Unreasonable lack of parking spaces on Habiva Rike Street
Residents of Habiva Reik Street in the Ramot Ramez neighborhood in Haifa are well aware of the difficult parking situation on the street. Everyone who comes with their car, starting in the afternoon, feels firsthand the illogical lack of parking spaces. In the evening and night, there is nothing to talk about at all. If you found parking, and not on a piece of sidewalk, it's like you won the big prize in the lottery.
Every tenant in Habiva knows the depressing situation, where you come from a long day of work, or with the small children, or with the shopping and the exhausting series of "rondels" around the street begins, such that even at the end, most likely there will still not be a suitable parking space...
This is not a new problem, of course, but one that is only getting worse. Attached at the bottom of the article are some of the articles published on the subject on the Hai Pa website.
Council member Eli Ben Dayan made a proposal to the city council to find a solution to the never-ending suffering...
Mzb of the offer:
In honor of: Dr. Einat Kalish-Rotem, Mayor of the city
Subject: proposal to arrange parking on Habiva Rike Street
Habiva Reik Street is one of the most populated streets in Haifa. Alongside renewed construction and positive migration to the neighborhood and the street, there is an increase in the number of residents.
To their dismay, for a long time, the tenants were promised that a solution would be found to the parking plight that many suffer from. This has become a substantial detriment to their quality of life, on the one hand, and on the other hand, instead of providing creative solutions to their plight, the Haifa Municipality acts "close-mindedly" and sends inspectors in the evening and at night to report to the tenants. The situation has become unbearable for those living on the street.
The role of the city administration, including the mayor, is to provide solutions to the residents and not to find ways to enrich its coffers on the backs of the residents following failed management and planning. It is still expected of you, Madam Mayor, for leadership and "thinking outside the box" and not to go for the automatic solutions of giving fines and making the lives of the residents more difficult and unbearable, certainly in light of the current reality, when many tenants on the street found themselves unemployed.
Many dozens of examples have been brought to my attention, I will mention a few of them, out of the multitude of cases:
⦁ Young couples who return from a day of work and have no place to park their car and have to walk a long distance with children and toddlers.
⦁ A couple of adults who are returning from shopping and unfortunately have to walk with the shopping all the way down the street.
⦁ Returning from a long day of work, of the employees of the health department (doctors, nurses, brothers and sisters) from the evening or night shift and there is no free parking space in the entire street.
To the dismay of many residents, they are forced to park in prohibited places (red and white, on the sidewalk, etc.) but in such a way that it is not dangerous and does not interfere with traffic or pedestrians.
Mayor, you are aware of the situation, you met with the residents and promised them that you would bring a real and correct solution (probably as more election slogans) and you even increased and submitted a proposal for an order in this regard. In your proposal, you even stated that there is no need for increased enforcement, certainly not for vehicles that park partially on the sidewalks and do not constitute a nuisance or disturbance to traffic or pedestrians.
Indeed, you met with the residents and it was even decided to increase cooperation. Tours were conducted at the site and the municipal representatives were shown where more parking could be made available and where in the interim period parking could be allowed even in areas that are not designated for parking or are prohibited but do not pose a hazard to the road or pedestrians.
Instead, as mentioned, you choose to send inspectors in the evening and at night, who unfortunately have to do their work and give reports to the local residents.
It was brought to the residents' attention that one of the proposed solutions is to rent a parking complex which is located between 500 meter-kilometer from the apartment complex!
In your opinion, is it appropriate that residents have to cross their legs at such a distance? Do you think it is reasonable that aside from encouraging construction and urban renewal, no consideration will be given to operative parking solutions for the residents?
I also know that when you took office, in light of the enforcement that was carried out on Eilat Street in Israel, you instructed that a parking inspector who comes to enforce the streets/neighborhoods in the evening and at night and encounters a disturbance, the inspector should not write a report but in the first step locate the owner of the vehicle in order to move him.
Someone probably "forgot" your instruction, but nothing was done! The inspectors "distribute" reports in the neighborhoods without any consideration of the distress and the general situation.
As you know, in the municipal coffers there is a fund called the "Parking Fund", which is received from the construction contractors and is intended for the maintenance and improvement of parking in the city only. Today, this fund contains funds that can be used to provide a solution to the residents of the neighborhood. Therefore, the constant "excuse" of lack of budget and continuing to blame government offices, has already become trite and pathetic.
It's time to give solutions and stop the mask of excuses! This is what is required of leadership!
True, the parking problem in Haifa is a horizontal problem and is found in many different places in the city. A few months ago, a general plan was presented to the city council for parking criteria. It is possible that you are now working on a comprehensive and broader plan and that is welcome, but the residents of the street are suffering today and have been for a long time from an acute problem and therefore several solutions have been proposed to improve the situation, but apparently, there is an disregard for finding a real solution that will lead to an end to the suffering of the residents.
Therefore, a number of proposals for a decision were brought to the city council:
⦁ Immediately instruct to stop providing reports in the evening and at night
⦁ Allow parking, provided that there will be no obstruction to traffic.
