The Haifa Municipality announced to Lahi Feh - a new CEO for the Yaffe Nof company
Tonight, the tender committee chose Sally Glitzenstein (40) as the next CEO of the Yaffe Nof infrastructure company.
The chairman of the board of directors, Yoav Ramati, gave a message to Haifa - Haifa News:
"I congratulate the new CEO Sally Glitzstein, who came to Yaffe Nof after professional experience at Nati and Natibi Ayalon
And I wish her and the company the best of luck."

Amazing, we fixed it!
I also forgot to write that the main image came out cropped. Why don't you check what you upload?
Experience and in the company and not as you wrote: experience and you chose.
Also, CEOs and non-CEOs.
Indeed, in many cases, they write here in a careless way - not respectable.
But as for CEOs - the mistake is yours.