In an impressive ceremony and after works that lasted about 3 and a half years, the cable car was inaugurated today (Thursday, 19/8/21), with the first manned trip
The cable car project in Haifa, ShOver 330 million shekels were invested in it, is taking the final steps in its completion. A cable car will connect the transportation center "Heart of the Bay" from the heavy rail station (the Emek Railway and the Coastal Railway), subways, buses, to the station located at the University of Haifa on Mount Carmel, with another station at the Technion.
The senior engineer Motti Levin of Natibi Israel commits: "This is one of the safest and most advanced means of transportation built by the largest and most experienced cable car concern in the world."
First stage: 3 stations • 150 cars
The cable car has 3 stations in the first phase (from the lowest to the highest): the Gulf Center, the Technion and Haifa University. The drive from the Gulf center to the Technion takes about 10 minutes and the drive from the Technion to Haifa University takes about 9 minutes.
The entire system has 150 cars, each car can hold 10 people. Every 15 seconds a car will leave the station. The cable car was manufactured by the Austrian Doppelmeier company.
Ilan Donsky, project manager on behalf of the Kidan company, tells about the cable car watch

The cable car is leaving - good time! Senior engineer Motti Levin watch
Haifa Railway Trivia:
- The 'cable car' is a critical component of the strategic plan for the Haifa region that will connect the 'Gulf Central' through the Technion to the University of Haifa. This means will save time for travelers between the different parts of the city and will connect the campuses and the mountain neighborhoods with the Bay area and the transportation center in the Bay.
- The 'Rabbit' will produce a high frequency - a car every 15 seconds, with the ability to transfer about 5,000 passengers per hour (2,500 per direction) and thanks to this will be a cheap and fast solution for the tens of thousands of students.
- This project will ease the parking problem in the city, as today a large part of the public comes by private car
- The 'Gulf Central' includes city bus lines (including the 'Matron'), intercity - buses and heavy rail; 'Misilat Ha'emek' and the continuation of Rak'el Nazareth. In fact, this is the second central station in the city.
- for a tourism potential project. The cable car will also be used by the tourist crowd in the area and visitors to higher education institutions and the Carmel Park near the upper terminus.
- The cable car will operate on Sunday - Thursday between the hours of 06:00-23:00 and on Fridays in an abbreviated format
- Expected opening of the project - October 2021 | Franchise operator: Afifi company Authorized authority: Ayalon routes
- The cost of the project is 330 million NIS (most of it from the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a small part from the budget of the municipality of Haifa)
- In phase A, 3 of the 6 stations will be activated, because 3 of them were built in order to provide a response to the future need - in accordance with the development of the area. The stations that will open - Hafaretz Central, Technion Mizrah, Haifa University. Stations that were built and will be opened in the future, in accordance with the decision - Check Post Junction, Derech Drori and Technion West

The plight of traffic jams is familiar to all of us and as part of a series of solutions for a significant reduction in congestion led by the Ministry of Transportation in which it invests hundreds of billions of shekels, it was revealed from the inside and even conducted a first test ride of the first public transportation project of its kind in Israel, the Haifa Cable Car, which will be another tool to improve the lives of the residents of the Haifa area. . The unique project established by Netibi Israel Company is expected to open to the general public on 10.10.21, with the opening of the upcoming academic school year. The cable car is expected to affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents of the area and those who come through its gates, with an emphasis on the students and faculty members of the two major universities for whom it could become the main means of transportation, instead of the buses or private vehicles that stand in traffic jams and suffer from parking shortages.

Minister of Transport and Road Safety, MK Merav Michaeli:
The public transportation cable car in Haifa is a great example of creative thinking in providing as many mobility and transportation options in the area as possible. This is a means of transportation that will promote connectivity, will connect the parts of the city and allow exit and entry from it in additional ways, will reduce the load and congestion of the private vehicle on the road and will allow residents and the entire public of users to move as much as possible, not only by transportation itself, but to reach wherever you and you want in life. The budget that we brought in the government for public transportation is revolutionary, and the new ventures that diversify our means of transportation are practically the transportation vision of the ministry and mine. Much appreciation to Natibi Israel for carrying out the project while meeting the required schedules and budget, this is another stop on the way.

