settlements, or they will take them to the municipality.
    Not ready to take care of them, tolerate their harassment, and also accept a fine. That the municipality will take care of the cats.
    This is what all feeders must demand! The many street cats are a problem that the municipality must address as well as the requirement to take care of the wild pigs!
    I'm not ready to see any cats near my house and pay a fine for their care!!!

    • Dog feces and urine is the worst blow including the noise they make and their aggression. Cats are clean and cultured. But talking to rabies patients is lost in advance

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