The residents of Verdia have been living in a quarry for the past few years, as a result of the construction of "Verdia Mol Haim". Deputy Mayor Avihu Han managed to get them concessions: from now on, trucks will not pass through the neighborhood.
One day, the residents of the Vardia neighborhood woke up in the morning, and discovered that they were living in a quarry. It took them a while to understand that even though most of them pay extremely high property taxes, the municipality approved contractors and entrepreneurs to open a quarry in the neighborhood and start construction that would take years.
At first the residents did not know what to do. The houses were filled with dust, there was no point in cleaning, because every day brought with it more and more piles of dust. The roads in the neighborhood were filled with trucks, the noise was, as you can describe... the noise of a quarry.
Disappointed, the residents turned to the opposition. During the time of Yahav and Almog, they turned to their father Han from the "Greens" and the council member at the time from "Haim in Haifa", who is now the mayor, Dr. Einat Kalish Rotem.
Not many years ago, I did an article with Kalish Rotem when she was in the opposition, about the severe damage to the health of the residents of Verdia as a result of them having to breathe huge amounts of dust from the quarry. Things have changed a bit since then, but the residents, after not easy years in the neighborhood, still turn to the person who is now the deputy mayor - Avihu Han.
In life you need luck and health. You buy a house for 2 million NIS, you don't imagine that one day you will live in a quarry and curse the moment you chose to purchase the house. This is what happened to some residents of Vardia.
Through hard work, Han managed to bring about that, at least from now on, the trucks will not travel through Verdia, but through the Redemption Dormitory. That's a big relief. The trucks cause traffic jams and endanger the residents. The residents of the Geula dormitory are not enthusiastic about the change, of course, but the claim is that there is a road that is not near the residents' houses in the neighborhood, and from now on the trucks will pass through it.
Han said in response that the residents of Vardia have been suffering for a long time from the construction plan of Vardia in front of the sea:
"The beginning of the project brought endless clouds of dust, seriously harming the quality of life of the residents. I worked with Yahav as mayor and then Klish, and with proposals for order and queries in the city council, to reduce the damage caused to the residents. Later, the explosions started without coordination with the residents and now trucks are constantly passing through the neighborhood. We need to put an end to disdain for the quality of life of the residents.
Entrepreneurs and contractors must understand that in the establishment of a construction plan the residents of the neighborhood must be taken into account, water cannons must be used to prevent floating dust and these aspects must be included in the building permit conditions and enforced.
Action must be taken to maintain the creation of a construction plan that keeps the area clean, without suffering and damage to the quality of life.
Unfortunately, the director of engineering and those who head him, including the mayor, do not pay attention to these aspects and it is a shame. I will continue to work for the welfare of the residents. Even today, there are a large number of projects that create environmental damage and harm the fabric of the residents' lives, without a proper response from the Haifa Municipality and its leader.
As mayor, I will see to the creation of permit conditions and their enforcement, which will minimize harm to residents and the environment."
The municipality's response will be attached to the article, when received.
Come to Berl Katznelson,
There are three TMA buildings there that haven't taken shape in 8 years.
All of us, without exception, pay property taxes for mold inside the house and haze outside.
Quarrying works have been going on for five and a half years and the end is not in sight. Has anyone seen a project where two houses are being built for five and a half years? They have three more left, how long will it take? Another decade? After all, it is clear that the main use of the site is a quarry and raking in money for the contractor. The apartments are a secondary profit.
Residents of Geula and Leon Bloom dormitories also suffer from this hazard. Our houses and cars are filled with endless dust, endless noise of drilling, banging, explosions and trucks. They also destroyed a green lung in the heart of the city and also destroyed the quality of life for all of us. And of course the municipality is interested as the skin of garlic, just as our municipality is interested in everything else that happens in the city. a disgrace
The claim that Verdia is full of dust and suffers from the noise of the trucks is a wild exaggeration.
I have lived in Hordia for many years. The only truck that passes is the garbage truck.
At the end of Vardia Street, the corner of Mitzvah Vardia, near the Geula Dormitory, there is construction dust. The other areas are quiet and free of dust.
I wonder who has an interest in publishing a false report!
