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Inauguration of the Carmel Research Center

The University of Haifa in cooperation with the Nature and Parks Authority will inaugurate the Carmel Research Center
*The center will for the first time bring together research in all fields related to the Carmel Reserve: vegetation, animals, environmental quality, tourism and more*

The University of Haifa and the Nature and Parks Authority will inaugurate the Carmel Research Center next Wednesday (February 10.2.10, XNUMX), a research center that will for the first time bring together research related to the Carmel Reserve in a variety of fields: vegetation, animals, geology, archeology, environmental quality, tourism and more.
The Carmel Reserve is one of the most important natural spaces in Israel, with diverse habitats and a great wealth of species, which is why it was already declared in 1996 by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve, the only one of its kind in Israel so far. A biosphere space is a spatial entity with a statutory status that contains elements of a natural landscape and elements of a human landscape, with the natural system receiving protection, but with reference and informed consideration of the needs of man and his culture in the area. On the other hand, the human populations living in the biosphere are obliged to accept limitations and norms of behavior towards the natural environment.
The new center will be the main factor to create, collect and process information about the Carmel in order to establish a research infrastructure for an optimal interface and monitoring of the biosphere space. The center's researchers will study the interrelationships between the residents of Carmel and the natural space in order to advance the realization of the idea of ​​the biosphere space. A central issue that the center will deal with will be the impact of tourist activity in Carmel on the natural space with the aim of promoting the interface between man and nature in Carmel. The center will also work to encourage diverse educational activities to promote the biosphere space in Carmel.
The inauguration ceremony of the center will be held on Wednesday, February 10.2.10, 12 starting at 00:XNUMX in the Aviva and Sami Ofer Mitzpoor, Haifa University. Afterwards, and depending on the weather, there will be a tour of the Carmel Park.

contact: At watsapBy email

Haifa University
Haifa University
The largest research university in northern Israel, planted in a geographical space of a mountain, city and sea, in the heart of a unique ecological-social-economic fabric. It is a symbol of excellence in teaching and interdisciplinary research in Israel and the world.

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