The Carmelite was opened for bicycles. Photography - Omri Shafer
About the Haifa - Carmelite subway
The Carmelite is the only subway in Israel. It moves back and forth on a route from the lower city in Haifa to the Carmel Ridge. In the last two years, you can go up to Carmelit with a bicycle. At night, the Carmelite allows the movement of revelers from the Carmel to the pubs of the lower city.
What are the operating hours of the Carmelite?
The Carmelite in Haifa operates during the following hours:
Sunday-Thursday from 06:00 to 24:00
Fridays and holiday eves from 06:00 to 15:00
Saturday and holiday months April - October
from 20:00 - 24:00
November - March months
from 19:00 - 24:00
Carmelit stations - from top to bottom:
Gan Ham (Carmel Center)
Bnei Zion Hospital
Masada Street
Street of the Prophets
Bona battery station
Paris square - downtown
You can make further inquiries about the activities of the Carmel at the following telephone numbers:
04-8376861 Years, 04-8372231 Years
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