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Streets and names • How did the streets in Neve Shanan in Haifa get their names?

Sometimes I joke with my daughters that if I want to do a roots trip and see the first house where my mother grew up, I will have to fly to Brazil, because my mother grew up in Rio de Janeiro (which this week I learned, is not the capital city of Brazil, but Brasilia ). On the other hand, my daughters need a lot of bus lines, because I grew up on Hanita Street in Neve Shanan. Anyway, they can walk.

Hence, for me to write about the streets of Neve Shanan without writing about my childhood, it is a bit complex. In any case, I lived in Neve Shanan until I was 15 and this is the only neighborhood in Haifa that I find really strange to drive in, because for me these are streets where I am used to walking, or at most using public transportation.

A wonderful place to grow up

Neve Shanan of old I remember as an amazing place to grow up. A large neighborhood full of young couples, good schools, lots of trees and greenery, and the neighborhood is flat. In addition, you probably know that sometimes ignorance is a blessing, as here, that no one probably believed then, that in such a green and beautiful neighborhood, in a city where the air is so good, a cancer is floating in the air.

Neve Shaanan and other neighborhoods

Neve Shanan is a huge neighborhood. In some cities, the entire city does not have as many residents as this neighborhood has. Neve Shanan is a district, other neighborhoods enter its territory, such as for example Jezreeliya, which many do not even know exists, as well as the Ziv and Ramot Remez neighborhoods. Obviously, it is impossible to review the names of all the streets, so I tried to review the main streets.

Being such a large neighborhood, it has several elementary schools and one six-year school. I studied at the Jezreeliya school on the street - of course - Jezreeliya. The neighborhood also has the Dinor school on Klibanov street, where children from Abba Hillel Silver, Hanita and Klibanov streets come. In recent years, amazing work has been done at the Dinor school thanks to the principal, who was previously at Nigonim Romema school, and the huge building was filled with students, after years that were much less good. On HaGilil Street is the Tel Chai school, which is reached from the streets that surround the six-year urban C. school.

The fourth school in the neighborhood is the open school, which in recent years has not left the headlines. In the past, the parents strongly opposed the remaining of the person who was the principal at the time, and apparently succeeded in getting her to end her position (she went on to another position at the school), but even later, even though there is another principal, the parents still complain, mainly because in the years Lately the school is no longer as "open" as it was before and now it reminds too much of a normal school...

In the neighborhood there is a large religious population that attends the Rambam school. To get to a six-year school for the religious population, you have to go as far as the yeshiva in the Ramat Alon neighborhood, or what we once called "Urban V" and today Olanat Amit, on the slopes of Neve Shanan.


To this day, when I walk around the Grand Canyon, I see in the coffee shops half the bumps that I was taught in elementary school, and those who don't drink coffee in the Grand work out with me in the gym. Time does not touch them, the teachers of the Jezreeliya school, except for the one who was my teacher, the late Batia Tsedka. Many of these teachers also lived in the neighborhood and raised their children there, as well as us.

Hanita HaGilil and everything in between

Neve Sha'anan consists of 3 long streets, parallel to each other - Hanita, the Middle East and the Galil, with small streets in between, perpendicular to the main streets. Hanita Street is so named after Kibbutz Hanita in the Western Galilee, and one of the settlements of Homa Na Migdal. This is also how HaGilil Street got its name, due to the connection to the area and Middle Street, what can be said about it? High school for Rehovot HaGalil and Hanita.

Zion Street

Zion Street intersects the main streets. The street got its name from the name of the country. Neve Shanan is a very patriotic neighborhood, and this is reflected in many of its street names.

Piano on Asher Street

I grew up on Hanita Street, and for a year I would go to Asher Street to learn to play the piano. On the street there were several big dogs, and I remember that I was more interested in the piano lesson, I was interested in the dogs sleeping when I passed and not barking at me. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

Parking 40 above Bank Poalim

When I was a child and they would ask me where I lived, I would say Hanita 40 above Bank Hapoalim, because years ago Bank Hapoalim branch 755 was right below my house. Later, the branch went backwards and in its place came a vegetable and fruit market. When I was growing up, I thought it was a sign from God that I was a Bank Hapoalim employee and I grew up above one of its branches. Today in retrospect, I understand that it had no such meaning... In any case, to this day, the house I lived in is only 3 stories high, without an elevator, but above it is a row of shops.

