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A dog's life The first step in a new life • Dog shelter in Haifa

A place of new beginnings for animals • Animal cruelty in Haifa

Even during the days of the quarantine, animal cruelty works every day, providing shelter to hundreds of dogs on their journey to find a warm and loving home. We talked with Shaul Lapid, The director of the shelter in Haifa, about the concerns, the number of adoptions and the conduct of the closure.

Open in any situation

How are these days going for you, before closure?
"We are working as usual, with full vigor. After the wide adoption that befell us during the first closure, we received many more dogs waiting for a home. Since the beginning of the Corona period, we have not felt a change in the level of work. We are a vital body, we have remained and will remain open in any situation."

A dog for adoption (Photo: Animal Mercy - Haifa)
A dog for adoption (Photo: Ze'er Be'ali Hayim - Haifa)

"The dogs live with us in very good conditions, it is important to us that they come to such homes"

In the previous closure, did you feel a change in the amount of requirements for adoption?
"In the previous closure, there was an increase in the amount of requests for adoption. We feared that this increase would also lead to an increase in the amount of abandonment. Fortunately, we did not see such an increase," says Lapid. "We are in no rush to give dogs. It is important to us to make sure that the dog ends up in a stable and loving home, a place where he can find a long-term home." Lapid even tells of cases in which they preferred to wait before giving the dogs and this led to a negative and violent reaction on the part of the adopters. "There were arguments that led to shaming on Facebook and social networks. Our dogs live in very good conditions, it is important to us that they also end up in homes like this."

Always happy for new volunteers

What about personnel? Did you feel a lack of volunteers?
"Lots of people who were in Khalat or were fired joined us. There is a lot of demand to volunteer. Since the beginning of the Corona period, says Lapid, they have not felt a shortage of manpower. "We are an old association. We have people who have accompanied us for decades. At the same time, we are always happy that people come with a desire to volunteer."

Ray, license plate number: 14063 (Photo: Ze'er Ba'ali Haim Haifa)
(Photo: Ze'er Belei Hayim Haifa)

They fear that the number of abandonments will increase

Are there concerns before the closure?
"Just as we feared an increase in the amount of abandonment before the first closure, it exists even now." Lapid also adds that since the main demand is for puppies and small dogs, there is a shortage of them. Since their work during the quarantine will not change, animal welfare is expected to operate as usual.

My story My experience with animal cruelty

After many months of persuasion and dozens of promises that we would take care of him and take care of him, my brother's and my parents agreed to adopt a dog. The appointed time to arrive at the animal shelter - Friday of the same week. What my family and I didn't know at the time was how much that day would change all of our lives.

Maybe I'm not ready for it yet

The beginning of that day made me think that maybe adopting a dog is not for me. So many dogs, so many pleading eyes, waiting for the shadow to be cast upon them when people come, everyone, no matter who, will open the cage and take them. will adopt them. Will be for them what no one has yet been for them. Who am I to decide who I will master for a new beginning and who I will leave? "I think I don't want a dog after all," I say to my parents as we walk towards the office to announce that today is not the day.

02/08/13 - The day we brought Cheetos (photo: Ziv Aviv)

"There was no other option, it was ours"

We go in, my parents are waiting for their turn and I'm wandering around in the meantime. I see the certificates on the wall, the letters of thanks from the families who entered here and their end was happier than ours, and I see something else. "She came to us yesterday. We found her on the street after she ran away from an abusive owner," the volunteer tells me as I examine the emaciated, sad, hopeless dog lying in front of me, under the office desk. "Her owner tied her up outside every day, didn't bring her anything to drink or eat. She decided to run away.' True, I don't have the right to choose between the past and future of one dog and the other, but I also don't have the right to continue the day with the same dog lying there. There was no other option, it was ours. We were hers.

We got a new story

Today Chitos is already 10 years old, from a weak, abandoned, hopeless dog, she became a sociable, loving, lively dog. Cheetos still carries with her difficulties created as a result of the abuse, which unfortunately are too deep to solve, but she was given a new story. We got a new story. Zer Belei Haim was the place where it all started, that Friday afternoon at Zer Belei Haim in Haifa.

Cheetos Today (Photo: Ziv Aviv)

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6 תגובות

  1. Happy New Year and good health to Shaul Lapid, to all the volunteers and to all the good souls walking on all fours.
    A dog is our best friend but there is always the little child that needs to be taken care of, fed, bathed, played with, walked with, etc. Unfortunately, there are people who adopt a dog without realizing it and when they get tired of the chore, they abandon it. There are mentally ill people who abuse dogs and they run away. It's a wonder they don't abandon and abandon their children who need care.
    Animal cruelty does a sacred work when they sponsor the dogs and try to find them a good home.
    Our nachos came from there. A lovely dog ​​that was found wandering around Usafiya and seems to have been abused. He was about 5-6 years old.
    He has been with us for two years and we are all crazy about him. A huge furry dog, sheds a lot of hair and gets dirty a lot. Despite this, it adds a lot of happiness to our homes. The warm, loyal welcome and kind eyes are worth the effort involved in maintaining it. good soul.
    Blessings to you for your work in animal cruelty and once again a happy new year and good health.

  2. A question for all dog lovers:
    What do you call a dog that looks exactly like a dog?………….

    bull dog

  3. More articles on the subject must increase awareness strongly and dare to adopt

  4. A beautiful dog. Glad she found a home and you enjoy each other's company!

  5. Nice article Ziv. As someone who is very connected to the world of animals, and I will never understand how it is possible to abandon animals, and more abuse???!!! We hope that you have contributed greatly to the fact that many more will come to adopt dogs, and not just puppies. The personal story with Cheetos is touching, and adds to the article. In short, I loved this writing.

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