What is the color of your city, according to the traffic light plan? Updated data from the Ministry of Health as of Thursday 10/12/20 The color of the city is defined according to an elaborate and calculated daily score
- red city is any city whose score is 7 or higher.
- orange city It is a city whose score is between 5.5 and 7.
- yellow city It is a city whose score is between 4 and 5.5
- green city It is a city whose score is up to 4.
According to the correct data as of Thursday 10/12/20 - 32 cities and towns are designated red
(29 cities and 3 settlements) which constitute 25.2% of the morbidity in Israel
2 of them in the Haifa area and the surrounding area
Dali'at el Carmel
Kiryat Bialik
35 cities and towns are defined in orange, (32 cities and 3 towns) representing 30.3% of the morbidity in Israel
3 of them in the Haifa area and the surrounding area
Kiryat Yam
97 cities and towns are designated yellow (69 cities and 28 towns) which constitute 34.9% of the morbidity in Israel
2 of them in the Haifa area and the surrounding area
Basmat Tivon
Tirat Carmel
Kiryat Ata
1098 cities and towns are defined as green, (108 cities and 990 towns) representing 9.5% of the morbidity in Israel
2 of them in the Haifa area and the surrounding area
Kiryat Motzkin
Kiryat Tivon