The engineer Motti Levin, director of the execution department in the railway infrastructure division of Natibi Israel Company, who is responsible for the project:
As a native of the city of Haifa, where I grew up and raise my family, for me it is a dream that I will stand here today and lead the project that will affect the lives of so many people on a day-to-day level - residents, students of the 2 universities, sightseers and even tourists - all of whom will benefit from a first-of-its-kind means of public transportation in Israel . For me it's a full circle to stand at the Technion station, the place I arrived as a young civil engineering student 25 years ago. This is a complex project because we at Natibi Israel received a project during the execution period with tremendous challenges, but thanks to an amazing team I can say that we overcame most of them and I have full faith that soon the general public will be able to enjoy the amazing service.

The history of the cable car
As early as 1965, a proposal was made in the Haifa municipality to build a cable car that would connect Haifa Bay, Neve Shanan, the Technion and the university, but no one actually promoted the issue. After many years without progress, during Yona Yahav's tenure as mayor of Haifa, the project began to take shape.
In June 2017, the cornerstone was laid for the cable car, and in April 2018, construction work began. The opening and operating date was postponed due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, but lo and behold, at a good time it arrived and a live team left with the first manned ride on the Haifa cable car!
A nightmare cable car, not worth it, a danger to passengers, endless breakdowns (according to its engineer), they were stuck in the air for forty-five minutes, about one thousand one hundred people, they didn't bother to update, to reassure... Shame of management, quality of a facility at a poor level, On your souls, a trauma that can remain for children (and adults) for life!!!
Today we took the cable car to the university. We were 14 mountain bikers. Each pair of bicycles occupied an entire trailer. I found that getting on and off the trailer is very dangerous to the point of a real risk involving injury to the owner of the bicycle in the trailer. It must be understood that the carriage at the station is in constant motion without stopping! When I got off the trailer I found myself outside without being able to get out of the trailer. Only an employee who was present on the spot pulled the bike hard and I was able to get out. I highly recommend completely preventing the entry of bicycles into the carriages!
How much will a travel ticket cost and is daily free on multiple lines included?
The amount of nonsense that is said in these PR articles on behalf of the people who poured NIS 330 million into this unnecessary failure is simply unbelievable, they are truly shameless.
A slow, dangerous, linear, inflexible vehicle, without air conditioning in the coaches, does not spread students around the campus like a bus, cannot change the route, without stopping for the disabled, with expensive maintenance, with crowded coaches that are also bad for the spread of Corona, with an interruption of operation in the winds that the university has every winter the time Simply stupid, unnecessary, expensive transportation that only leads to campuses and does not serve any neighborhood in Haifa and is even harmful to students.
Do you really say there is no limit to public relations in the face of the truth?
The money poured into the survey and praising Rick, buys the truth?
Nice view, the disgraceful company wasted hundreds of millions of shekels on Haifa, everything went to procurement in Austrian companies and not in Israel, a huge waste, now Nativi Israel has received the disgraceful failure in its hands and hastened to throw it to Afifi's "Express Cable" and from there it will be thrown to another franchisee because who wants a guaranteed failure at his hands. Regarding who paid whom to maintain the known failure in advance: Israel Routes to Afifi or Afifi paid the franchise, it is recommended to check... after every tender for operation has failed in the past.
This is indeed a great example. Congratulations. Good luck. I would love to travel in it soon when it is opened to the general public. Have a good week. Warm greetings.
In light of the heavy disaster that happened on the cable car in Italy... in retrospect, I don't trust contractors and maintenance personnel in our country who are "strictly strict" on enforcement and supervision, a sequence of building collapse failures, God forbid...
What is the fare?
It is very interesting and it can give an expansion horizon to the park areas in the Carmel forests and groves, and even along the seashores.
air conditioned? Corona?
It's good that the Ministry of Transportation took the cable car out of the hands of Shech Kalisch-Rotem, which was spared from sabotaging the project.
Besides the funicular of the cable car for the students at the Technion and the university, the cable car opens another and interesting channel for tourism in Haifa, as it was at the time with the Carmelite where tourists came to see the only subway in Israel. The cable car will give an impressive view to tourists, both from the country and from abroad, to see the panoramic view of the North Zion coast and the valley, all for the price of a bus ride.
Thanks to the Ministry of Transportation for saving Haifa from canceling this impressive project, and unlike Klish Rotem saw the importance of the project for the economic flight of Haifa and not only that, the cable car is completely ecologically green, and does not cause air pollution in the city of Haifa. Here, too, in Kalish Rotem's involvement in this project, she is also sabotaging the state of ecology and air pollution in the city of Haifa.
Pay attention, Roni, because as soon as you open the doors, the radiation is emitted from the cars out...
What traffic jams are there between the university and Check Post that this thing supposedly saves, while bombarding the residents of the area with electromagnetic radiation?