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Fines for cat feeders in Haifa • "The municipal inspectors are looking for us"

Are the city inspectors lying in wait for the cat feeders?

The Noah association - an Israeli association of organizations for the protection of animals, is starting a fight against the Haifa municipality that imposes fines on cat feeders who claim that they are feeding according to the law. The association even set out to collect donations in order to represent those fined at the hearing that took place on Wednesday 29/12/21.

Does the Haifa municipality really lie in wait for cat feeders who feed cats according to the law?
From reports received in the Hai Pa system, as well as those forwarded to the Noah association, it appears that many residents feed the cats according to the guidelines and according to the law, according to them, and yet receive fines from the Haifa municipality. This is a high fine - NIS 750.

Elderly, disabled and people who do not speak Hebrew

And among the residents who were fined there are adults, the elderly and the indigent, some of whom do not even speak Hebrew. Those fined say that the inspectors ambush them and follow them.

On the Noah association's fundraising page, Vladimir says that his partner has been fined twice and that the inspectors hang around for hours behind his house waiting for him to go out to feed the cats in order to 'catch' him red-handed.

Cat (photo - Yaron Karmi)

"Jump out of nowhere"

Another woman, Avital, was fined three times. She called the association and said that a car with inspectors followed her, and the next morning she found cans and dirt in her feeding area that were not there during the feeding. At the association's recommendation, she started going out with her phone on video.

Doron says that he only gave a handful of food to one single cat, and was immediately fined by the inspectors who suddenly jumped out of nowhere. Another resident returned from work in the evening and according to her noticed a man chasing her. It turned out, she said, that it was an inspector who was looking to give her a fine.

Kittens (Photo: Samer Odeh Karantinji)

The feeders are scared and the cats are starving

The association says that these are only a small part of the inquiries and reports they receive regarding the fines for feeders in Haifa. "These are not isolated cases, but rather a sweeping phenomenon that is even expanding, of fines for feeding cats 'against the law' so to speak. The vast majority of them are weak, incompetent, elderly people, who do not master technology and the Hebrew language. Some of the feeders paid the fine, surrendered and stopped feeding , the cats were left to starve. Some of them continue to feed, while they are in constant fear of receiving another fine."

An official from the municipality told Lahi Pa that precisely on the issue of cats, the municipality invested a lot in information and that the inspectors do not fine immediately, but explain several times that the method of feeding is illegal and only then register a fine.

Hila Lauper, a member of the City Council (the Greens), said in response to Hai Fe:

A short while ago I was contacted by a gentleman who received a fine for feeding outside of a container. He fed on a high wall with dry food and in a measured way. Just fed in the Carmel storm. He explained that every bowl he put down would fly away in the wind, the inspectors didn't even wait to see if he would leave a clean or dirty place.

Where is the logic, where is the discretion? Jump on it at three in the morning!

It seems that the mayor has found a source of income, fines everywhere. The residents of Haifa have become Haifa's main source of income?!

Why are the streets full of dog feces and the inspectors don't go after the dog owners? Find a weak population and treat it in the most brutal way possible.

I have been dealing with this issue since the persecution began. I manage to cancel some of the reports when even the legal department knows that they are not justified, some unfortunately I am not successful and some do not reach me at all because most of them run to pay the unjustified report out of fear.

730 NIS is a lot of money and for whom? Compassionate residents who feel sorry for these helpless people and instead appreciate them, are given fines.

Hila Lauper (private album)
Hila Lauper (private album)

No response was given from the Haifa municipality.

feeding cats

contact: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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27 תגובות

  1. According to what is written, these are only recommendations... why give a conference on a careful amount of dry food? Is it legal? Who can I contact to cancel the conference? Who can arrange for people who are available to help animals?

  2. More than a week ago, I received a report about feeding cats for the second time. The inspectors patrol our street every day and really chase the cat feeders.
    On the day the report was written to me, the inspectors were down the street and did not see if I was eating or not. I fed a cat from my hand. When I got into the car they waited for me at the end of the street and signaled me to stop and took pictures. I refused to stop because there was no justification for filing a report, but they demand identification and send a report by mail.
    I asked last time and I'm asking again, where are the signs prohibiting feeding cats, where is the hemp for those who do not collect dog excrement. The public garden protested with dog excrement despite the sign and no reports. Why? Because it's harder?
    Around my house are about 12 cats that I feed in the parking lot of my house. The food costs a lot of money.
    Why don't you set up feeding corners that won't disturb anyone.
    Why don't you take puppies to be sterilized and the cats breed.
    According to the municipality, is it possible to stand next to 6 cats and wait for them to finish eating and collecting dishes? Since the requirement to feed in dishes the street is full of uncollected dishes. It's a much bigger hazard than the small grains that cats eat during the day. Isn't it enough that we take care of them and finance everything? What is the source of the budgets for the inspectors who go around several times a day in the same area?
    The city is big, how many inspectors do you appoint for registering fines including car and fuel?
    Our taxes appoint the inspectors and also the fines?
    The sidewalks are full of leaves, masks, disposable dishes and dog feces.
    Only the small grains that the cats eat bother you?
    In view of the facts I mentioned, I would like to cancel the fine that was registered to me and to stop the daily patrol in the area and act to place signs and follow those who do not collect dog feces.
    Rachel Shapira
    3/27 Haim Hazaz St

