Haifa sidewalks are full of uncollected dog feces
Residents in many neighborhoods in Haifa are tired of encountering dog excrement scattered in large quantities on the sidewalks. In almost every area throughout the city, signs are posted with an inscription instructing dog owners to clean up after their dogs, and it is even indicated that those who do not do so will be fined 750 NIS, but it seems that this does not affect or bother those concerned, who do not always bother to pick up their dog's excrement, or alternatively, those who let their dogs walk alone and thus completely disclaim responsibility.
Many complaints are received on the subject, both in Moked 106 and in the Hai Pa system. In the photos attached here, for example, you can see the dog feces on the sidewalks of Tscheranhovsky Street in the city, from last Friday (4/12/20) and today (Sun. 6/12/20). The municipality claims that they arrived and cleaned the place, but according to these photos, it can be seen that this was not done.
A response was given to Haifa from Haifa Municipality:
The Haifa municipality invests a lot of effort in trying to eradicate, as much as possible, the phenomenon and carries out daily enforcement and proactive enforcement operations within this framework. The enforcement activity is carried out both by the inspectors of the municipal enforcement division and by the inspectors of the veterinary service, who work to collect stray dogs. At the same time, the municipality is also working on the information front, among other things through the dozens of signs to which the question refers, since, without the public's awareness and willingness to cooperate, the phenomenon cannot be eradicated.
Advocacy and education are not sufficient at this stage. The fact is, even in Ramat Alon, the paths and sidewalks are full of the hazard of dog feces. The municipality should take it into their own hands and handle and enforce the issue.
Selfish and lying people
Everyone plays it good people behind a screen but on the street they throw waste freely which is much more dangerous to the environment than dog poop
And with a plastic bag in hand to disguise themselves as law enforcement and then the dog defecates, they look left and right to make sure that an inspector is not around and continue without picking up... this is the method of some dog owners. Tens of thousands of shekels in fines to the cash register every morning
Bullshit. I have not seen an inspector in my neighborhood in the twenty-five years that I have lived there. On the other hand, dog excrement is plentiful. I wonder if there is dog feces on the sidewalk near the mayor's house. probably not.
Also on Yalag Street, the street is full of dog excrement mines
When they install cameras in the street, only then will it be possible to round up the lawbreakers.
If the municipality lacks manpower, this is the solution
Today around 10:00 in the morning on the sidewalk in Oskar Schindler no. 7 and 9 was full of dog feces on the sidewalk.
There is no enforcement and if so maybe only on "selected" streets.
The Haifa municipality's sanitation department must act immediately on this issue once and for all. good week