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Rani Kaushinski - from a boxer to a children's educator for empowerment and self-control through experience in a variety of fighting techniques and meditation

Kaushinsky Chi - behavioral techniques • self-defense • treatment of attention and concentration problems • treatment of fears and anxieties • behavioral therapy for children and youth

Rani Kaushinsky with the professional team - Gil Alon, Tzachi Mizrahi and Adi Chen • Kaushinsky-Chi (photo: Yaron Karmi)
Rani Kaushinsky with the professional team - Gil Alon, Tzachi Mizrahi and Adi Chen • Kaushinsky-Chi (photo: Yaron Karmi)

We met Rani Kaushinski and his team at the training center he built in the French Carmel neighborhood in Haifa, at the end of training with children who came from Haifa and the surrounding area. The place looks like a martial arts training center, but Rani explains that it is actually a study center, where children and teenagers come, in order to acquire tools and habits for self-control - habits that will help them achieve their goals in life.

Thousands of children have already passed through here. Most of them are already adults today. Everyone has a unique life story, for which he came to acquire tools for self-empowerment. Rani is proud of a long and impressive list of achievements with children who came with a wide range of difficulties and became successful graduates. When he talks about a child who has succeeded - his eyes sparkle, his voice is quiet and it is obvious that he is very excited.

Rani Kaushinski tells about his life's work:

My educational worldview is based on experience: that the - I heard, I understood, I felt, I discovered.
It is not enough to try to explain a theory to a child. He must be allowed an experiential experience, in order to adopt new habits. We guide the children on how to feel and find out how the technique will allow them to achieve self-control, as a tool for achieving goals in life. For this we use a variety of tools and methods, which we have built in the training center.
For example: knowing how to lose with dignity can only be learned after falling. This can be practiced in a boxing ring, under professional supervision. We take a problem and turn it into a game, from the light to the heavy.
The small steps method: we take a complex problem, break it down into parts and work on each part separately. We teach the children to deal with the negative and take the positive with them the rest of the way.

The training method: behavior therapy

The goal: to take a child with certain habits and give him tools to achieve self-control:
I want a child who trains with me to feel better about himself - to increase his self-confidence, to achieve personal goals - in society, studies, nutrition, fitness. Children come here from the age of five and a half to the age of 18. When they leave here as adults - they are strong, self-confident and with self-control tools that contribute to their adult lives.

About Rani Kaushinski

Rani Kaushinski is married, father of two daughters, Thai (17) and Liran (10), both athletes. His eldest daughter trains and helps the coach. Kaushinski has been involved in self-defense and Thai boxing techniques for many years. Specializes in the treatment of attention and concentration problems, treatment of fears and anxieties and behavioral therapy for children and youth. Rani studied professional Thai boxing in Thailand, in 1994 he won the world championship in freestyle fights, in Rimini, Italy. In these battles everything is allowed, these are the most violent battles there are.

From Thai boxing to managing the Horva Club in Haifa

When Rani was during his Thai boxing training, he worked as a security guard at the Horva club, which was owned by his brother Itzik in those days. When Itzik decided to go abroad for an extended period, Rani took over the management of the Horva Club. In 2005 there was a wave of violence in clubs in Israel and it was necessary to strengthen the security system and create new methods that would calm the spirits and maintain public peace. Rani knew of violent incidents while managing the The Ruin Club. He developed the idea and method for preventing violence and began training the method all over the country and even in the Israel Police. After a few years he decided that his mission was to work with children and youth and changed direction. The Ruin Club was closed and Rennie opened the center in Carmel, France. Since then he has been perfecting the method to empower children and teenagers.

Kaushinski-Chi method & behavioral techniques

Rani explains: The Kaushinsky-Chi & Behavioral Techniques is a method for shaping behavior in combination with martial arts and laws of success. In 2007, the method was recognized by the Department of Education, after it was tried as part of the studies at the Liubeck School in Haifa. According to the data, it is possible to see a noticeable improvement in the academic and behavioral achievements of the students who participated in the project. Today, the method is recognized by the Department of Education, the police, "City Without Violence" and other institutions and operates in many schools in Haifa and in various other places throughout the country.

When you enter the "Kaushinski-Chi" training complex, you feel at home. There is a kitchen with pots and pans.
Rani explains: "A child who comes to training after school receives a hot meal of healthy food. Here they are taught about a healthy lifestyle. The easiest is to order a pizza, but here we invest in them and teach the children to respect themselves, their minds and bodies. We teach them here Remember what you put in your mouth and what you take out of your mouth."

