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Dismantling the asbestos in Leo Buck: the parents set up a struggle headquarters • Klish announced a stop

At the meeting that took place this evening, Mochash, 22/5/21, at Zoom, it turns out that parents from the Leo Buck school and the residents of the neighborhood are forming an action committee, the purpose of which is to stop the project, which, according to the opinion they received, may endanger the children of the school as well as the residents of the neighborhood. The opinion presents the risk that exists when asbestos particles float in the air during the demolition and remain in the building after the demolition. The parents explained at the meeting that such a project had never been carried out before in a building that was subsequently occupied. The parents pointed the finger of blame at the Haifa Municipality and its leader, for exposing their children to the material Dangerous and carcinogenic, according to them.

His father Han, the chairman of Haifa's Green faction, spoke at the debate and announced that he and others on the city council, to whom the city's children are important, are very concerned about the asbestos dismantling plan and that they will take responsibility and help stop the project.

Klish announced on social media that she has put the project on hold

Also during the discussion this evening, Meera Kalish andHas announced on social networks the following message:

"The asbestos inspector hired by Shekmona will not continue in his position, and this is according to my request. In light of the municipality's responsibility for the execution of the project, we are reviewing the circumstances and the opinion presented to us only now and require a renewed, in-depth and thorough examination. At this stage, until the end of the examination with the Ministry of Environmental Protection , the project is delayed by us."

A charged meeting that took place last week

At a parents' meeting that took place last week on Zoom between parents from Leo Beck School, representatives of the management and the engineers of the asbestos removal project in the upper division on behalf of the Haifa Municipality and the Shekmona company, the concerned parents raised questions, the main one of which is the opinion of asbestos inspectors from 2017 who recommended leaving the situation as it is. "Hai Pa News Corporation" publishes the opinion for the first time and also contacted the Ministry of Environmental Protection on the subject.

Asbestos removal in educational institutions (Photo: Ira Elimelech, Ministry of Environmental Protection)
Asbestos removal in educational institutions (Photo: Ira Elimelech, Ministry of Environmental Protection)

A charged meeting that took place last week

Parents' meeting with the management of Leo Beck and representatives of the Haifa municipality and the Shekmona Bezum company

Last week there was a Zoom meeting in which approximately 150 people participated: parents from Leo Beck School, director of the Leo Beck Center Rabbi Ofek Meir, middle school director Eran Bresler, director of the infrastructure department in the Haifa Municipality Ariel Blank who handled asbestos projects in the past and a representative of Shekmona, the executive arm On behalf of the Haifa Municipality, which is responsible for the implementation of the project, Amit Galkin. Galkin is a veteran engineer in the field who carried out the project to remove asbestos from the ceiling in the Jerusalem Theater in 2019.

At the meeting, each of the experts told about himself and the parents, who were concerned about the project execution plan, asked questions. The repeated questions were - can anyone guarantee a return to the current situation after the removal of the asbestos and also, is there an alternative structure in a situation where the project will continue even after September 1st.

Opinion of Amit Galkin and David Diesenhaus in 2017

Another thing that occupied the parents a lot is Opinion from June 2017 by Amit Galkin and Dr. David Disenhaus conducted for the Leo Beck Center for the purpose of examining an action and maintenance plan for sealing and isolating asbestos-containing materials.

The opinion tells about the progression of events since the 60s, when during the construction of the school building, some of the ceilings were sprayed with asbestos-containing materials for the purpose of acoustic insulation.

In 2000, Dr. Diesenhaus prepared a report with a description of the places that contain asbestos, its composition and condition. The opinion explains that as of 2017, the choice of sealing and isolating the material containing asbestos, rather than trying to remove it, is valid exactly as it was in 2000 and a detail of the planning is attached The structure of the ceilings, made of concrete ribs and "Itong" bricks, has properties suitable for insulation.

The opinion reads:

"Some of the properties of the Itong bricks constitute significant disadvantages when intending to remove sprinkled brittle asbestos from them. These disadvantages were central factors in the planning, application, sealing and sealing of the sprinkled brittle asbestos insulation layer, which was used at the Leo Beck Educational Center in Haifa, instead of removing it."

Sealing ceilings on which asbestos was sprayed by building a plaster ceiling

In 2000, after presenting the findings for sealing and insulating the sprayed asbestos to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, a delegation from the Professional Committee for Asbestos and Harmful Dust, which included senior experts in the field of asbestos, arrived at Leo Beck. The committee members unanimously approved the proposed method for sealing and insulating the asbestos.

In October 2000, the school building was cleaned and purified from floating asbestos fibers and according to the results of a laboratory test, approval was given by the Technical Committee for Harmful Dust in the Ministry of Environmental Protection to solve the asbestos problem by building a plaster ceiling. Dr. Diesenhaus prepared the work plan that included sealing the ceilings on which the asbestos had been sprayed. Since the end of the work, routine tests are carried out once a year for the presence of asbestos fibers floating in the school space and since then all the tests have been found to be normal. I mean, nothing has changed in 17 years.

