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כללית סדנאות רחב
באנר טירת כרמל
באנר חני
באנר מוזאוני חיפה
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באנר חני
באנר מוזאוני חיפה
כללית סדנאות רחב

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The Templars in Haifa and the picturesque colonies in Israel Yossi Lubalski

From the middle of the 19th century, the European powers began to enter Israel. Following this, a large influx of pilgrims began who came with a sense of redemption and the coming of the Messiah.

As part of the Messianic movement, Israel also came from the Protestant stream. In its view, there is no need for a temple, i.e. a church. The temple is found in everyone within themselves and hence the name of the movement 'People of the Temple Sect', the Templar sect that within a few years grew to over 20,000 believers.

In the 19th century, in 1869 Haifa was one of the messianic centers of the Templars, who established the German colony there and at the same time established colonies in Jaffa, in 1871 in Sharon and in 1873 in Jerusalem.

Templar structure - Moshav Aloni Abba, oil on canvas 70/50 cm (painting Yossi Lubalski)

Bethlehem and the Forest

In the second settlement wave, of the sons, in the first decade of the 20th century, two settlements were established: Bethlehem the Galilean in 1906 and next to it Waldheim (the meaning of the name 'house of the forest') in 1907, today Moshav Aloni Abba.
These colonies sat near urban markets such as Haifa and Nazareth and near main roads.

Later, the Templars were expelled by the British authorities from the country and exiled to Australia. The urban colonies, in Haifa, Jerusalem and Jaffa, are inhabited by new immigrants, some of them Holocaust survivors. It is named after the settlement that stood in its place, while the government offices are focused on 'Sharona' and the settlement is known by the public as 'The Kirya'.

Painting in action, a Templar house in the Aloni Abba cooperative moshav, used to be the home of Ari Ben Canaan, the character played by the late Paul Newman in the filming of the movie Exodus. Today it serves as a "Place of Inspiration" art center

The Templar houses

The style of the Templar houses is characterized by stone construction. Many of the buildings have an external staircase. In front of each house they planted a tall palm tree of the "Washingtinia" type, they would combine a "gable" like a small covered balcony in front of the building, arches in the windows and a stone wall surrounding the house.

Painting in action, Kirchner Farm - Bethlehem of Galilee, Yossi Lubalsky
Kirchner Farm Templar House - Bethlehem of Galilee, oil on canvas 70/50 cm, (painting Yossi Lubalsky)
Exterior painting, Yossi Lubalski

Through the brush and the colors

And this is where I enter the story, draw, get an impression and describe what I feel and see through the brush and the palette of colors and here you have the result.

The Waldheim Church, the cooperative seat of Bethlehem the Galilee, markers on sketchbook paper, A4 (drawing by Yossi Lubalski)

contact: At watsapBy email

Yossi Lubalski
Israeli painter, a resident of Haifa, a graduate of the School of Architecture. He teaches painting and paints the city of Haifa and the landscapes of the valley. The paintings can be purchased. 054-5745404 | [email protected]

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3 תגובות

  1. Well done for such an interesting article.
    The paintings are wonderful and illustrate the atmosphere of the place. The photographs are also wonderful.
    I enjoyed.

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