Mati's confectionery

It is impossible to review Neve Shaanan without telling about Mati's pastry shop which was for decades at the beginning of Hanita Street. No matter how many Sabrinas I eat in my life, it will always echo my first Sabrinas, for which I would walk the entire long Hanita street, (and then it still seems much longer to me). Mati himself used to live in a beautiful house in the neighborhood, on HaGil Street.

Yigal Zlatin Square

Yigal Zlatin Square is at the entrance to Nativ Chen and Galil streets. Pnina and Yigal Zlatin were for all of us, Neve Shaanan herself. I remember the shock that hit the neighborhood when Yigal died. His son was in my class, I met his daughters as a school teacher. All the children play and sing, like the parents of course.

Boys Street

Habanim Street starts on HaGalil Street and ends on Hanita Street. The name of the street is in memory of the boys who fell in Israel's wars. It used to be possible to turn right or left from Habanim Street to Hanita Street, but a car accident in which a child was killed put an end to turning left. On Habanim Street there is a large playground and also a branch of the General Health Insurance Fund with the impossible name - Juliusburger.

They are a deer

I remember Zvi from the days when he was a teacher and principal at the C city school and not Meshul. But the years take their toll, and because he was such a significant part of the school he got a small pass upon entering it.

Mashul Zvi Shoham (Photo: Michal Yaron)

City School C takes in all the children of Neve Shanan, from the slopes of the neighborhood to HaGalil and Maimon streets. When I was a child, the school was considered good and the population of Neve Shanan was considered good. Over the years the neighborhood has changed and so have the children who came to Urban C. Today, children from Tabenkin Street and Derech Yad Labanim sometimes skip Iruni C and go to study at the six-year Alliance School in Emek HaShem. The status of the students at the school decreased greatly over the years, until 3 years ago a new principal arrived at the school and she brought a new spirit with her. A week ago, the percentage of eligibility for matriculation in Ironi C was published, which stands at 88%, and is a direct result of the hard work of the teachers and the administration.

Urban C - Mash'ul Zvi Shoham (Photo: Michal Yaron)

Ziv Junction

It is debatable whether or not this is still an indulgent oasis, but what is not debatable is that both today and 40 years ago, children would come here, so it was to eat a McDavid and scratch the card that promised free fries, and today... there are many, many options - Ice cream, hummus, hamburger and more.

Ziv Center (Photo: Michal Yaron)

brick hand

There are several main streets on the slopes of Neve Shanan, a little above the Halisa neighborhood. The first is Derech Yad Labanim street, with over 100 houses. Derech Yad Labanim becomes Nissenbaum, in memory of Shmuel Nissenbaum who was a painter and teacher and also a trainee of Janusz Korczak's orphanage, who survived the Polish Jewish Holocaust. From Nissinbaum you can turn to Klibanov, named after Yaakov Klibanov, who was a lawyer among the Russian Zionist leaders and a member of the Knesset in the first Knesset. A second option is to continue straight to Hanita Street.

Abba Hillel Silver

From Derech Yad Labanim street you can turn to another very long street - Abba Hillel Silver. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver was a Jewish statesman and reform rabbi, who worked extensively for the establishment of the State of Israel. On this street is Abba Khushi's house, which has been renovated in recent years in an astonishing manner. There are classes and cultural events for residents from the neighborhood and beyond.

large and flat

In the end - Neve Shanan is a huge and flat neighborhood, compared to many neighborhoods in Haifa, and it has a mix of different and diverse populations - secular and religious, veterans and new immigrants, young and old, and more.

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How much does it cost?

