Update from the field A demonstration in Haifa protesting the gang rape in Eilat Live interviews from the field.
Video - Tzamerat Hershko at a demonstration in Haifa against rape culture (Photo: Tali Milo)
Video - Young protesters at a demonstration in Haifa against rape culture (Photo: Tali Milo)
Blockade of the Haifa road (Photo: Tali Milo)
Following the news about the gang rape of dozens of men that was carried out on a 16-year-old girl in Eilat, at these moments, protestors went to demonstrations throughout the country. In Haifa at the Independence / Palmer intersection.

Attorney Shirin Batshon Association with you from Acre, an association of female lawyers for social justice, answers here:

Why is the punishment so less? - How is it logical that the father of Adi Beatty, who sexually harassed several minors, and there is solid proof of this, was sentenced to service work only?
How can a more severe punishment be promoted? In the Knesset? Ministry of Justice?
Is there an option for minimum sentences for offenses of this type?
Attorney Shirin Betshon's answer
First of all, I am not familiar with the legal case, so I cannot comment on the substance of the matter. In general, Amendment 113 to the Penal Law passed in 2012 was supposed to guide the judgment of the judges when they came to give sentences and to create uniformity as well as the adequacy between the seriousness of the offense and the degree of guilt of the accused
and between the type and extent of the punishment imposed on him. Courts are supposed to justify their decisions and sentences. The main challenge in criminal law is the question of proof and also that many cases are closed in plea deals where the penalties become reduced in order to reach a settlement. The legislator should provide the victim with a better mechanism than the existing legal mechanism and it must be remembered that the legal tool is not the only solution in cases of violence. The shocking case of rape that happened for example indicates that there is a need for sexual education from a young age and educating men about what healthy sexuality is and what constitutes a sexual act that hurts another and women. How could it be that 30 men were lined up to commit such a shocking crime and none of them had a red light come on? No one stopped and said - wait, there is something wrong here! The law usually comes to solve the problem after it occurs, but education from a young age can instill values

It can be said that the apparently shocking rape was the straw that broke the camel's back for many women and men. Since the news was published, social networks have been buzzing.
According to the "All" association, this case is an integral part of the rape culture prevalent in Israeli society.
The association "All" said:
It is impossible to resist the thought that dozens of men lined up against one girl. It is impossible to stand back when you understand how entrenched the culture of rape is in society.
This case does not stand alone - it is a direct continuation of the way in which the "boys" were received from the Greek island of Ayia Napa. It is a direct continuation of the public discourse surrounding the 'footballer affair'.
This case was prepared by the culture of rape in which the Prime Minister, the Knesset and the ministers take part, either in actions or in silence and turning a blind eye.
The Prime Minister by the employment of the disturbing "photographer" Natan Eshel, the Knesset when it gives a 'certificate of honor' to a singer who exploits minors in 'Foot Mobil' and the government when it has not transferred promised funds for the implementation of the program to prevent violence against women for three years. These are not weeds, they are the result of policy.
There can also be another policy, a policy where you learn from age 0 about relationship and healthy sexuality. A policy in which the government prioritizes budgets for welfare and education to prevent sexual and domestic violence. A policy in which they make sure that every city has an acute room and social workers.
A policy where the rapists stand trial and receive the appropriate punishment. A policy where women are not afraid to complain and feel that there is a listening ear in all systems.
Tzermet Hershko, from the leaders of the demonstration in Haifa, Lahi Fe:

We will join our sisters across the country in protest and outrage.
Calling for the opening of more acute rooms for victims of sexual assault, for the transfer of the budgets promised by the government to combat violence against women and which have not been transferred, for the call for the Minister of Education to open the school year with talks with the students about Rape culture and how to prevent it.
We say in the clearest way that we refuse to live in a culture that sanctifies violence against women and violence in general. We see the clear and strong connection between what happened in Ayia Napa and especially the social reaction to what happened in Eilat.
Aya Napa qualified what happened in Eilat. When we give up on boys on the grounds that they are good boys, when we try to "understand" them or find relief for this violence - we are abandoning the lives of every woman and girl. And we are coming tonight to say enough, we are fed up, we will not be silent.

Naama Lazimi, a council member from the "Haim in Haifa" movement, and a member of the Committee for Gender Equality in Haifa adds:
The case of yesterday (19/08/20), in which it was learned that 30 men, of different ages, in different areas, stood in line to rape a 16-year-old girl, did not stop to ask, check, complain about this inferno but took part in it - horrifying and indigestible . But he doesn't stand in an empty space, he joins the alleged rape in Ayia Napa, where the boys were welcomed in a celebration, the cover-up and obfuscation of sexual harassment of stars, misogynist advertisements, policing of women, consumption of porn and prostitution and more.
But mainly connects to an overall system, which does not take responsibility for eradicating physical and sexual violence against women.
On 1/9, it should be announced that every class of elementary and high school students will begin with an education lesson on this topic.
And also, a comprehensive educational program for gender education should already be budgeted.
In Haifa, we will start an important gender program in some schools, activities of the city's education department, the mayor's adviser on the status of women and the committee for gender equality, this is important, blessed and the time has come, but it is not enough.
All municipal schools should take responsibility in this matter. And that's where you should row.
In the city of Haifa there are many associations that deal with the issue in a professional manner over the years, there are the best activities and activists and various factors that can and want to volunteer for this important task - it is our job to integrate them, and to produce trainings and an internal pedagogical approach from the management to the teaching men and women.
With the cooperation of all forces, to take part in the eradication of these severe phenomena, which affect an entire society.
It is in our hands, under our responsibility, sick cases like this are the result of a sick society and system, but are not destiny.
Kudos to the response of the Allan association!!! The only response that refers to the kippah healers who raped an English girl, both acts of rape are terrible and the verdicts for sexual harassment and rape are catastrophic!!!
I asked the hotel employees -
Standing in front of the door of one room, in line, 30 men, exiting and entering, and no one asks "what's going on here"? Where are the locals? Everything goes with a "bro" wink?
The 30 are not supermen, they are perhaps super-enthusiastic, they ate, drank, went to the buffet and asked the person next to them to save their place in line, told jokes, it wasn't just socializing, it was planned, it developed during a process,
No hotel manager? Shift Manager? Cleaning workers?
I would really like to know the name of the hotel. You must not hide such a despicable place where there is no treatment for guests who pay with their money for a room and do not receive help for treatment without being shouted at.
I hope that everything ends in peace. Shabbat Shalom. Judges case.