Apparently, the residents of Verdia are more allergic to dust than the residents of Gaola dormitories
Apparently the residents of Verdia pay more property tax than the residents of the Geula dormitory
Apparently the residents of Vardia are blue-blooded and the residents of the Geula dormitory are not
Apparently, the residents of Vardia are secular and residents of the Geula H-R-D-Y-M dormitory
Yes, yes, you read that right, the ultra-Orthodox residents of Geula Dormitory will from now on endure the dust and dirt
So that, God forbid, the afternoon nap of the dear blue-blooded residents of Vardia will not be disturbed
Today, several hundred children live in Geula Dormitory alone, who are supposed to absorb the amounts of white sand
Redemption dormitories drivers will absorb the dust and gravel that will scratch their cars
There is no waiting here for justice, for caring, because the world is like that, a false world.
And I didn't understand at all why it was necessary to pave the road into a redemption dormitory?
If the neighborhood is Vardia, and is intended for the upper class, and is called Vardia, then they will drive a few more kilometers in the luxury cars and enter from the Vardia neighborhood, without traffic jams in Hadar?
won't help you.
The writers are right that the construction, as approved, is very harmful. both for the green environment and for the residents of Wardia neighborhood and Gaola Street. There is no truth in the fact that the trucks pass through the Vardia neighborhood. For years, at the end of Vardia Street, at the entrance to the construction site, there has been a barrier that does not allow entry/exit of trucks.
The same goes for dust. For a long time, during the quarries, there was a lot of dust. The quarries are over and now buildings are being erected. There is work by an excavator (a heavy tool), who digs in the ground to place the walls of the buildings. The walls arrive at the site when they are prepared in advance and are fixed on site into the ground, but there is no quarrying in the conventional sense.
In my opinion, this is an old article that is being recycled, possibly as part of the intended election campaign.
Welcome to come and see the quarrying works in all their glory. They didn't cut enough. There is more to the depth and breadth and length.
Whoever wrote the article does not control the material. Trucks have always from the beginning only passed through redemption terminals. since the beginning of the project. Only recently they started a small road to Vardia do they have trucks. And not in the quantities that were in our neighborhood suffering from redemption. 5 years head and dust is ours.
I would make trips to this wadi almost every week.
The whole hill was covered in the yellow of chrysanthemums and chrysanthemums.
The wind from Huadi would rise through the many pine trees as we descended the dirt path
Inside, the surrounding construction would disappear and only blue-green-yellow would remain.
The destruction of this natural gem, the destruction of Givat Zemar, the expected destruction of Goat Hill, the destruction of Nesher Forest for the further construction of the Technion and Nesher. Instead of a sea, the Wadi Shikh will see rows of towers of Neve David.. instead of a green area, the residents of Leon Bloom will see an entire hill destroyed into a few buildings that could easily be exchanged for land with increased rights in Nevet Peres B and C and save Huadiot.
We got our hands on a green city with a window that opens to a view of quiet air and pine trees. And for a large part they have already taken the green, the sea, the peace and polluted the air. We eliminated all the advantages of living in Haifa and only intensified the disadvantages such as traffic jams, pollution, higher property taxes and damage to education and culture. Cheers to the talented municipality
Aviahu congratulations on your election as deputy mayor of Haifa. Shabbat Shalom.
Unnecessary project, destructive mining and excessive writing.
Only the greens and green thinking will save the environment, the city, the planet and especially us from ourselves.
The green age must begin quickly or we will destroy ourselves!
Congratulations - I assume you know that the project's neighbors are angry because their encroachments on the project's lot were removed. There are still invasions of public spaces there, but the municipality should take care of that.
As a resident of the neighborhood, Bordia has not and does not pass trucks.
The dust and noise are a hazard to the residents of Vardia Street in the area of the houses facing the sea.
It is worthwhile and desirable to be precise in the details
All the best to Aviho and the Greens for handling the hazard.
Mrs. Klish who sent her people to the neighborhood forgot about them as soon as she was elected.
The project is unbelievably ugly and created a huge wound and destruction of the road through which they will go up to the neighborhood to the Carmel and it will be destroyed.
It was a quiet neighborhood as soon as the road through it was opened, people would go up from it to Samson instead of the bypass road.
Another thing, the dust from the terrible wound has for several years made the air quality that the residents of Verdia and Leon Blum breathe the worst in Haifa. Every wind produces a dust storm that made the life of the buildings near the quarry unbearable. Getting wet doesn't help, everything is dust.