A dangerous experience

From the conclusions of the opinion: "The attempt to remove the materials containing asbestos will be dangerous and unprofessional"

Below are the recommendations and conclusions of the opinion:

The opinion regarding insulation sprinkled with materials containing asbestos from 2017
The opinion regarding insulation sprinkled with materials containing asbestos from 2017

Danger in the event of a missile falling on the structure

The parents' questions regarding the opinions and the reference of the professional factors. One of the biggest risks is a missile that could fall on the building and cause the asbestos to scatter.

In light of the parents' questions, project engineer Amit Galkin referred to this opinion in which he recommended leaving the situation as it is and explained that since it was presented, it has been clarified by the Ministry of Environmental Protection that there are no exceptional buildings and that by August 4, 2021, the asbestos must be removed according to law. More, Galkin added Because one of the risks of not removing the asbestos is the danger of missiles that could fall on the building and cause the brittle asbestos to scatter.
In addition, Galkin noted that the document from 2017 was forwarded to the Ministry of Environmental Protection for expert review.

The wishes of the parents made it clear that so far no document has been released that contradicts the opinion. The parents wondered if it was possible to return students to the building about a month and a half after the completion of the project (that is, at the beginning of the school year). Furthermore, the parents stated that they sent questions on the subject to the Minister of Environmental Protection Gila Gamliel and did not receive answers.

The director of the infrastructure department at the Haifa municipality, Ariel Blank, said at the meeting that the Haifa municipality is aware of the risks that may exist and added that the education department is aware of the conclusions and that he is in regular contact with Ilana Truk, head of the education department, on this issue.

Will be fine…

The concerned parents constantly raise questions and claims:

One of the mothers of a student at the Leo Beck high school said at the meeting that she was very disturbed by what she was hearing: "Hope that he will be okay, that is the worst thing that can happen. We saw it on Mount Meron in Lag BaOmer. I don't care what the law claims about the asbestos removal in August. I understand that none of the project managers can guarantee me a return to a normal state."

The engineer Amit Galkin said that there are tests being done around the building and the tests are being sent and will be sent in the future to two laboratories that exist in Israel for asbestos.

The parents asked how the residents who live near the upper division building where the project will be carried out on Edmond Peleg, Stephan Weiss and All Israel Friends streets will receive information because last year they received a recommendation not to turn on air conditioners. Blank said that he is in contact with the spokeswoman of the Haifa municipality and as soon as the plan is approved, they will inform the relevant residents who are supposed to be nearby within a radius of 50 meters of the cymbals.

Leo Buck Campus Aerial Photography
Leo Buck Campus Aerial Photography

The conclusions of the 2018 polls were hidden from the parents and residents of the neighborhood

Another father asked to receive the findings of the pilot conducted in specific locations in the upper division in 2018 and according to the Ministry of Environmental Protection it was defined as a successfully conducted pilot. He also asked to explain why the aforementioned opinion was hidden from the parents, because he had asked to receive it years ago. The father claimed that the pilot in 2018 was done in violation of the permit, without sealing windows and with children within 25 meters.

Eran Bresler, middle school principal He said that at the end of the project everyone will return to work and study in the building and that everyone is interested in this project being successful. "We will do our best to keep the building clean," he said.

Return to the building in September 2021

Rabbi Ofek Meir, CEO of Leo Buck, said at the meeting:
"The ambition is to return to the building in September. I believe that within two weeks I will present alternative plans"

Rabbi Ofek Meir also added, regarding the pilot conducted in 2018, that he takes responsibility for the fact that the pilot was conducted entirely according to the permit and according to the approvals.
"If there wasn't the asbestos law in 2011, it probably wouldn't have been worth entering into the project. As soon as it became clear from a legal point of view that it was impossible to get a postponement or cancellation, then we continued with it. I'm sure that this project got off to a good start. The ambition is to return to the building in September and the most Late in October. I hope that within two weeks I will be able to present a plan and alternatives," said Rabbi Meir.

A bright horizon
A bright horizon

Minimizing risks in the event of a missile attack

To the question of one of the parents, would Galkin still write the same opinion today, the engineer replied: "I would rather have my family near the building when it is free of asbestos than a missile falling on a building with asbestos."

"We consider you personally responsible"

After the meeting, the parents turned to the members of the board of directors of the Leo Beck Center and Rabbi Ofek Meir with the demand to present an evacuation preparation plan for all the divisions to alternative buildings in the city and away from the asbestos works and the opening of a frontal school year for all the divisions. The parents also concluded that they consider Leo Buck's management personally responsible for the safety and health of their children.

