Dear readers and commenters, your comments are important to us and sometimes they are more interesting than the news itself. In order to enable fast and fluid treatment of your comments, we are publishing a number of topics related to the approval of comments.
The reaction mechanism - general explanation
- In Hai Pa there is a mechanism that allows readers to respond to articles.
- A control mechanism allows the site team to identify and stop comments that do not comply with the regulations.
- Writers who post a comment that complies with the rules will, for the most part, see their comment published immediately.
- Responses that the control system identifies as suspected violations of the regulations are stopped and passed to the system for approval. In that case, they will be approved at a later stage or deleted, if they have violated the regulations.
- In Hai Pa there is a mechanism that allows respondents to display their picture next to their response, provided that they identify themselves with a correct email address and upload the picture to the site Gravatar - In this link… (This is a global site serving millions of users).
- At Hai Pa there is an option to sign up to receive email updates when a response is received on a certain article, to which you have subscribed. You can register in every article, under the place where you write the comment.
- Bai Pa has over 52 thousand comments, as of December 2021.
Comments that will be deleted are comments that contain the following content:
- Racist content.
- Gender offensive content.
- Content that offends the author of the article.
- Content that offends one of the commenters to the article.
- Content that defames a person or corporation.
- Content unrelated to the article.
- Content containing advertising material of products or services, which require a business contract with the website management.
- The content that corrects spelling mistakes - for the most part, this content is read by the website system, a correction is made as needed, and then the comment is deleted.
The fault in my system🙈🙉🙊
Congratulations and good luck!
It's time to get rid of all the inappropriate comments to the address made mainly by children, teenagers and bots (plural bots). People are not very impressive.
The problem still exists regarding the manipulations that were very prominent here - we will not forget that. And yes - the things were reported.
And no - we will not explain to you what is meant.
The claim is bugs?
You can continue to do as much as you want.
Start moving forward if possible.
We are full of hope!
*Address - obviously referring to the article/s.
This time the fault is in my system's debugger.
In any case, the time has come and good luck.
• Racist content - you will no longer be given an opportunity to say even one bad word about ultra-Orthodox or religious people.
• Content that offends genders - no platform will be given here to eliminate women under the guise of progressive explanations such as "transgenderism",
• Content that offends the author of the article - the author of the article will not be given this permission either
• Content that offends one of the commenters to the article - this too will not be allowed in an equal manner, there will not be even one comment that will offend the ultra-orthodox, religious, right-wing or straight.
• Content that slanders a person or a corporation - well, waiting for the first opportunity someone here, from the system or from the commenters, will slander ultra-orthodox, religious, right-wing or straight people, then we'll talk.
You won't be here ifa and ifa, it's a waste of your time.
Pay attention, step by step,
Within a day or two it is forbidden to write a word here in favor of the reform.
Pay close attention.
All truth will be erased, as always.
We have known this for a long time.
Thank you very much Naga, very important!
The editors of the newspaper are also responsible for choosing the content.