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The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the celebration of Baba Sali...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

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A bilingual track will open next year in Haifa

A bilingual track will be opened next year for first graders at the "Ahmadiya" school in Kabbair in Haifa

In the city of Haifa there is a multicultural society based on a unique model of living together. The reality of citizens of different nationalities in the State of Israel in general and in the city of Haifa in particular, requires sensitivity and understanding of the existence and rights of the other, which can exist through mutual acquaintance and the study of their culture and heritage. The process can only be realized in an environment where there is a clear personal, group and national identity as a basis for promoting a common dialogue between cultures. Haifa, which has enshrined on its banner the importance of living together, works to strengthen and develop real and honest relationships of living together between Jews and Arabs and the whole range of religions operating in the city. As part of this process, the Haifa education system operates many diverse programs on the topic of multiculturalism and living together. The programs are unique and span the age range from kindergarten to high school.

This policy of the city of Haifa led the mayor to make a decision to open a bilingual track in the city. For the first time, the track will be opened in the coming school year at the "Ahmadiya" public school in the Kabavir neighborhood. The track that will be opened for first graders will be in the format of a growing track so that a new age group will be added in each cycle. In a bilingual class there are two educators who will learn simultaneously in both languages, Hebrew and Arabic. Given its uniqueness of the track, it was decided that registration would be regional for all students, residents of the city. With the opening of the track, Haifa will be the third settlement after Jerusalem and Kfar Kara in the country to operate a bilingual school.

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These days, a special pedagogical committee is formulating the course content. The calendar of the bilingual track is different from the familiar calendar, the holidays are at other times. The study contents, excluding the core subjects, will focus on patience, acceptance of the other, multiple narratives and social entrepreneurship.
The initiative to establish the track grew out of a group of parents whose children study in a private shared kindergarten. The group expressed a desire to be part of public education and together with the "Yad Yad" association appealed to the mayor of Haifa who responded to their request. The track will be opened in the next school year in cooperation with the "Yad Yad" association and with the approval and support of the Ministry of Education.

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Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav: "The city of Haifa is characterized by multicultural tolerance and fruitful dialogue that lead the city to growth and achievements. The opening of the bilingual track at "Ahmediya" is another pillar in Haifa's cultural dialogue


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Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052-2410689 Players Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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תגובה 1

  1. Good afternoon! Linguistic acquaintance [and you are bicultural] will grow mutual patience and is hope for the future. Miriam Brock-Cohen

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