Rambam4U • A new application allows viewing visit and hospitalization summaries at Rambam Hospital
Rambam's service revolution continues, as the largest medical center in the north recently inaugurated a new service for the well-being of its patients, which allows viewing and receiving medical documents online through a dedicated application and the hospital's website.
Rambam4U • App for you
The new application, which is called Rambam4U, allows patients to view summaries of visits to the emergency room and hospitalization at the hospital, as well as various test documents that were done at Rambam clinics (signed summaries only). The option to view the test documents also includes parents viewing the summaries of their minor children, all in a centralized manner for the convenience of users.
Additional options that currently exist under the applet are the ability to view future summonses for various services in the hospital, contacting various parties in Rambam easily and conveniently.
At Rambam Hospital they explain:
This is an important project, which is part of an overall plan aimed at improving the service to the hospital's customers. In the near future, additional innovations will be inaugurated, all of which aim to make Rambam's services more accessible and make the encounter with the hospital a better experience from a service point of view.
Personal and free service
The application was developed in Rambam's computing department, led by the Prometheus team, and in close collaboration with the hospital's marketing department, after many months of thinking, planning and development and according to needs that were prioritized and determined by a committee in which representatives of various sectors and the hospital's management took part.
The service provided as part of the new application is provided free of charge and through the government identification system that enables the receipt of secure personal information and services. It should be noted that the service is personal, and only the patient himself may receive his medical information, or in the case of children (up to the age of 18), through their parents.