A letter from the parents' leadership to Leo Buck's management

The appeal of the parents of all the divisions in Leo Beck to the management
The appeal of the parents of all the divisions in Leo Beck to the management

Comments regarding the opinion from 2017:

Haifa Municipality's response:
"The requirement for the removal of asbestos is fixed by law and should be completed in all educational institutions in the country by August 2021. The matter will be accompanied and handled professionally by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and any question on the matter should be directed to the Ministry of Environmental Protection."

The response of the Ministry of Environmental Protection:
"Works to remove splattered brittle asbestos were carried out in dozens of buildings across the country - in theaters, libraries, halls, universities, dining rooms and more, through inspectors and contractors authorized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection to carry out work with brittle asbestos. The work at the Leo Beck school is no different from these works, and its execution will be In accordance with the strict conditions of the ministry, which will avoid risk from the population. For example, a brittle asbestos ceiling was recently removed in the Jerusalem theater on a wider scale, of 2,200 square meters.
The Ministry's position is that the removal of the risk at the Leo Beck School is required to be carried out as early as possible and for this purpose, the Ministry of Environmental Protection transferred a budget of NIS 10 million for the purpose of removing asbestos from the buildings of educational institutions in Israel, of which NIS 5 million was transferred to the Leo Beck School in Haifa. According to the law, the property owner must finish removing the asbestos by August 4, 2021.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection is aware of the concerns of the parents at the Leo-Bek School, and emphasizes that it will work to ensure that the removal of asbestos and the existing risk in the building is done in the safest way, as is done in all works.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection is not a party to the selection of professionals in asbestos work, and when the removal plan is submitted to it for approval, it examines it professionally, as well as the compliance of the authorized inspector and contractor with its conditions. Recently, the office received an update that the municipality of Haifa and the management company on its behalf, Shakmona, which promotes the removal work at the Leo Beck school, contacted a licensed inspector and that the work is planned to be carried out immediately at the end of the school year. After receiving a complete plan and details of the executing contractor, the office will formulate the permit and hold a meeting with the public with the participation of the inspector and the contractor who will be chosen to present the plan and answer questions.
As for the pilot: the pilot to examine the method of removing the friable asbestos which will result in optimal removal without risking the students and the environment, was successfully carried out in 2018. At the end of the pilot, an optimal technique was determined for removing the asbestos completely and without risking the users of the building and its neighbors. The inspector's opinion was published in 2017, before the successful pilot, and is therefore not relevant. The opinion was even rejected by the ministry's professional officials. It should be noted that the inspector who signed the opinion at the time is the inspector who was chosen by the management company Shekuma and the Haifa Municipality to carry out the work now, and this speaks for itself regarding the success of the pilot.
Both during the pilot, and as the program progressed over the years, the office is in constant contact with the school's administration and the students' parents, answering their questions, and even has and will continue to have physical meetings and phone calls to provide information."

We in the live system here are closely following the sequence of events and will continue to update here.

contact: At watsapBy email

Articles related to this topic

5 תגובות

  1. Sorry dear parents, all the school principals in Haifa are busy writing opinion columns about coexistence and tolerance right now.
    Our children undergo health and political lynchings in the streets, in classrooms, in bases...
    But the school principals with tens of thousands of shekels in salary smile at you and call you to hug and join hands.

  2. 1. The asbestos layer on top of the ceiling crumbles naturally and permanently on the heads of the students, who also like to throw objects at the ceiling in good faith and enjoy the scattered dust.
    2. The application of a "sealing and protection layer" on the asbestos layer entails the dispersion of asbestos dust throughout the building space due to the drilling operations in the ceiling through the asbestos layer for the purpose of installing the support elements for the plasterboards. A bizarre and dangerous solution!!
    3. There is no doubt that leaving the existing insulation layer consisting of asbestos fibers is much more dangerous than removing it under required environmental protection conditions.
    4. The parents' concern is understandable, at the same time the mayor's decision to fire the inspector is less understandable. Are there more creative solutions to the dangerous asbestos layer as well as more effective supervision?!

  3. Scandalous conduct of the management of the Law Beck School, which acts in front of the parents with a lack of transparency and professionalism.
    The amateur management endangers the health of our child. It is very unfortunate to see that this is how this institution is conducted and not only in the matter of asbestos.

  4. Leo Beck's parents hope that the project will be stopped completely.
    The implementation of the project means a serious environmental disaster that will expose everyone in the vicinity of the Leo Beck school and on the streets of Haifa where the asbestos will be transported to serious diseases.
    Mrs. Klish - in your power to prevent Haifa from becoming Fukushima number 2

  5. The Ministry of Environmental Protection ignores the parents' appeals.
    They don't believe in you and you.
    You will not endanger our children

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