From the Madeleine website you can see that the average price per square meter in the apartments sold in the neighborhood is 18,200 NIS. In recent months, it seems that new units are being sold alongside second-hand apartments. In the New Apartments project, a 2-room apartment (5 square meters) was sold last August for a price of 120 million NIS. On the other hand, you can find an older 1.94-room apartment (5 m "R) which was sold at a price of 101 million NIS.

contact: At watsapBy email

Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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23 תגובות

  1. What a fun article, Shapo is huge!!!!
    A small mistake…..
    Jezreeliya School, located in the Jezreeliya neighborhood but on Cherniavski Street

  2. Michal, I eagerly read your article. My husband grew up from his birth in Neve Shanan, a building on Middle Street. Later we lived together in Neve Shanan on Hanita Street (until we moved to Atlit). Neve Shanan is always in a special place in my heart. And your article gave me a nostalgic trip to Neve Shanan, and for that you deserve thanks.

  3. Dear Michal Yaron—-
    I am from Noah Shanan's group of children from the fifties-sixties - my son sent me the article.
    I started the day with her - with a big smile and wonderful butterflies in my heart - my old neighborhood - the beautiful and green. And I-- just the little girl from 77 Hanita St. (in front of the descent to the Grand, which used to be our children's playground during the day - and the jackals who were there at night.
    thank you dear
    Irit Ganor (former Liechtenstein)

  4. The Ziv neighborhood gave its name to the cinema. In the square there was, as I thought, a large tree - eucalyptus. locust? Rabiner's villa. kiosk.

  5. Hello Michal,
    For your information, Rio de Janeiro was the previous capital of Brazil, until it grew and deteriorated and it was decided to build and establish a new capital - Brasilia (reminds you of Nove Shanan? Maybe they will decide to build a new neighborhood called Israelia).
    The Ziv intersection is named after the Ziv Zikono Barakah cinema, which was located near the intersection.

  6. The article brought me back to distant days, I grew up in Neve Shanan in the sixties and seventies. When I was a small child, the Independence Day celebrations were in the square in front of the water tower, that is, in the T between HaGilil and Baraka St., and there was enough space for everyone. In the center of Ziv there was a flourishing square, which was later replaced by a signposted intersection. Hanita St. where I lived, had one lane, followed by "Huadi", until Abba Silver St. was paved and the large houses were built and the neighborhood was called Yizralia. Later Simcha Golan St. was paved , and we cycled through it without interruption. A Ziv cinema was built and closed, in the place where the Mizrahi Bank is today, and we were left with the old "Ammi" cinema, and the library that operated next to it where I exchanged four or five books every week. The neighborhood has indeed grown and changed, and not always for the better.
    As for the full spelling, my name is a ram, with a purple cap under the A, which means strength, and not a ram, with a pinch under the A, which is the name of a lovable animal. So before you fill in the words with va-vim or y-iods, you should know how to read without punctuation.

  7. To know the history of Neve Shanan, which will celebrate its 2022th anniversary in February 100, you should come to the Neve Shanan Committee, on Trumpeldor Street, and ask to review/read the book published on the neighborhood's 90th anniversary. As a native of the neighborhood, before the war of liberation, and living there to this day, I would not change my place of residence. Since we have a municipality that does not function at all, so we will wait for a change in order to clean and repair and beautify the neighborhood.

  8. Please explain how a garden named after the poet Idi Yodoe Peretz feels turned into an azalea garden in the Haifa municipality.
    There are rumors that a family that invaded an abandoned Arab house that was once in the area of ​​the current garden was commemorated

  9. And I remember they started building the Technion. Until then, it was a field of anemones and raccoons, and down from the Ziv neighborhood was the HaShomer Hatzair nest. My cousin lives in Ramot Ramez and when I visited her I joined her so I remember the place. pleasant memories

  10. To Michal Yaron, thank you very much. I wish I could remember everything, you added to my opinion, I was very, very interested. Yes, I have known for years that Neve Shanan is a nice place to live, because those who sit at the head of it, invest a lot in it for the well-being of the residents. . A very positive article. ??

    • Chives + Landsberger,
      "…..because those who sit at its head take care of the well-being of the residents"…was that once? A long time ago
      not like this. Today the neighborhood is far from impressive, it is crowded, partly neglected, far from clean and not many choose it as a place to live. It really used to be a nice corner with a kibbutz-like feeling - and I've been in the neighborhood for 53 years. Do you take comfort in the fact that at least my children got to grow up and mature in "that" neighborhood?

