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Evacuation of the Navy Yard - City Council Meeting: Opening a beach strip or military construction and not evacuating the Yard?

Editor's note
Gal Carmel, a resident of the city, was present last night at the council meeting and reveals a plan here for the first time on the website
of the Navy for construction within the Navy Yard. The plan is supported by the Haifa Municipality

By: Gal Carmel

Following the publication on the "Hai Fe" website about the essential issues that come up for order at the city council meeting, I arrived
Very excited for the meeting to watch the city engineer's plan for the city's waterfront.
I was amazed to discover that the city engineer presents as a victory the military plan of the Navy and especially the resistance of the municipality
to the move of the naval base to the new port. I was very surprised to find out that the municipality encourages the construction of new military buildings within
The old BHAD in the heart of the Bat Galim neighborhood. Read and not believe.

The city engineer Mr. Ariel Wetterman presented with great enthusiasm the vision of the Haifa municipality for the integration of the port areas in the municipal activities.
In presenting the program, he used many phrases such as "victory" and "scoring" When he described the steps taken by the municipality against the army.
Mr. Waterman listed the "accomplishments" of the municipality vis-a-vis the army and among them "deep involvement in the planning of the base so that all the buildings will be used
In the future for civilian uses like "Aquarium" או "Ferris Wheel".
When the city engineer was asked if there was a deadline for copying the base, no answer was given.
Considering the billions of shekels invested in the project and the estimates for this date given in other sources, this istens to hundreds of years.
A significant part of the slides presented impressive simulations of a civil marina that will be built as mentioned after the evacuation of the polynomial if it happens in the future.
(Also in my estimation it is highly doubtful whether this transition will occur in the next century).
The real simulation containing the polynomial project was not shown sitting down Here she is in front of you.

The simulation of the polynomial as constructed these days. This slide did not appear in the city engineer's presentation


Towards the end of the presentation, the city engineer came to the subject of the BHD and described it as follows "The most dramatic thing:
Habad Beach will be evacuated:
. The Navy will divert the fence and allow the opening of a strip of about 30 meters if necessary
Construction of a civil promenade".
One of the last slides in the presentation described a new structure called "Academy and PM building to be built soon
as part of the training base. I was very surprised when I saw this because I thought that the BHD was intended for evacuation and would be built in its place
But the city engineer proudly announced the construction of a military academy.
The city engineer added that the option of evacuating the Navy Yard to the new military port is not acceptable to the Municipality of Haifa because
that for this purpose sea drying will be carried out which will prevent the existence of a larger marina in the future if the polynomial structure is moved to the east.

The Academy Building - a new and large building that will be built soon in the Navy Yard in the heart of the Bat Galim neighborhood

After the city engineer finished his presentation, the council members were given the right to speak.
Shmuel Galbhart, the representative of the Greens, described the meeting where the representatives of the Navy presented the polynomial project
To the mayor of the city Yahav took his words and shouted:
"You lie. They (Navy) cheated us. both you and me We were told that they were only transferring the
The vessels from the indoor pool to the new dock and did not show the building
". Towards council member Zeev Silas who was watching what was happening
cried the mayor contemptuouslySit, sit baby".
Mr. Sills asked the city engineer to turn back a number of slides and was the only one of the other council members to express astonishment
Raba about the fact that the Navy is about to build a huge building in the heart of the Bat Galim neighborhood.

Something that will completely prevent the evacuation of the BHAD

"How is it possible that on the seashore on the most expensive land in Israel you encourage the construction of another military structure? What about the evacuation of the Behad
And building a new neighborhood?" The mayor did not respond. Councilman Silas may be a "baby" in the eyes of the mayor, but he is the only child
In the council he noticed the structure of the academy and shouted "the king is naked".

My summary: Since the days of the engineer Frederick Palmer who recommended the British Navy to establish its base in Haifa Bay no construction has been done
So significant of the navy as it is done these days. My wonder is why the Haifa municipality does not insist on the eviction of the BHD
And encouraging the Navy to build in the heart of the residential neighborhood? is this The number two polynomial ?
Probably in the Bat Galim neighborhood they will continue to hear the soldiers of the BHD singing about Haifa in the next hundred years...

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