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Explosive sounds will be heard from the David Rafael Institute due to a planned and controlled experiment • Tuesday 11/2/25

Rafael was handed over to the public - The News Corporation: Today, Tuesday 11/2/25,...

Earthquakes on Santorini Island Trigger Tsunami Preparations in Israel

(Live here) - Let's start from the end - In Israel there is no warning...
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The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the celebration of Baba Sali...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

A soldier stands, slightly disfigured, a masked prisoner is about to fall. Masked murderers surround him, waving their rifles...

Churchill Building • The Technion's Central Auditorium

The first building built in the "Forum", the Technion's central public complex,...

Flower of the week • Large chives

Carmel presents us with flowers in all seasons. In this column...

Traffic arrangements on Wednesday 4/3 and Friday 6/3 • The intersection of the Carmel Tunnels and Inbar Street will be closed in both directions

Cable car works - traffic regulation

On Wednesday, 4/3/20, between the hours of 09:00 and 13:00
and on Friday, 6/03/20, between 07:00-11:00

  • The Carmel tunnels junction will be closed to traffic towards the Nefarah junction.
  • Amber Street will be closed in both directions and no crossing will be allowed.

Pay attention to the directional signs in place.
There may be changes in the works due to the weather.
Real-time updates will be made on waze and on the Yaffe Nof site.

For details: Rizk Said - Community Relations Manager, Yaffe Nof Company
Mobile: 054-7717376  | Email: [email protected]

contact: At watsapBy email

Articles related to this topic

2 תגובות

  1. It's just a shame they didn't include a link with a map. No one knows where Amber Street is.

  2. They are finally putting order in the traffic area in Haifa

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