These days an exercise was held in the Mediterranean basin in cooperation with NATO.
The exercise with the participation of the Israeli Navy was conducted mainly with Greece and Bulgaria, members of NATO. The two steels, the Israeli missile ships that take part in the exercise are of the Nirit type, "Ahi Kidon" and "Ahi Tarshish".

Part of the certification of the ships for joint voyages with NATO was discussed. It is estimated that in a few months the Israeli ships will be trained to join specific missions with the NATO naval force. This, despite the fact that Israel is not a member of the organization.

At the same time, the first visit of its kind by the NATO Chief of Staff, Milzo Francesco Milano, took place in recent days, who was the guest of the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Brigadier General Guy Goldfarb. During the visit, the NATO Admiral also met with the Commander of the Navy, Major General David Sa'ar Selma as part of the exercise with NATO, called "Clear Water", a joint rescue and rescue exercise was held this week, and a similar exercise is planned for next week, during which a military helicopter will land for the first time Greek in the lobby of the Rambam Hospital in Haifa.

You forgot another NATO company! Turkey, which does not participate in the exercises and joins Tunisia in front of them all
This is excellent. The joint exercises with foreign navies, effective and efficient, greatly helps the operational capabilities