The show Local Lens - Haifa's show - every evening at Sheva Bai Hai Pa
Here comes the train…
The Municipality of Haifa was proud to have succeeded in passing an important decision that will finally allow an open passage between the city and the beach. Architect Shmuel Galbhart, former deputy mayor of the city, disables the joy and believes that the temporary solution to the sinking of the train is not applicable. He calls on the city council to have its say on the matter. The interview is published as part of a collaboration between "Adasah Kokimim" and "Hai Fe".
No Fields Found.
Note throughout history that Galbart has a negative attitude to any initiative, and this is how the city looks like all its young people abandon it and in the city disgruntled old people remain and a city whose pollution killed it from cancer
This outline is also complicated and wasteful
Why does the train have to come to Kiryat Sarvat?
There will be another public transportation (Metron) from the central HaFaetz to Kiryat Shvarman.
The train can move away from the beach already at Atlit (or in advance stay on the mountain ridge line after Binyamina and go through a tunnel similar to the Carmel tunnels to the central bay.
The right place for the train in South Haifa - probably an exit under or near the stadium from an underground tunnel that will start in the Atlit area.
On the way you can increase. the number of people arriving at the stadium by train, to give a route with few turns for the train (important for trains) to free the coastline from the train and to unite the parking area of the stadium and the train (perhaps adding another parking floor) and this for the comfort and well-being of the residents at a low cost and a reasonable route that is not underwater (underwater is not Really possible because of the need for escape hatches and ventilation
Amir, the interview is too short.
There is a feeling in these interviews that things are fast because our time is running out on the radio, why? You also have the option of interviewing for 15 minutes, especially Galbhart who has a lot to say and his words are excellent.
I agree with him that it is not too late to demand a tunnel through the mountain instead of leaving electrification through Haifa for decades with an illogical and impractical stagnation until they find an excuse in the government to cancel it. We need a tunnel and even more the moving of the Carmel Beach station and not a Mefalz station like the new central station in Tel Aviv. Crying for generations what is happening here..
Architect S. Former Mayor Mr. Shmuel Galbhart Tov is worthy and proper to hear and read his words which are always true and proper
My friend Hadichel Shmuel Galbrahat, former deputy mayor of Haifa, is right. Good night.