"People are repenting, I am back "in Thai boxing"

Rani's spiritual ancestors are Maimon Kuhn, Cydia Tun, Master Dunn. Based on his studies, he developed the three main components of the method: Behavioral techniques • Self-defense • Laws of success.
The learning stages are based on the child understanding the characteristics of the behavior: learning techniques and rules for preventive behavior, practicing simulations (role plays) that illustrate different real situations in life, a combination of personal conversations with the student, setting defined goals.

"I take them on a journey - I reverse the order"

Rani tells Lehi here:
Children come to us with rare abilities and personal charm. They come following recommendations from schools and mostly word of mouth. There are children with self-control problems, attention and concentration, anxieties, fears, who need reinforcement and security. Usually, before they came to me, they tried different treatments first - psychological treatments, neurological-drug treatments and more. Here, God willing, the children flourish and achieve results. First we work on building trust and connect them to the place. The place broadcasts fighting, but we have additional techniques, to the extent that less connect to fighting, we connect them to meditations, behavior simulations, attention and concentration techniques. "Education for a boy according to his own way", first the connection and the building of trust, and from there we start the journey. Some of the children are taking Ritalin, some are in therapy, riding horses, etc., they come to me and I take them on a journey. I reverse the order. They are used to being told why you are disruptive in class, why you were beaten at school, Why don't you listen to mom, etc.. I don't tell them and I don't judge them. I let them discover in their own way that there is another way.

During the training/treatment we also have personal conversations. The groups are small. We are several instructors in a group of about 15-20 participants and this is a great opportunity to reach everyone personally. They share with us personal things they are going through, they feel the need to share and we advise them on what to do and they are uplifted. Through games, we work on listening and expression. Our imagination sometimes takes us to places of fear. A child sees a cockroach as a monster, I convey to him, maybe this cockroach is a cockroach and you can treat it as a puppy. For example: on fears, working with them in a mini bungee.

Rani Kaushinsky and Adi Chen, a coach on the team (photo: Sestam Hai Pa)
Rani Kaushinsky and Adi Chen, a coach on the team (photo: Sestam Hai Pa)

Adi Chen, trainer in the team

Adi is 31 years old, married and father of 5 children. When Adi met Rani, seven years ago, the curriculum included only Thai boxing.
Adi tells Lehi Pa: "It was competitive Thai boxing and Rennie would give everything related to spirituality and personal conversations. As a child I was a very troubled child. Already in the 10th grade he was kicked out of school.
My background allows me to easily connect with the training children. I know and understand what they are going through. My connection to Rani is natural, because Rani's experience and his life story create a dialogue between us that comes from the heart and this is probably the main reason for our success. There is no secret here.

I remember that one day one of the kids training here had a very big test at school. After the test he came to training and told me that he had a very hard time, that in the moment of truth he sometimes doesn't remember the material, but that this time he was good and actually managed to remember everything.
I asked him: So what did you do that made you successful?
He said: I told myself what I learned here:Even when it's hard for me, I cope", I went and gave it my all.

Boxing ring

Rani Kaushinski says: The boxing arena is a dream of many children. A child comes here and enters the arena, everything around him is full of trophies, certificates, swords, systems of tasks, a system of hours and exams, he comes to work and has something to strive for. He wants to conquer. Those who have seen the Rocky movies are in imagination and action, a powerful experience. Being inside the ring and on the ropes, you feel on stage, a kind of sense of security. There are lots of boundaries, the ropes support, there is nowhere to run, work is done here. Going to the arena is something sacred and not everyone is able to go up, giving them the desire to come train and fight. This is something they are very proud of.

The green room

The idea for the green room was taken from the air force squadrons. Every sortie of a plane is investigated. I discovered that as soon as the training ends and I talk to the children about what we did in the training, they talk and give deep thought to extracting lessons. Their ability to express themselves is important to me and it is important to me that the lessons from the training remain etched in my memory.

Hanukkah in the green room at Kaushinsky-chi

Bruce Lee's training room

In his lifetime, Bruce Lee was a legend in the field of martial arts. Rennie's worldview was taken from Bruce Lee's idea - the basic idea of ​​behaving in flow - like water. In the complex there is a room that is completely padded with an Olympic judo mattress, this is in order not to cause injuries to the children. During the training there is extreme care about safety, the walls are also lined with mattresses.
Rani explains: "We train the children to act and not to be afraid and at the same time sharpen their caution, so that they know how to protect themselves."

