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Survival strategies in the butterfly world

The term "food chain" sounds innocent and easy to digest... but in practice...

Bat Galim memories of yesteryear • Playful with a golden heart - the story of Shmulik and Pnina Cohen

On a personal note, about three decades ago, I was invited to a large meeting in Tel Aviv,...

Flower of the week • Winter crocus

Introduction Carmel shows us flowers in all seasons. In this column...

The first house on the main street of the German colony in Haifa • Keller family house

The first house on Carmel Street, the main street of the German colony...

Bat Galim Beach in Haifa is not allowed to swim Black flags • Saturday too

Seawater pollution at Bat Galim beach

The Ministry of the Interior informed Lahi Pa - the news corporation:
"Bat Galim" beach in Haifa is prohibited for bathing, in light of the Ministry of Health's recommendation that there is a fear of contamination due to abnormal results in the sea water test.

Bathing is prohibited until further notice!

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16 תגובות

  1. Why say infections simply someone who is not ultra-orthodox. can't do anything

  2. For the golden respondent, the pollution of the sea water was not caused because of the mayor. We really need to put an end to the stupidity and explain to your peers that if there is nothing to comment on... you don't have to comment tabloids don't comment nonsense that betrays their authors.

  3. A creative solution: change the name of Haifa to Halam!!! The name change will mean that the stupid way in which the city is run and all the stupid acts done by the mayor will be natural and typical.... And the redeemer has come to Haifa....

  4. Dear residents, you should be careful not to reach Bat Galim beach because it is forbidden to bathe. Until further notice. Shabbat Shalom

  5. To those commenting here against the ultra-Orthodox: abroad, expressions like yours are called "anti-Semitism" and in Israel it is wretched racism of the most despicable kind.

  6. I expect the Haifa system to disqualify those fools who write hate articles. Please please don't give them a platform

  7. I expect the Haifa system to disqualify those fools who write hate articles. Please please don't give them anything

  8. What they don't mention here is the reason for the infection. The ships that enter the port clean themselves in front of the beach and no one cares...

  9. What is the difference between pollution and dirt? that pollution, as we know, is pollution and, in contrast, dirt is, as we know, dirt. The first is done by human hands (not always) and the second is done by human hands (not always) and the main thing is not to enter the water and hope that they will start treating the citizen here like a human being, otherwise he will feel that there is pollution here and he, the citizen, is considered no more than dirt; This is what happens to a citizen after 48 years he is prevented, illegally, from obtaining a building permit and exercising the building rights he purchased, a week before the Yom Kippur war, in full money, and he is told by the Haifa municipality that these are from the dirt or pollution or have nothing to do with pollution and dirt , with a lot of insolence and wickedness, because he can enjoy the pollution and the dirt - only from the building permit he can't enjoy since he can't get it - maybe because he's not that nice, to the point of raising your eyebrows with the superiors (those wicked people who illegally took the authority they don't have - to prevent getting a building permit) - either because he doesn't employ anyone (and a building permit is a lot of money) or because he doesn't pay directly - or as the article says, simply because the world we live in (the galaxy known as Haifa) is nothing more than a 'polluted area' (sorry - corrupt), a parable for Sodom was ours and Gomorrah ours - so it is very important to deal with pollution or dirt or the epidemic of corruption - the main thing is to spend the night...

  10. The Quiet Beach, Bat Galim Beach and Kiryat Haim Beach were closed due to pollution.
    It happens several times in the summer, it also happened the previous summer... the reason for the pollution is probably from the Gulf. It's not because of dirt, it's because of pollution.
    It is likely that this also happens in seasons that are not the bathing season, but then it is of no interest to anyone.

  11. It's sad, if some of the statements expressed before, were said by "non-Jews", they would be said to be anti-Semitic.
    This nation that sits in Zion needs a complete cure for its self-hatred.
    Deep collective healing! Deep collective healing! Very deep!

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