on the agenda:
1. Mayor's announcements.
2. Queries.
3. Proposals for order.
3.1 Proposal for Order No. 13 by Eng. Tali Meshulam-Itah, Dr. Einat Kalish-Rotam,
and attorney Boaz Gor
In the topic: Holistic rehabilitation in Neve David neighborhood.
3.2 Proposal for Order No. 12 by Mr. Avihu Han
In the topic: Promotion of a master plan for a cycling system in the Haifa and Kiryat area.
4. Approval of real estate transactions
A. A transaction between the Haifa municipality and the Israel Lands Authority in connection with the municipal stadium
Kiryat Eliezer.
B. 25 Ha-Atzmaat St., the port campus - request to extend the lease period.
third. The lease of the underground level of lot 202, which is located in the road zoned area on Achai Ave
Eilat 5 in accordance with plan HF/1612/f/1 - part of ward 40 in block 11575.
5. Approval of the Finance Committee protocol dated May 7.5.2014, XNUMX
6. Approval of the appointment of Mr. Amnon Ido, to the director of the water consumption department.
7. Approval of the Names Committee's recommendations
From January 28.1.2014, 11.5.2014 (to be discussed at the meeting of the RA deputies on May XNUMX, XNUMX.
8. Approval to submit 2 construction evacuation complexes in Bat Galim
(The Navy Complex and the Second Aliya Complex)
to the inter-ministerial committee for urban renewal.
9. Approval of a decision on the installation of a channel
In the "City of Haifa" collection area in accordance with the by-law
Haifa (T'i'ul), 1983, in block 10847.
10. Treating dog excrement
Approval of the amendment of the municipal fine offenses order, 2014-XNUMX.
11. Approval of changes in committees and corporations.
12. RA report for the months January - March 2014.
Queries that will arise in the nearest city council:
We remind the honorable members of the city council to send us the materials to the red email ahead of the next discussion in order to allow an orderly distribution to the public
Shailta - a continuous demonstration event on Hatzel St. corner of Sderot Hagana (Maxim intersection)
By: City Council member, Dr. Itai Gilboa
A family demonstration is taking place on Hatchel St., corner of Sderot Hagana, near the Ministry of Defense building.
The members of the family maintain a continuous presence at the place during all hours of the day throughout the days of the week, for several years now.
As far as I know, the demonstrators are protesting against the Ministry of Defense for injustices that they claim were committed against a family member, a discharged soldier named Shi-El.
In recent times, there is a regular presence of a municipal inspector near the event.
As far as I know, the Haifa municipality has no direct involvement with the issue, except for the fact that the ongoing event is taking place on an urban public area within the city of Haifa.
The location of the protest is at the entrance to the city of Haifa, the multitudes of the city's residents and visitors contract the phenomenon and most of them apparently do not know or know the details of the case.
The many years of experience indicate that the affair is far from over, the parties' fortifying their position indicates that it can be and the event will take place for a long time to come.
a question
What has the municipality done so far in an attempt to end the event and evacuate the protesters from the place in question?
Is the municipality able to intervene in what is happening on the basis of a "responsible adult" and try to bring the protest to an end?
Assuming that it is agreed that the affair should be ended and routine returned to the area in question, is the municipality able to resolve the issue by any means that is legal and acceptable?
A bill to increase the fine for owners of dirty dogs from NIS 475 to NIS 730
By: City Council member, Dr. Itai Gilboa
Following the proposal for the agenda submitted by city council member from the "New Haifa" movement, Dr. Itai Gilboa, at the city council meeting in January 2014 on the subject: stricter enforcement and punishment against dog owners who litter the city's sidewalks, a decision was made in the Haifa municipality to tighten the fines and enforcement against the owners of dirty dogs the sidewalks of the city of Haifa.
As a result, a proposal is submitted to the city council to amend the municipal ordinance on fine offenses, the purpose of which is to increase the level of the fine for the offense of not collecting garbage in a public place from a sum of 475 shekels to a sum of 730 shekels.
According to Dr. Itai Gilboa:
"The phenomenon of dogs littering the sidewalks of the city of Haifa causes great distress and is a sanitary and aesthetic hazard that mainly children and older residents suffer from. In the absence of a severe sanction, the dog owners do not clean and thus the streets of the city are filthy with dog excrement. Raising the fine is a correct decision and should be backed up with significantly more enforcement of the municipal inspectors. I intend to submit a follow-up proposal for the establishment of a municipal unit for supervision and punishment, thereby reducing the phenomenon to the minimum possible."
Dr. Itay Gilboa's demand that a municipal by-law be enacted that would oblige dog owners to provide a DNA sample for the purpose of identifying the dirty dogs was rejected by the Ministry of Agriculture on the grounds that it is not possible to condition the granting of a dog license according to the law regulating the supervision of dogs to the performance of such a test.
However, the Ministry of Agriculture did propose to introduce such an obligation to provide a sample for the identification of the dog's owner as part of the by-law for Haifa (Maintaining Order and Cleanliness) 1981 - along with setting a fee that the dog's owner will have to pay for the cost of the test. It is estimated that the cost of such a test is about NIS 500 .
The matter is now clearly before the Ministry of Justice in the hope of receiving approval.
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