Bruce Lee's room - Kaushinsky-Chi (Photo: Hai Peh System)
Bruce Lee's room - Kaushinsky-Chi (Photo: Hai Peh System)

In the martial arts room you will find dolls, knives, belts, and various fighting equipment. In this room, every fixture has meaning. For example: the dolls in order to expel anger. Mattresses are to banish fear, and to deal with the fear of falling and injury.
Rani says: "The children get on the mattress, put their hands behind their backs and fall on their faces. Would anyone dare? They do it. Everyone is afraid because it doesn't make sense. They do it once, it validates them with the fear and then they think to themselves, I'm not Such a coward as I thought."

Attention and concentration department

The attention and concentration department at Kaushinsky-Chi (photo: Sestam Hai Peh)
The attention and concentration department at Kaushinsky-Chi (photo: Sestam Hai Peh)

In the attention and concentration room you will find headphones, hats, blindfolds, dimmed lighting, music and instruments. Rani explains: "Everyone is in the media today, so I invite the children to keep playing, it's fun, but in reality."

Watch the video: Meditation practice in the attention and concentration department

Thai boxing class

In the boxing department, the anger that is stuck in our hearts is expelled. The gloves increase self-confidence. Rani says that the children put on boxing gloves and fight in front of the instructor, in a controlled manner. The guide is big and strong so it allows the child to attack and experience success in the attack. At this stage the child knows that he is being given up, but he feels for the first time in his life that he has won. This training increases his confidence in an unusual way.
Rani tells about a boy who came and didn't speak. Adi the coach took him to boxing, worked with him for fifteen minutes. At the end of the training, something broke loose with him and since then the boy hasn't stopped talking. Boxing is a language, it is a special frequency that allows people to break free. The results are extremely exciting.

The wall of mantras

The wall of mantras in Kaushinsky-Chi (photo: Chai Pa system)
The wall of mantras in Kaushinsky-Chi (photo: Chai Pa system)

On the wall of the mantras you will find plenty of signs conveying messages that should be connected to:
"At the heart of difficulty lies opportunity" (Albert Einstein), "whatever happens to me I don't get angry", "even when it's hard for me I cope" (Kaushinski).
The walls are covered with photos of those who received a gift in their lives and maximized it for success: Mike Tyson, Ronaldo, Messi, Einstein, Bill Gates, Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Jordan and many more. Some have received a gift in their life and take it to a negative place. One should always know how to navigate. "We teach the trainees to work hard and not to give up. Let them fight fear, loneliness, jealousy."

Ninja cave

The ninja cave we entered looks like an escape room. Rennie had an eye problem that no doctor could solve. Rani had already undergone surgery to drain fluid from the eyeball, but thanks to total darkness and prolonged eye exercises, he recovered, to the astonishment of the doctors, and since then he has decided to help anyone who needs it.
The practice in this room is taken from the methods of the ninjas in Japan, who would go to dark rooms and train there. Rani explains that our anxieties or successes are first of all the fruit of our imagination. Here in the cave of darkness imagination develops.

The cinema room

The cinema room is used for conveying messages and landing.
Rani explains: We have a professional camera here, we photograph the participants and then show them, they observe themselves through a mirror and learn a lot. This is a very powerful tool. The children love the media, we show them motivational films of the various champions. When we show a film About healthy food, it enters their awareness, when we want to convey some message or moral - the film is another tool. In this room there is togetherness, popcorn, consolidation, warmth and home.

Self-defense training for parents and children

Fears, anxiety and claustrophobia - "Monster"

The goal of the ball is to deal with anxiety and claustrophobia. The ball was created by the team. At first, Rani was worried that the children would be afraid to enter, and their fears were indeed revealed. Many people have fears of closed places.
Fear can meet the children in a variety of situations: In a dark place, being alone in a classroom, fear of elevators is very common. When you go in and practice under controlled conditions - you learn to face the fear and overcome it. Children who enter closed places, sometimes enter very negative thoughts and stories and thus increase the state of fear. When you enter, in a controlled manner and under professional guidance, into the monster ball and roll, it causes release and understanding that they are in a state of self-control and it helps children form a correct response to fears.

Fears, anxieties and claustrophobia (photo: Chai Pa system)
Fears, anxieties and claustrophobia (photo: Chai Pa system)

The story of a champion in the Kaushinsky-Chi method

The ability to talk to those around you

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Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052-2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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