⦁ Order to cancel parking reports given to tenants in the evening and at night
⦁ Providing resident stickers so that residents do not "get fined"
⦁ Presenting a solution to the parking problem on the street, while involving the residents' representation
⦁ invest in parking solutions through a "parking fund"
City council member
Eli Ben Dayan
Prosecute whoever planned the neighborhood
We, the residents of Sderot Zion, from the corner of Abbas Street to Pua Street, have no parking at all, and we (I) have been asking for parking since Amram Mitsena, Yona Yahav, and there is no answer, and there is an option for dozens of parking spaces for dozens of vehicles, and there is no answer. We paid two thousand two thousand shekels for reports and there is no response from you in the municipality. The address is Sderot Zionion 34, my name is Rita Mahol, I would like a response from anyone who is in the municipality, thank you
It's just a shame that we, the residents of the street, are hurt by the return of the municipality that approved contractors to build without providing parking at all or in a minimal amount! All the municipality is interested in is the property tax money and more. They send inspectors to give fines late in the evening! You have created real distress in the street! The time has come for a solution to public parking lots on the street and you know exactly where you can park them one hour earlier!
The solution is instead of approving the construction of more buildings that will burden the congestion on the street, to build public parking lots in their place, and of course on the few vacant spaces left on the street - turn into parking lots.
It is true that the omission was made during Yahav's time, but there is a new leadership in the city for several years that does not provide any response to the street's hardships! Now is the time to wake up and deal with the problem, before a disaster happens and an emergency vehicle cannot pass (which has already happened a number of times)
It's time for someone in the municipality to wake up and start making decisions!
There is a very easy solution, to oblige the tenants of the new apartments who own a private parking lot to park there. As a resident of the street, I see that even in the evening when the whole street is full of people, many of the private parking lots are empty. This situation happens because they are built with elevators for cars and the tenants are too lazy to use them. The municipality approved the construction of the new buildings only on the condition of additional parking, but the tenants do not use them.
Another option is to add another floor or two to the existing public parking lot on the street.
For the future, the municipality will exercise some judgment before it authorizes the construction of so many huge buildings in one street without thinking about the consequences.
There are two large areas on Habib Street that can be turned into parking for hundreds of cars!
The first is in the area in the Wadi in front of the new Habiva 48-58 buildings easily and at low cost. You can prepare the area within a month or two and move the section of the Nahal Ramez channel to an underground part...nothing prevents you from doing this and there is no interruption to traffic!
In addition, there is a small wooded section between Habiva 58 and Habiva 62 which, as I understand it, is intended for a "commercial center" with a large underground parking lot where there is another problem of a high voltage line, but the project can also be moved forward...
But it seems to me that you are the beginning of this weak and weak city
The issue is not too interesting as long as she has parking for her car near the house and as long as the ultra-Orthodox in the coalition support her...
I recommend that the tenants do a property tax revolt as long as there is no progress...and we will remember this until the next elections!!!
Indeed, the parking shortage in the place is quite big. When guests come to us, we make sure they park in the Super Sel parking lot in Ramot Sapir and we drive them to our place and bring them back. In addition, no Ovbus line enters Habiva Reich Street from number 36 to the end of the street, which makes it difficult to move by public transportation or with a briefcase. Even benches in the neighborhood were not put, the elderly people or parents do not have a single statue for the whole length of the street to sit on. Unfinished sidewalks. M
Haha everyone here will be a Pototsky graph. I will raise it and the municipality will immediately show up to solve everything.
There is no solution for Habiba Slams. Instead of a concentration of 30 apartments in each building, build new buildings with 60-100 apartments.
There are twice as many residents there as planned, and each family has twice as many vehicles as they have parking space in the parking lot, if at all.
In any case, adding more parking will not solve the fact that the street is clogged with traffic jams, maybe it will only make the situation worse
We must prioritize public transportation on the street. We must make the residents use the bus and give up cars.
It is impossible to pour hundreds of millions of shekels of taxpayers' money all over the city for parking lots on one street.. Who knows how they approved
The construction sizes and whether anyone received a return in the envelopes.. worth checking.
And enough of the opposition's populism, the municipality is not always wrong on every issue. There is no solution for Habiva Reich and it is impossible to give to everyone
An apartment there with 2 guaranteed parking spaces.. there are enough neglected neighborhoods and buildings that require these budgets for renovation.. unless the roof of a house
A book will fall like at Degania High School Eli Ben Dayan will be the first to stand up next to him and again blame the municipality for wasting money on parking lots
In the Reich and abandoned the schools, right?
Perhaps instead of making claims about Klish receiving an existing status, you will make claims about Lihav who approved this mutation. And also to the residents themselves who bought there. You saw there would be a problem. narrow street Lots of houses without parking. what did you think Will they invent a parking lot? Not mad at you. Just blame the real culprit.
What a childish and unprofessional formulation by Eli Ben Dayan. For a moment I thought it was a collection of comments from Facebook. Just embarrassing.
The residents raised the problem on this street in Haifa with me, and I raised their concern with the representatives of the municipality, but there is no response. Einat, please your immediate intervention. Yes, many voted and supported you in the mayoral elections in Haifa. So that they will continue to support you and vote for you in the upcoming mayoral elections in Haifa, Request you should take the initiative to talk to the supervisors at the municipality's parking authority to take action and deal with the matter, if you can't deal with the matter. I visited them on this street and in my opinion, they are right. Thank you, Einat.
What do you want from Klish? Yona Yahav made it possible to build the slams in Habiva Rake. Did anyone imagine that there would be such a density of parking, when the developers were not required (good question - why?) to build a reasonable amount of parking in the forward planning? And as for the fines - everyone would go berserk if the municipality did not enforce and allow safe passage for pedestrians and vehicles. The address: Yona Yahav and his gang. Contact them