  3. Recommendation is not mandatory. Where is the signage regarding the ban on feeding street cats?
    I've had crows for weeks too. I feed cats in my compound.
    They run after me with a camera, block my way while driving, demand that I identify myself and inform me that since I did not identify myself I will receive a double fine.
    Where are the regulations that allow the city inspectors to fine citizens who feed street cats that will die without food? And where are the regulations that allow fining a person who does not identify himself to the inspector?
    Why doesn't the municipality of Haifa put up signs warning of fines for feeding cats as there is on every corner regarding not collecting dog excrement? And why does the municipality not establish feeding corners throughout the neighborhoods to prevent individual feeding? Because it costs money? It is easier to collect money from the residents.
    I would like a detailed answer, especially regarding the legal authority to fine for feeding.
    By the way, the requirement to wait for the cats to finish eating and collect the feeding utensils is illogical. It's not enough that cat-loving citizens buy food with their best money, they also have to wait until the cats eat the food and empty the plates and leftovers?

  4. It's very simple company,
    The Haifa municipality has found for itself the winning formula for a new source of income to fill its coffers.

  5. It's absolutely true, a young girl struggling with a soul got a fine, 2 retired women got a fine, the inspectors are waiting for them at night 12 at night!!!! They are scary thugs who jump on the residents, one of them almost had a heart attack, this abuse of the residents is terrible, it's like we're back in the Middle Ages!!!!!!

    • Disgusting, when you are hungry for a turnip of bread, you will talk in a disgusting way

  6. Shame and shame on the municipality that is cruel to compassionate people. You lost me, Madam Mayor. And I defend you here more than once when they write hate speech and incitement about you. you lost me Whoever promises in his platform that he will take care of the unfortunate street cats in his city, but in practice punishes the best of our people, the cat feeders, will certainly not win my support. I'm done with you.

  7. Whoever wants cats should raise them and feed them to his heart's content inside his home. Do not spread cat food on the stone fences at the entrances to other people's houses because you are inviting unwanted pigs!!!

    • Esther, you are really being unreasonable if you think that the cat's food is what brings the pigs, because it really, really isn't.
      Why should we take all the community cats home are you sane??? According to the law this animal is protected and allowed and should be fed in Turkey. Normal municipalities feed the cats alone in feeding corners only in Israel "light to the Gentiles" Alak are cruel to the unfortunate animals they cause them to starve to death and then the few righteous people who take pity on them are fined. A retarded country of wicked people. Jews have become heartless wicked people Much more than the Muslims who take care of their cats

  8. What to do if this is the law and there is logic in the law. On the one hand they grumble about it and on the other hand they grumble about the pigs who really like the cats' food.
    Just like the inspectors are looking for drivers who don't pay for parking
    Like speeding cops
    We are a country of law, not a country that is governed by everyone's logic.

    • My father, you are stupid and you didn't read the article. And there is no law according to which it is allowed and necessary to feed cats and pigs. It has nothing to do with this. It is the municipality's responsibility to take care of both cats and pigs so that they don't get rich at the expense of the few righteous people who do the municipality's service in their place. Dream

  9. The municipality of Haifa, which does not take care of the breeding of the pigs that flood the city, is looking for a source of livelihood from old and elderly people who feed dry food to cats. Shame on the municipality

  10. Because of Hila Lauper I will not vote for the Greens.
    There is a limit. There is no jungle in any city Haifa came down from Passover
    sea. Thousands of wild pigs and you throw food in Rehovot and gardens.
    to fine and as much as possible.

  11. Very well, it's time to arrest the shameless criminals who only do good to their conscience.

    • How is the cat food used by the pigs if they put it in a plate and throw it in the trash after feeding?
      Pictures have been published of all the dirt and garbage scattered in the city which, among other things, attracts the pigs and it does not appear to be the work of the cat feeders.

    • Dana is exactly what the municipality wrote. Feed correctly and then they won't give a fine. The problem is that they leave garbage and go

  12. This is what they know how to do, the main thing is that the pigs roam freely in the city, shame and disgrace,

  13. Strong over weak?
    In Einat Kalish's election platform, she promised that she would take care of street cats, instead she distributes income to cat feeders who give of their money and time.

  14. It is very good that Haifa city inspectors impose such fines. Have a nice evening.

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