Were you involved in an accident with a pig? Is your property damaged by pigs? Did a pig hurt you in any way? What to do? Who do you turn to and who do you sue? Adv. Shmuel Steiner Answers all questions
The pig problem in Haifa is already well known to everyone, even at the national level, and has long since become one of the characteristics of the city. However, in recent years the problem has grown even more, due to the rapid culture of pigs and their domestication in the urban space. The wild pigs in the city have already become part of the Haifa landscape, you can meet them Every day and every hour, in the morning or in the evening on your way to work, to the supermarket, to the schools or back home, at any moment there is a good chance that you will encounter a wild boar or a whole family.
If once the wild boar was afraid of humans and would even run away at the sound of people approaching, today the pigs in Haifa feel like family members for everything. There are residents who see pigs as cute and lovable creatures and their presence in their environment does not bother them and vice versa. On the other hand, there are residents who fear them, shy away from meeting them and demand to find an immediate solution to keep them away from the urban space.

Recently we have even witnessed quite a few cases of injury to the body and property following encounters with pigs. Injuries as a result of panicked running from an approaching pig have been reported several times recently, as well as road accidents in which a car collided with a pig or vice versa - a pig that ran seven times collided with a car, etc.
We talked with Adv. Shmuel Steiner, to get answers to questions from him and so that we know what to do in cases of injury and damage caused as a result of encounters with pigs.

Two types of accidents
Attorney Steiner explains that there are two types of accidents: a traffic accident, which in law means an injury due to driving a vehicle or the result of a vehicle hitting a pedestrian, which cause injury to the body. The second type is accidents that cause damage to property.
In the event that a car driver hits a wild boar that burst into his travel space and there is bodily injury, and the driver has a mandatory insurance policy, the driver can apply through the mandatory insurance policy and claim the mandatory bodily injury insurance. It is important to note that this applies to two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles, and any vehicle that has mandatory insurance. Scooters or electric bicycles are not included, since they do not have mandatory insurance.
If the collision or accident occurred in the course of work, that is, during the commute to or from work, here you can file a personal injury claim against the National Insurance (car accident at work).
In case of damage to property
For example: a car is parked on the street and a pig that was walking around looking for food in the trash can overturned it on the car or the trash rolled and hit the car and caused damage, here there is a double right of action. If you have comprehensive car insurance, then you apply for comprehensive insurance that returns the money to the insured and it is likely that the insurance company will sue the municipality, demanding that you return the money. In case there is no comprehensive insurance, it is possible to file a claim against the Haifa municipality.

Another important point: let's say a private house has a pool and a pig enters the pool while children are staying there, a pig jumping into the pool caused injury to one of the children. The question that arises in such a case is whether it is possible to sue the municipality. My cautious assessment is that there is a chance, in a situation of bodily injury, that the court will find a way to compel the municipality to pay for the injury.
And what about the house?
Regarding a home insurance policy, this depends on the type of policy, what the insurance coverage provides and what exclusions are in the policy. There is no single answer to this question, as it depends on the specific policy.
Steiner points out that there still aren't enough lawsuits related to pig-related injuries, which he thinks is surprising. Apparently, he says, the reason for this is the lack of awareness of the issue.
Attorney Steiner adds: "I turn to the public and say, don't give up. Use the opportunity to exhaust your right and sue the municipality and the insurance companies for what you deserve."
The only person responsible in the country for the thinning of pigs by virtue of Section 3 of the 1955 Wildlife Protection Act is a lawyer who is also the Minister of Agriculture until Bibi kicks him out of office.
The pigs must be required to pay property taxes, as well as be instructed to be careful on the roads, cross only at crosswalks, read road signs and street signs and obey the instructions of the local authority.
Sue Klish and Tzuk personally!!
I don't get into the political aspect, but the municipal administration must deal with the phenomenon, people are hurt, it is not possible for people to be afraid to walk in the street at night because pigs roam freely and hurt people and are a threat and create fear. The phenomenon needs to be addressed even if it involves the thinning of the pigs by means of shots. Just today, a 70-year-old man was injured and rushed to Rambam Hospital.
Instead of the pigs being afraid of the humans, the humans are afraid of them
You pigs stop inciting your name against them already
Because of you, pigs have been hurt by humans, they have never hurt anyone!! The fact that one stupid paksa fell on her shoelace and got a superficial scratch and cried oh oh oh and wanted the newspaper to take a picture to increase followers on Instagram does not change the truth! Your tireless attempts to harm Klish at the expense of the poor pigs will cost you dearly, there is karma!!
Tell me are there other people like you in the world??
The main thing is that the mayor believes that they were here before and that is why they must not be diluted...
In the upcoming elections, only wild boars will vote for Kalish...
She is simply a gift to the opposition!!!
A lousy municipality including all the mayors and council members who are supposed to represent the public and do nothing