  11. You finished me with the description of Neve Shaanan. I grew up in it 50 years ago! In a house at HaGalil St. 56 corner of Zion St. and I studied at Tel-Hai school. I arrived 3 weeks ago in the neighborhood and was amazed to discover the neglect. In the beautiful building where I grew up, whose garden was the most well-kept in the neighborhood. More than 50 years and no innovation has been done in the building, its garden looks like a dump without grass and not a drop of care. sad!!

  12. A lovely article brings me back to my beautiful childhood in the 1950s. I initially lived on High School Street in front of the Rambam School where I also studied up to 8th grade and I also lived on Hanita Street in front of the old Wadi. I remember well the boys' school, the Ziv neighborhood and Ramot Ramez. Loved nostalgia.

  13. As a new resident of the neighborhood, I was very, very interested in your article about the Neve Shanan neighborhood.
    I really learned a lot about the history of the neighborhood and the origins of the neighborhood's street names.
    Thank you and keep expanding our horizons.
    With an Israeli greeting, an Israeli.

  14. One of the dogs on the street was named Gloria and she was white and black

  15. Container,
    The origins of the street names are certainly important, but why do all the signs around Neve Shaanan and on the roads leading to it say in full spelling, meaning without punctuation "Neve Shaanan", and of course it should be "Neve Shaanan" !!!
    This is the rule: in the middle of the word 2 hooks, just like a will and not a stool..., Neve and not Neve, equal and not equal, the rose and not the rose, air and not air and the like!
    This is of course the same mistake with regard to Neve Yosef, Neve David and the new Neve Paz!
    I've been applying for years, since the days of Mitzna and Yahav, and it's practically speaking to the walls!!!
    Maybe Michal Yaron should contact the mayor today Einat Kalish to change/replace the existing incorrect signage and not to repeat this error with the new signage.
    By the way, it is certainly possible to add trouble as a partial punctuation under the ve, which would not require replacing the existing signage: "Neve Shaanan".

  16. The children's garden is mainly a garden and a memorial monument in memory of the sons of Noah who fell in Israel's battles.
    It is also worth mentioning the water tower on HaGalil St. and the discovery of the slick at the Tel Hai school, as well as the Ammi Cinema, the only movie theater left in Haifa.

  17. There is a fundamental inaccuracy in the article. The parents at the open school who fought against the principal did not make the principal leave, the struggle crumbled after the parents shut down the school during the holiday month and achieved almost nothing. The director remained on her chair until the end of that year and was then promoted to the position of inspector in the Ministry of Education. The leader of the struggle against the principal left the school only to return to it after a few weeks. The leaders of that struggle disappeared from sight. The saddest thing is that the aggressive struggle of many of the parents caused a lack of motivation for managers from the field of open education to come to the school, and the rest is written in the article...

  18. The late Tzvi Shoham, before becoming an urbanite C, was an Arabic teacher at the Lao Bak school, which was in the Hadar neighborhood on Hillel Street. My husband and I were privileged to study with him. Excellent teacher. I also wanted to add Nativ Chen street, located on the ridge where I grew up as a child. The view from it is a little different, buildings have been added, but it retains a special and exciting corner. thanks.

  19. The issue of naming the streets in Haifa is handled personally by Einat Kalish Rotem, the mayor of Haifa. Well done to you Einat. Shabbat Shalom

  20. Michal - you moved me on a journey around Neve Shanan - as if it was a journey through the recesses of my childhood! Those who grew up in Israel in my time had a childhood full of values, love, family, youth movements and above all the feeling of one big family - like a kibbutz.

  21. Many times I think what would happen if they allowed Neve Shanan to grow as a separate settlement, like Givatayim near Tel Aviv.
    Maybe we would get a more homogeneous neighborhood, uniform development, more quality of life of small buildings instead of Jezreeliya housing.
    who knows. What is certain is that the thought form of the committee has disappeared. And the committees that established Neve Shanan and Hadar Carmel are no longer functioning.
    It's a shame, it seems to me that young people who live in Neve who are on a serious and responsible committee could have developed the neighborhood better than the municipality

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