The cliff created by the wild quarrying may also undermine the foundations of the buildings in an earthquake because it was quarried right up to them
In my opinion, there is tremendous visual ecological health damage from this whole ugly and unnecessary clumsy project.
Another serious hazard of destruction and fumes created by Yona Yahav and the failed city engineer who is responsible for tremendous damage all over Haifa Ariel and Terman.
Glad I left Haifa.
Just read all the problems published in Hai-Pe to understand that these problems are behind us.
We live in the old houses ran away. Leon Bloom. The green that dominated in front of the buildings is no longer there. Since the beginning of the works in front of our houses about 5 years ago, the silence has also disappeared, and in its place you hear the noise of hammers and clouds of dust for most of the day. This is the case not only in a part of the neighborhood
Verdia but in the whole environment ran away. Leon Bloom Upper.
Thanks to whoever changed the construction plan and canceled the towers.
I saw a construction site, it looks like a trending article for some reason!!!!!
The Geula Dormitory also deserves renewal in all its details. Roads, sidewalks, and more. I invite you to visit... There is no attribution to this or that neighborhood. We all pay taxes and the municipality's duty is to fix and improve the quality of life. The outrage that the municipality knows and does nothing and half nothing with the unbearable disregard and arrogance towards the residents of the Geula dormitories!
He must not replace Michi Alper, if he replaces him there will be no construction in Haifa at all.
To choose someone from the greens for such a position is the stupidest thing to do.
Better if they do and fire the city engineer who only cares about himself.
His father is dear. Lucky you are with us. Coming to Haifa to renew with a worthy mayor. waiting for you!!!
The construction plan above the Geula dormitory was finally approved years before construction in Bordia was approved. The contractor HaFrier there agreed to respond to the municipality's demands and instead of towers that were approved, agreed to change to a low building that would not hide the privileges of Verdia that the municipality cared about. This is the truth and there is no other.
The quality of life in Bordeaux today is much lower than it was 5 years ago. It is better to move an apartment to another place because the construction in Radio facing the sea will continue according to the plan for at least 8 years until the end of the whole project
You really don't!
Where does the preservation of the wine complex disappear?
Error correction: The management of the Haifa site of Nega Karmi
Who is responding on my behalf? The administration of the Haifa website would like not to publish anything in my name. This is forbidden. You have to check and verify everything. Good night.
The residents of the Varedim neighborhood deserve to be more pleasant. Kudos to Abihu Han, Deputy Mayor of Haifa. Good night.
First of all, don't exaggerate "everything around Verdia is dust" "the residents breathe dust" "turning trucks make traffic jams" - then this is only an inner and remote section of Verdia Street that borders opposite the construction site right at the edge of the cliff, so they are the only ones who suffer from dust. , actually this site that was built is almost a redemption dormitory!!!! The rest of the neighborhood in Bordia is as quiet as on Yom Kippur, you can hear the birds, and everything is as green as in the village! By the way, pigs can hardly be seen in Bordia either. It is true that this problem needs to be addressed and it is good that it was addressed. But don't exaggerate, we don't feel or see trucks or dust.
Vardia by the sea is also not Vardia at all, it is a redemption dormitory pretending to be Vardia, and it is a shame that they even approved this project from the beginning.
Dear Sirs - What didn't you understand a few years ago when you started the Nof Yam project - a great marketing name - and your damage to the quality of life, the peace, the health and the trucks that started their entry at 3:00 in the morning into the Geula Dormitory!!!!! We are no less good, respectable, honorable and tax-paying citizens like Vardia, etc. The health damage that these residents claim was caused to them due to the works, the dust and the noise, did not escape us, the residents of Geula Dormitory!!!! So the residents of Geola dormitories will not accept the decision of the municipality, led by Mr. Hahn, for chaos to repeat itself.
All these years we asked for a reference, including serious repairs that were made due to the trucks and we were not responded to with a solution. The answer was "it's a construction site".
The neighborhood committee of Geula Dormitory will react very harshly.
Residents of Geula Dormitory are not human beings for whom it is okay to breathe dust?
And what about residents in Manat Geula? What are we - garbage that can be stepped on?
This is how the "green" Han takes care of you...
Make sure there is no mayor, God forbid.